View Full Version : Whitedwarf 62 - Sicarian Review

03-31-2015, 05:42 AM
In progress More to follow

03-31-2015, 05:52 AM
In progress More to follow

Nice tuning fork.

No sale.

03-31-2015, 05:58 AM
Nice tuning fork.

No sale.

That would be the taser goad, +2 str and hit roll of a 6 adds 2 hits. add that to Infiltrate and Stealth makes it not too bad...that and its free :P

Mr Mystery
03-31-2015, 07:09 AM
I really rather like them. Pleasingly spindly, rather than 'I am cover self in metals'. Not sure we've really seen a sillhouette like it before in 40k.


Told you I'd split the winnings on that Goat sacrifice earlier.

03-31-2015, 07:50 AM
That would be the taser goad, +2 str and hit roll of a 6 adds 2 hits. add that to Infiltrate and Stealth makes it not too bad...that and its free :P


I really rather like them. Pleasingly spindly, rather than 'I am cover self in metals'. Not sure we've really seen a sillhouette like it before in 40k.


Told you I'd split the winnings on that Goat sacrifice earlier.

They take up an awful lot of room for something so spindly.

A few of them are definitely striking the Blackadder actor's pose.


Robots or cyborgs btw?

03-31-2015, 08:28 AM

They take up an awful lot of room for something so spindly.

A few of them are definitely striking the Blackadder actor's pose.


Robots or cyborgs btw?

These guys are cyborgs, They were once normal rangers but once damaged beyond use they are upgraded to Robotic bodies

03-31-2015, 12:32 PM
Oh man this stuff is juicy. Apparently that armor is 4+, 6++, and they get FNP 5+ as well on a T3, 2 Wound model.. The T3 is really what hurts the most. It skews pretty much everything.. Guess we'll have to wait till we see point costs. If they're not super expensive (like Tyranid Warriors..) then they might be worth taking regardless.

And it'd be nice if they got an assault transport... If they have the Dunestalker rule, though, that might help get them into close combat a LOT faster...

Patrick Boyle
03-31-2015, 01:29 PM
Oh man this stuff is juicy. Apparently that armor is 4+, 6++, and they get FNP 5+ as well on a T3, 2 Wound model.. The T3 is really what hurts the most. It skews pretty much everything.. Guess we'll have to wait till we see point costs. If they're not super expensive (like Tyranid Warriors..) then they might be worth taking regardless.

And it'd be nice if they got an assault transport... If they have the Dunestalker rule, though, that might help get them into close combat a LOT faster...

If you compare the German special rules page and unit listing from the other thread, the Ruststalker version of the unit(the ones that have Transonic weapons but no pistols) at least have Dunestalker, as well as Furious Charge. But they're definitely not cheap at 30ppm.

03-31-2015, 02:27 PM
If you compare the German special rules page and unit listing from the other thread, the Ruststalker version of the unit(the ones that have Transonic weapons but no pistols) at least have Dunestalker, as well as Furious Charge. But they're definitely not cheap at 30ppm.

Hmm, 30 points per model, makes a squad of 5 150 base, which.. honestly isn't that bad, considering a Tac squad is about that same price. I think these guys come standard with their loadouts, so not too many upgrades that would make them more expensive. For a 2 wound set of models, even if they ARE T3, that's pretty good, esp. with FNP 5+.

Tough to say. Really tough to say. I could see them really wrecking infantry, and even Terminators with those AP2 weapons, as long as they can stick around in close combat for that extra turn.

Mr Mystery
03-31-2015, 02:39 PM
So getting some of these!

03-31-2015, 02:53 PM
whats the PPM for infiltrators?

03-31-2015, 03:40 PM
whats the PPM for infiltrators?

Looks like 185 for the dome-heads, +35 ppm.
And 160 for the gas-mask faces, +30 ppm.

Each squad starts with 5, can go up to 10.

03-31-2015, 06:58 PM
They'll be really tough against basic weapons, but I doubt they'll ever get shot by them when an Autocannon bypasses their save, extra wound, and FNP all at once to bag itself 30+ points a shot. An assault transport MIGHT save them, but I doubt it. I will reserve judgment till I see the rest of the book and what they do on the table, but these are looking all-time bad to me.

03-31-2015, 08:39 PM
They'll be really tough against basic weapons, but I doubt they'll ever get shot by them when an Autocannon bypasses their save, extra wound, and FNP all at once to bag itself 30+ points a shot. An assault transport MIGHT save them, but I doubt it. I will reserve judgment till I see the rest of the book and what they do on the table, but these are looking all-time bad to me.

I've been thinking about stuff like this quite a bit. It's so easy to say 'well they'll be killed by this, so they're useless', but all those kinds of arguments really devolve into 'what if' 'what if' 'what if' debates that actually don't get anywhere. The only way to really see how effective they'll be is to put an army with them in it up against another army, and we're not going to get that done for another couple weeks.

I think that these guys will synergize well with the rest of the army. When you have Rangers that can pick out those nasty special weapons, cheap walkers that have twin-linked autocannons and lascannons that also have precision shots, and screen them with cheap Vanguard that can lay on the hurt with their base weapon alone, it's not like your opponent will be able to afford to shoot their entire army at this one close combat squad. There will be a lot of different threats on the table, which is what an army should be.

So yes, an Autocannon would give these guys a hard time. Isn't that the point of screening the models, keeping them in cover, getting into assault faster with the Dunestrider rules, etc? I'm pretty hopeful.

Mr Mystery
04-01-2015, 01:59 AM

It is of course important to understand the threats to your units, and where they might struggle. But more important is working your way round the drawbacks.

Interested to see what else follows. I'm hoping for a Flyer and a Transport of some kind.

Lord Mayhem
04-01-2015, 08:31 AM
I've been thinking about stuff like this quite a bit. It's so easy to say 'well they'll be killed by this, so they're useless', but all those kinds of arguments really devolve into 'what if' 'what if' 'what if' debates that actually don't get anywhere. The only way to really see how effective they'll be is to put an army with them in it up against another army, and we're not going to get that done for another couple weeks.

Surely you can't be suggesting that theoryhammer, in isolation, is less than completely accurate? That actually PLAYING the game makes a difference? :)

I've always found the "such and such can destroy thingy unit so they're useless" arguments annoying since they always are applied in isolation; what of LOS? cover? bad dice rolls? what else in each army? Sure an autocannon will chew through them, but how many does the opponent have, and what other threats are there? Will it chew through them FAST ENOUGH? Sure, you lose 3 pts a kill, but if enough of the unit gets through to achieve their goal it doesn't really matter.

And now, my original question; am I correct in my reading of the Transonic that they gain AP2 for the melee only if they get the AP2 wound on the first turn of combat? That appears to be the intent, but the sentence structure makes it arguable. (Replacing the period between "AP2" and "During" with an "and" would have been clearer if that is the intent)

Mr Mystery
04-01-2015, 08:47 AM
AP2 in second and subsequent rounds of that combat regardless.

Wording isn't ambiguous.

Lord Mayhem
04-01-2015, 10:01 AM
AP2 in second and subsequent rounds of that combat regardless.

Wording isn't ambiguous.

I feel this statement may be inaccurate (or, more precisely, accurate but not complete);
In isolation the sentence would not be ambiguous. However the sentence in question directly follows the "In addition, during the first round...resolved at AP2" sentence, which suggests that it is a follow on to the preceding condition, thus dependent on the condition in the previous sentence being met.
If the intent is to be AP2 on subsequent rounds regardless the sentence regarding subsequent rounds would have been better placed at the start of the section, so no dependence could be inferred, or list a split AP in the profile, stating the first is for the first round of combat, second for following rounds.