View Full Version : A Crash Course in Feminism Mk. III (or, why everyone should be a feminist)

03-23-2015, 05:32 AM
So the old one hit the page limit, so here is MK. III.

Feminism is one of the most misunderstood philosophies in the modern world, largely because of a male dominated media that is threatened by it, doesn't understand it and has a vested interest in misrepresenting it.. Growing up even I didn't consider myself to be a feminist until my mother sat down and explained exactly what feminism is at its core, with all the misandry and nonsense shorn away. I thought I'd write it here as I see a lot of people who plainly have no clue what feminism is.

In fact the very core tenet of feminism is easy to explain:

A woman should be able to make her own choices and control her destiny inofar as any individual can.

That's it really. To elaborate, though:

Women should have the same political rights and responsibilities as a man.
Women should have the same social and legal rights and freedoms a man enjoys.
Women should be paid the same for doing the same work as a man.
Women should not be subjected to discrimination or abuse simply because they are women.
Women should not be barred from doing something a man can do based solely on their gender*.

Anyone who believes in the freedom to be in charge of their own life insofar as any individual can should consider themselves a feminist.

*So if you are advertising for a new employee and the final choice is between a man and a woman, your decision should be based on their skills, not their gender.

So there you have it. Feminism is not a man-hating ideology based around putting women ahead of men**, but simply the ideal that we should not be discriminated against because of our gender. Of course feminist theory is far more complicated than this, with as many viewpoints as feminists, but you won't find many who disagree with these as the basic tenets.

**There is an extremist feminist element that do believe in such things, and they are the single most damaging thing to women's rights there is. Equality can not be replaced as a goal by revenge.

Please keep any responses polite.

Useful links:
What is and is not Privilege (http://brown-betty.livejournal.com/305643.html)
What is male privilege? (https://finallyfeminism101.wordpress.com/2007/03/11/faq-what-is-male-privilege/)
What is the Male Gaze? (https://finallyfeminism101.wordpress.com/2007/08/26/faq-what-is-the-%E2%80%9Cmale-gaze%E2%80%9D/)
What about female privilege? (http://finallyfeminism101.wordpress.com/2008/02/09/faq-female-privilege/)
35 PRACTICAL STEPS MEN CAN TAKE TO SUPPORT FEMINISM (http://www.xojane.com/issues/feminism-men-practical-steps)