View Full Version : Flying Hive Tyrant in a Tyrannocyte

03-24-2015, 09:12 PM
This came up the other day while theory hammering, so I decided to create accounts here and on dakka to see what the wider community thought of it.

Tyrannocytes say that a single unit of the Tyranid faction may go into the pod. The unit may be of up to 20 models, and monstrous creatures count as 20 models. When the pod lands, the unit is placed wholly within 6 inches of the pod.

The flying monstrous creature rules state that if a FMC enters play from deep strike reserves, it counts as being in swooping mode.

As best I can tell, if I put a Flying Hive Tyrant in a Tyrannocyte, when the Tyrannocyte lands, the Tyrant is placed within 6 inches of the pod, and counts as being in swooping mode. Am I missing anything?

03-26-2015, 12:38 AM
Apparently you can, my mistake.

03-26-2015, 09:12 AM
Flying Monstrous Creatures are a different unit type from Monstrous Creatures. "Flying" is not like "Jump" or "Jet Pack".

That being said, units disembarking from a Deep Striking Transport used to count as Deep Striking themselves, but that seems to have changed. They just have some of the limitations (can't charge, etc).