View Full Version : An Index for W40k's units/detachments/formations/Forge World/...

03-31-2015, 02:57 AM

With W40k 7ed and multiplication of rules sources it becomes hard to get our bearings. So, with some friends, we just make something to try to solve this problem.

We made a website that lists units, formations, detachments, ... from w40k, We hope it will help to:
- Know which unit you have for a faction (Codex, Supplement, Campaign, Imperial Armour,...)
- Know where you can find rules for a specific model (but not the rules themselves!)
- Help for army list check
- ...

To use this website you just have to select a faction on the left and adjust with filters on the right depending on what you are aiming for.

For the moment we provide a large amount of unit, but it's not complete and with the actual speed of release it will be hard to follow. If you want to help to provide units (for example your favorite army lack some entries, or your favorite FW faction is not referenced) you can add factions and units directly on the website.

We hope it will help people playing W40k without be lost in the large amount of rules. Don't hesitate over give us a feedback!

The website : http://wherearemyw40kminisrules.ardteam.fr/

04-01-2015, 04:21 PM
Very handy and usefull! Thank you for doing all that work!! It looks fantastic!


04-02-2015, 03:49 AM
Thank you!

For information we just made something we should have done earlier... we add a welcome that explains how the website works!

04-02-2015, 01:41 PM
Just a suggestion and entirely optional, but what about 30k? I know they are different game systems, but knowing where the rules are for and of the Horus Heresy stuff is really kinda difficult. Still, the current website is great as it is

04-02-2015, 03:58 PM
Thank you for this!

04-19-2015, 01:23 PM
i have done something similar, as word files, as a help to track. attach some as examples (PDF as word does not upload). If you want, could mail them to you
Sorry 159753, I didn't see your message!

Thank you for the proposal, but we would like people to put units themselves on the site. We already spent lots of time on the website and we would like not to spend our Week End to fullfill it :rolleyes:
We did it for the community, and we hope you will use it without us to intervene.

Speak about that, we work this Week end and we add the possibility to index fan codex (fans often make a really good job, I hope it will help to promote it!)