View Full Version : Doom of Malan'tai video debate.

02-23-2010, 01:58 PM
Did not want to reopen the whole Doom of Malan'tai can of worms would just thought that my fellow forumers would like to see this...


Enjoy ( or not ).

Beware it is 25 minutes long.

02-23-2010, 02:49 PM
My .02, this rules was thought out as the tyranid player says, so it would affect any unit, then they playtested the thing and added the non-vehicle clause since vehicle crew has no Ld, the transported units are also probably not effected to keep the rules simple, a development choice that contradicts the fluff in order to keep the game linear.

A better wording would have taken much more lines to clarify, and there's also the chance for intentional ambiguity for people who prefer RAI to RAW.

Commissar Lewis
02-23-2010, 08:55 PM
My .2 on the whole issue, is personally I don't feel that it should affect embarked units. However, if a compromise is needed then it will affect em but the units get a 4+ cover save. That way both sides, while not completely happy, are catered to in some form and keep the game moving.

After all, it is just that - a game to pass the time and have a bit of fun.

02-24-2010, 02:40 PM
funniest thing evar