View Full Version : trying to convert some space marine HQs but need some help

03-25-2015, 05:11 PM
So ill cut to the chase.

- looking to convert azrael
- belial
- dark angels librarian in terminator armor

ive considered the dark veng set with headswap for azrael and ive seen a few more options for belial. the librarion though.... is a harder cookie to crack and i could use some help with this one

03-25-2015, 05:41 PM
Is it too obvious to suggest the Blood Angels librarian (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Blood-Angels-Terminator-Librarian-2014) with all the blood drop iconography scraped off? The forehead, left shoulder, knee and thighs are easy enough to do, the axe head can be replaced wholesale (perhaps for a staff), the right arm can either be scraped down or swapped with one from a regular or Deathwing Terminator kit... the only ones difficult to neatly remove are the one on his belly plate and the chalice hanging by his robe. (I'd also give a hood to the angel holding the book, but it's not necessary.)

03-26-2015, 04:10 PM
I did a couple different ones since GW has so wisely only made one term libby and in finecast now at that.

First one was the blood angels librarian from Space Hulk. I removed all the BA markings and replaced the storm bolter arm and shoulder pad with a dark angels knight storm shield arm. Hes a special character for my sub chapter. I also added the helmet wings to the back of the body on each side.

For the others just scraped out the bare heads and replaced with DA term heads and one with a knight hooded head. That way the psychic hood stays in place over the new helm. I also replaced one or both arms with new DA term arms and pads.

The basic pose is of course the same since I used the unchanged body and legs for each but I built 4 finecast ones on top of the one metal one i already had so any subtle difference makes them look individual.

I would add pics here but I don't seem to have taken any. For shame. I'll see what I can do to rectify that and try to post them.