View Full Version : The Ironclad

Kaptain Badrukk
03-25-2015, 03:59 AM
So lately I've been reading Henry Zou's rather enjoyable Bastion Wars books.
I know we've lost his writing to his own foolishness, but there was something about the ironclad I really love.
So the question I ask is, has anyone out there done an army of Ironclad, and if so where did you start?
I'm thinking of starting with a mixture of Cadian Shock Troops and Empire Flagellants;
Legs and Torsos of Cadians, remove the imperial bits obviously.
Arms and Heads from Flagellants for melee weapons and those funky metal clad heads.
I've got a decent stock of stub weapons and las weapons etc.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
I'm open to ideas.
Are there even any pictures of them out there?