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03-23-2015, 02:22 AM
Author’s Note: This homebrew codex was created as a result of several other gamers not only looking to finally play a Deathwatch supplement in games of 40K, but to also have something that could compare to the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus, ie Grey Knights. I took a great deal of material from the Deathwatch RPG books and a few other places. This thread will be continually updated and added to as the codex is further expanded. If anyone has any extra ideas or constructive criticism, please feel free to post it below. And, as usual, happy wargaming.


“Amongst a hundred men, there may be none fit for the Adeptus Astartes. Amongst a hundred Space Marines, there may be one fit for the Deathwatch.”
- Watch Captain Brand

The Deathwatch is an ancient organization, created to combat the most vile and horrid of abominations that lurk beyond the Emperor’s Light. Whereas the Grey Knights defend humanity from itself and the daemon, where the Chapters of the Space Marines defend the Imperium of Man against all threats and helped by the Imperial Guard, to the Deathwatch goes the unsung glory of reaching out beyond the realm of Men to find, identify, and destroy alien threats the like of which no mortal man has ever seen. Even normal Astartes would likely feel some unease at being faced by the faceless horrors of the beyond, but it is no normal initiates or Space Marines that make up the Deathwatch.

To become a Deathwatch is to join a brotherhood that is largely invisible to the greater Imperium. Where songs are sung of the heroism of the Blood Angels or Ultramarines, no such glories or laurels are given unto the Deathwatch. It is a burden that the veterans of the Deathwatch willingly accept – for otherwise the minds of mortal men might break beneath the strain of knowing just what exactly is waiting for them in the outer darkness. And they are veterans, every one of them. Heroes in their own chapters or veterans of renown, they have accepted the oath sworn by their forbearers to supply veteran Space Marines with experience facing xenos scum to the Ordo Xenos.

The Deathwatch act as the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos, an elite force equipped and trained to deal with the greatest threats that the galaxy has never known. For that is their mission: to find the alien and destroy them utterly. No trace may be allowed to remain or survivors left. If Mankind is to prosper within the galaxy and command it as is His right, then the threats from beyond those borders must be proactively sought out and destroyed. That is the mandate of the Deathwatch and few can dispute their effectiveness.


Deathwatch Watch Commander [200 Points]
The Watch Commanders of the Deathwatch are amongst the most experienced Space Marine xenos-fighters in the entire galaxy. Prior to their joining, a Watch Commander is likely to have achieved the rank of Captain, and some have even served as Chapter Masters. Many who take up the mantle of Watch Commander do so in the knowledge that they may never return to their parent Chapter again, such is the vital and heavy burden of their rank. For only a Watch Commander has the power that no other Astartes has: Exterminatus Extremis

WS: 6 BS: 6 S: 4 T: 4 W: 4 I: 6 A: 5 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Frag Grenades
Krak Grenades
Bolt Pistol
Power Armour
Power Weapon
Bolt Gun

Special Rules:
Independent Character
And They Shall Know No Fear
Adamantium Will
Watcher of the Dark
Know Thy Enemy
Preferred Enemy (Xenos)
Monster Hunter (Xenos)
Hatred (Xenos)
Sanction Extremis

Watcher of the Dark: Few have stared into the depths of the abyss as much as this warrior. None know its forms and patterns as well as he and his brethren. When a model from a Xenos army is in close combat and in base-to-base contact with a model with this special rule, before any blows are struck, count their initiative as being one less than normal (-1), to a minimum of 1.

Know Thy Enemy: One of the oldest dictates of warfare, this maxim is taken to heart and made instinct to the minds of those that serve the Deathwatch. If you take a model with this special rule in your army, and are playing against a Xenos army, you may take first turn even if you deploy second. You may also choose whether or not to have Night Fighting, there is no need to roll. The enemy army may still attempt to Seize the Initiative.

Sanction Extremis: Only a Watch Commander of the Deathwatch by provision of the Inquisition may command such power. A model with this special rule has the following special attack. This special attack may be used three times per game and is used in lieu of a normal shooting attack:

Range: Infinite
Strength: 10
AP: 1
Type: Ordnance D3, Barrage, Armourbane, Fleshbane, Pinning, World Ender*

*Any enemy non-vehicle unit that is not Fearless must take a leadership test if they suffer at least one unsaved wound from an attack with this special rule. The unit can only successfully pass the test using Heroic Morale. This test is taken in addition to the Pinning Test.

May take items from the Deathwatch Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List, Deathwatch Ranged Weapons List, Deathwatch Melee Weapons List, Deathwatch Special Weapons List, Special Issue Wargear, Deathwatch Chapter Specific Wargear List, and/or the Deathwatch Relic Weapons List.
May replace Power Armour with Artificer Armour……………...20 pts
Alternatively, the Watch Commander may replace all his Power Armour with Terminator armour, and bolter and bolt pistol for a storm bolter……………….40 pts
A Watch Commander in Terminator armour may then take items from the sections of the Deathwatch Terminator Weapon List, Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List, Melee Weapon List, Chapter Specific Wargear List, and/or the Deathwatch Relic Weapons list.

Deathwatch Watch Captain [180 Points]
Watch Captains are battle-brothers that have served in the ranks of the Kill-Teams with great distinction, and have undertaken multiple tours of duty with the Deathwatch. It is not uncommon for especially skilled battle-brothers to be called to serve many times, and at some point, such veteran alien-hunters are afforded the honor of assuming the rank of Watch Captain.

WS: 5 BS: 5 S: 4 T: 4 W: 3 I: 5 A: 4 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Frag Grenades
Krak Grenades
Bolt Gun
Bolt Pistol
Power Armour
Power Weapon

Special Rules:
Independent Character
And They Shall Know No Fear
Adamantium Will
Watcher of the Dark
Preferred Enemy (Xenos)
Monster Hunter (Xenos)
Hatred (Xenos)

May take items from the Deathwatch Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List, Deathwatch Ranged Weapons List, Deathwatch Melee Weapons List, Deathwatch Special Weapons List, Special Issue Wargear, Deathwatch Chapter Specific Wargear List, and/or the Deathwatch Relic Weapons lists.
May replace Power Armour with Artificer Armour……………...20 pts
Alternatively, the Watch Captain may replace all his Power Armour with Terminator armour, and bolter and bolt pistol for a storm bolter……………….40 pts
A Watch Captain in Terminator armour may then take items from the sections of the Deathwatch Terminator Weapon List, Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List, Melee Weapon List, Chapter Specific Wargear List, and/or the Deathwatch Relic Weapons list.

Deathwatch Lexicanum [120 Points]
The power of the warp is a psyker’s gift and curse. Few are trained as arduously or carefully as an Adeptus Astartes Librarian. The first step along the path of selection is that of Lexicanum, battle-brothers who serve the Chapter with both bolter and the mind.
WS: 5 BS: 5 S: 4 T: 4 W: 2 I: 5 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Frag Grenades
Krak Grenades
Bolt Gun
Bolt Pistol
Power Armour
Force Weapon

Special Rules:
Independent Character
And They Shall Know No Fear
Adamantium Will
Watcher of the Dark
Psyker (Mastery Level 1)
Preferred Enemy (Xenos)
Monster Hunter (Xenos)
Hatred (Xenos)

May take items from the Deathwatch Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List, Deathwatch Ranged Weapons List, Deathwatch Melee Weapons List, Deathwatch Special Weapons List, Special Issue Wargear, Deathwatch Chapter Specific Wargear List, and/or the Deathwatch Relic Weapons lists.
May generate psykic powers from the Biomancy, Divination, Pyromancy, Telekinesis, and Deathwatch Librarius psykic disciplines.
May upgrade from a Lexicanum to a Codicier (Mastery Level 2)………10 pts
May upgrade from a Codicier to a Epistolary (Mastery Level 3)……….30 pts
May upgrade from a Epistolary to a Chief Librarian (Mastery Level 4)……40 pts
Alternatively, the Watch Lexicanum may replace all his Power Armour with Terminator armour, bolter and bolt pistol for a storm bolter……………….40 pts
A Deathwatch Lexicanum in Terminator armour may then take items from the sections of the Deathwatch Terminator Weapon List, Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List, Melee Weapon List, Chapter Specific Wargear List, and/or the Deathwatch Relic Weapons list.

Deathwatch Chaplain [150 Points]
Chaplains are normally those appointed to minister to the spiritual wellbeing of their brother Space Marines. As befits the spiritual leaders of such mighty warriors in battle, Chaplains lead from the front as awe-inspiring warrior priests, fighting wherever the fight is fiercest and praising the Emperor through the destruction of His enemies. Where a Chaplain’s hatred for the enemies of mankind is normally fierce, those that serve the Deathwatch have reached new depths of fury in the face of the abominations discovered and faced.

WS: 5 BS: 5 S: 4 T: 4 W: 3 I: 5 A: 3 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Frag Grenades
Krak Grenades
Bolt Gun
Bolt Pistol
Power Armour
Power Maul

Special Rules:
Independent Character
And They Shall Know No Fear
Adamantium Will
Watcher of the Dark
Preferred Enemy (Xenos)
Monster Hunter (Xenos)
Hatred Incarnate

Hatred Incarnate: An endless well of hatred for the foes of Mankind that inspires insane acts of self-sacrifice in an effort to overcome star-spanning evils. A model with this special rule, when in close combat against a Xenos enemy model or models, re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during all rounds of each close combat. This rule does not benefit the squad that this model is in. However, if the model with this special rule is in close combat against a non-Xenos enemy model or models, Hatred Incarnate is reduced to the normal Hatred special rule.

May take items from the Deathwatch Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List, Deathwatch Ranged Weapons List, Deathwatch Melee Weapons List, Deathwatch Special Weapons List, Special Issue Wargear, Deathwatch Chapter Specific Wargear List, and/or the Deathwatch Relic Weapons lists.
Alternatively, the Chaplain may replace all his Power Armour with Terminator armour, and bolter and bolt pistol for a storm bolter……………….40 pts
A Chaplain in Terminator armour may then take items from the sections of the Deathwatch Terminator Weapon List, Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List, Melee Weapon List, Chapter Specific Wargear List, and/or the Deathwatch Relic Weapons list.


Deathwatch Kill-Team [100 Points]
There are few more deadly forces upon a battlefield than that of a Deathwatch Kill-Team. Specially outfitted with the best weaponry and materials that the Inquisition and Adeptus Astartes can field, there are few foes which can withstand their strength of arms.
Deathwatch Veteran Kill-Team Sergeant: WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 4 W: 1 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+
Deathwatch Kill-Team Tactical Marine: WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 4 W: 1 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 9 Sv: 3+
Unit Type: Infantry & Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Deathwatch Veteran Kill-Team Sergeant (Character), 2 Deathwatch Kill-Team Tactical Marines

Frag Grenades
Krak Grenades
Bolt Pistol
Power Armour
Close Combat Weapon
Bolt gun

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know No Fear
Preferred Enemy (Xenos)
Watcher of the Dark (Veteran Kill-Team Sergeant only)

May add up to seven additional Deathwatch Kill-Team Tactical Marines…………25 pts/model
If the squad numbers five or more models, up to four Tactical Marines may replace their boltguns with a:
Flamer………….5 pts
Meltagun………10 pts
Plasma Gun......15 pts
The entire squad may be equipped with melta bombs……… 3 pts/model
Any model may take items from the Deathwatch Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List.
The Veteran Kill-Team Sergeant may take items from the Melee Weapons, Special Issue Wargear, Special Weapons List and/or Ranged Weapons sections of the wargear list.
Any model may take items from the Deathwatch Chapter Specific Wargear List.
A Deathwatch Kill-Team Tactical Marine may be upgraded to be a Deathwatch Kill-Team Devastator Marine............free
A Deathwatch Kill-Team Tactical Marine may be upgraded to be a Deathwatch Kill-Team Assault Marine.................free
A Deathwatch Kill-Team Devastator Marine must take one heavy weapon from the Deathwatch Heavy Weapons List.
A Deathwatch Kill-Team Assault Marine may take items from the Deathwatch Melee Weapons List.
A Deathwatch Kill-Team Assault Marine and/or Deathwatch Veteran Kill-Team Sergeant may take a jump pack..................5 pts/model
The unit may take a Rhino, Razorback, Stormraven, Drop Pod, or a Land Raider as a dedicated transport.


Deathwatch Dreadnought [150 Points]
Rare as it is for a Space Marine to be revered enough to become an Old One it is rarer still for a member of the Deathwatch to achieve the same honor. Those thusly chosen serve the Deathwatch in perpetuity, forever aiding his battle-brothers with sage advice and tactical knowledge unsurpassed. Truly they earn the title of Old One.
WS: 5 BS: 5 S: 6 Armour: F-13, S-12, R-12 I: 5 A: 3 HP: 4
Unit Type: Vehicle (Character, Walker)
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Twin-linked Multi-Melta
Dreadnought close-combat weapon with built-in storm bolter
Smoke Launchers
Artificer Plate

Special Rules:
Knowledge of the Old Ones
Preferred Enemy (Xenos)
Monster Hunter (Xenos)
Hatred (Xenos)

Artificer Plate Paid for in full by the Inquisition, the best Mechanicum artificers outfit the Old Ones of the Deathwatch with armor and archeotech protections that only such venerated Astartes are worthy of possessing. A model with this wargear has a 5+ Invulnerable save against shooting attacks, which increases to a 4+ Invulnerable save against attacks suffered in close combat. This wargear also gives the dreadnought on additional Hull Point (already included in profile). This vehicle also reduces any rolls against it on the Vehicle Damage Chart by -1, to a minimum of one.

Knowledge of the Old Ones: Only a fool ignores the strategic advice of a warrior that has fought the enemies of Mankind for millenia. If a model with this special rule is included in your Army, after deployment but before the first turn, you may re-deploy this model and D3 other units -- including putting them into Reserves or taking them out of Reserves.

May replace its twin-linked multi-melta with a Dreadnought Close Combat weapon with built-in storm bolter..........10 pts
May replace one built-in storm bolter with a built-in flamer...........5 pts
May replace one built-in storm bolter with a built-in heavy flamer.........15 pts
May replace twin-linked multi-melta and/or Dreadnought close combat weapon with:
a twin-linked quad heavy bolter.....20 pts
a twin-linked autocannon.....10 pts
a twin-linked assault cannon.....10 pts
a twin-linked missile launcher (frag & krak).....10 pts
a twin-linked conversion beamer.......25 pts
a twin-linked lascannon......20 pts
a twin-linked plasma cannon.....20 pts
a twin-linked multi-melta.....5 pts
May take items from the Deathwatch Special Issue Ammunition List.

Deathwatch Black Shield [75 Points]
Among the ranks of the Deathwatch there are warriors that bear no Chapter mark. Where others proudly display their Chapter's heraldry, these warriors show only featureless black, marking them as Black Shields. A Black Shield is a Space Marine without a Chapter, an individual that has either severed himself from the very things that define him as a battle-brother, or was forcefully severed from his Chapter heritage. Either way, these warriors seek atonement for unknowable pasts.

WS: 5 BS: 5 S: 4 T: 4 W: 2 I: 5 A: 3 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1-3 Deathwatch Black Shields may be taken as a single Elites choice for the army. Each may be deployed separately during deployment. (Unique)

Frag Grenades
Krak Grenades
Bolt Gun
Bolt Pistol
Power Armour
Power Weapon

Special Rules:
Bereft of Brotherhood
Adamantium Will
Watcher of the Dark
Preferred Enemy (Xenos)
Monster Hunter (Xenos)
Path of Redemption

Bereft of Brotherhood: Whether on or off the battlefield, these Black Shields are solitary figures who do not seek the company of others and actively shun any such attempts at bonds of brotherhood. A model with this special rule can never join another unit nor can any other unit or Independent Character join him to form a unit.

Path of Redemption: For reasons known only to him, a Black Shield constantly seeks to regain honor by fulfilling particularly hard missions or objectives upon the field of battle. Few understand why a Black Shield does this and fewer still understand how much they never want to understand. A model with this special rule must choose one of the following Paths of Redemption during deployment before the game begins. Write down and inform your opponent of which Path of Redemption each Black Shield in your army has taken.

Path of the Exile: For failing either his Chapter or perhaps believing himself too shamed to remain among his brothers, this Black Shield goes into battle with an inner fire to reclaim his honor and will not stop until he achieves it. A model with this Path of Redemption gains the It Will Not Die (4+) special rule and all attacks made by this model, shooting and close combat, has the Soul Blaze special rule.

Path of the Survivor: No greater tragedy can beset a Space Marine other than the loss of all that is his Chapter. Either because his Chapter was destroyed in battle or lost due to some misfortune, this Black Shield is the last of his Chapter. This makes him all the more deadly, for he desires to burn a path through the Emperor’s enemies in vengeance. A model with this Path of Redemption gains the Eternal Warrior special rule and Feel No Pain special rule.

Path of the Forsaken: Only the Watch Commander knows of this Black Shield’s past. All that his fellow Deathwatch brothers know is that few can match his fury in battle. A model with this Path of Redemption gains the Rampage special rule and the Furious Charge special rule.

May take items from the Deathwatch Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List, Deathwatch Ranged Weapons List, Deathwatch Melee Weapons List, Deathwatch Special Weapons List, and/or Special Issue Wargear lists.
Alternatively, the Black Shield may replace all his Power Armour with Terminator armour, and bolter and bolt pistol for a storm bolter……………….40 pts
A Black Shield in Terminator armour may then take items from the sections of the Deathwatch Terminator Weapon List, Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List, and/or Melee Weapon Lists.
May take a Space Marine Bike..............20 pts
May take a Jump Pack.............10 pts

Deathwatch Wargear Lists

Deathwatch Special Issue Ammunition Wargear List
Any model within a Deathwatch Army has access to this list.

Boltguns/Combi-bolters/Godwyn-Pattern Boltguns may take:
Dragonfire Bolts (SM Codex, page 125).......5 pts per model
Hellfire Round (SM Codex, page 125).........5 pts per model
Kraken Bolts (SM Codex, page 125)...........5 pts per model
Vengeance Round (SM Codex, page 125)........5 pts per model
Implosion Shells............20 pts per model
Range: 18" S:5 AP:4 Type: Rapid Fire, Decompression*

*A model that suffers a wound from a weapon with this special rule must, after a wound has been taken, immediately take a Toughness test. If the test is failed, that model automatically suffers a second would with no of any kind saves allowed. Feel No Pain may not negate this extra wound.

Metal Storm Rounds..........10 pts per model
Range: 18" S:3 AP:- Type:Assault 1, Blast

Witch Bolts..............
Range: 24" S:4 AP:5 Type:Rapid Fire, Neuro-inhibitng*

*A model with the Psyker special rule that suffers a wound from a weapon with this special rule, must, during the next Psykic Phase, reduce their psykic charges by D3, to a minimum of zero. This D3 does not affect those psykic charges given to the non-controlling player.

Bolt Pistols may take*:
Dragonfire Bolts (SM Codex, page 125).......5 pts per model
Hellfire Round (SM Codex, page 125).........5 pts per model
Kraken Bolts (SM Codex, page 125)...........5 pts per model
Vengeance Round (SM Codex, page 125)........5 pts per model

*All rounds that reference any range beyond 12" automatically are reduced to 12" in keeping with the range of a bolt pistol.

Storm Bolters may take:
Dragonfire Bolts (SM Codex, page 125).......5 pts per model
Hellfire Round (SM Codex, page 125).........5 pts per model
Kraken Bolts (SM Codex, page 125)...........5 pts per model
Vengeance Round (SM Codex, page 125)........5 pts per model
Implosion Shells............20 pts per model
Range: 18" S:5 AP:4 Type: Rapid Fire, Decompression*

*A model that suffers a wound from a weapon with this special rule must, after a wound has been taken, immediately take a Toughness test. If the test is failed, that model automatically suffers a second would with no of any kind saves allowed. Feel No Pain may not negate this extra wound.

Witch Bolts..............15 pts per model
Range: 24" S:4 AP:5 Type:Rapid Fire, Neuro-inhibitng*

*A model with the Psyker special rule that suffers a wound from a weapon with this special rule, must, during the next Psykic Phase, reduce their psykic charges by D3, to a minimum of zero. This D3 does not affect those psykic charges given to the non-controlling player.

Astartes Shotguns may take:
Breaching Rounds.............15 pts per model
Range: 12" S:7 AP:4 Type: Assault 3, Shoulder Kick*

*A model that fires a weapon with this profile and charges in the same turn, reduces it's Initiative in the first round of close combat by 1, to a minimum of 1.

Ignis Rounds................15 pts per model
Range: 18" S:4 AP:5 Type: Assault 2, Blast

Penetrator Rounds.............20 pts per model
Range: 18" S:5 AP:3 Type: Rapid Fire, Penetrating*

*A model that suffers a wound from a weapon with this special rule does not reduce their wound total by one as would normally be the case when suffering a wound. Instead the model that suffers an unsaved wound from an attack with this special rule reduces their armour save by 1, to a minimum of 1, for the rest of the game.

Shredder Rounds*................15 pts per model
Range: Template S:4 AP:6 Type: Assault 2, Shred

*If a model carrying an Astartes Shotgun equipped with Shredder Rounds is charged, it may fire Shredder Rounds form the Shotgun in the same way that a Flamer is fired during Overwatch. This means only D3 automatic hits with the profile shown above; ignoring 'Assault 2'.

Heavy Bolters may take:
Dragonfire Bolts (SM Codex, page 125).......5 pts per model
Hellfire Round (SM Codex, page 125).........5 pts per model
Kraken Bolts (SM Codex, page 125)...........5 pts per model
Vengeance Round (SM Codex, page 125)........5 pts per model

*Note: All values for Range are changed to 36" and are fixed at 36" when firing Special Issue Ammunition from a Heavy Bolter.

Deathwatch Ranged Weapons List
A model can replace his bolt pistol and/or melee weapon with one of the following:
Storm bolter...............................5 pts
Combi-flamer, -grav, -melta, -plasma.......10 pts
Grav Pistol................................5 pts
Plasma Pistol..............................10 pts
Infernus Pistol............................10 pts
Hand Flamer................................5 pts
A model can replace his boltgun with one of the following:
Astartes Shotgun...........................10 pts
Stalker Bolter.............................15 pts
Godwyn Pattern Boltgun.....................20 pts

Stalker Bolter: A specialized boltgun intended to engage at extreme ranges normally associated with marksmen and snipers. This is a boltgun with the following profile:
Range: 36" S: 4 AP: 4 Type: Heavy 2, Rending, Silence*

*A model that fires a weapon with this special rule during the Shooting Phase immediately gains the Stealth Special Rule for one game turn.

Godwyn Pattern Boltgun: Relics preserved from millenia in the past, these are master-worked weapons of war that serve the Deathwatch battle-brothers well. This is a boltgun with the following profile:
Range: 36" S: 4 AP: 5 Type: Rapid Fire, Master-Crafted

Astartes Shotgun: Sometimes it is the simple weapon that makes for the wisest choice upon the battlefield. This weapon has the following profile:
Range: 18" S: 4 AP: 5 Type: Assault 2

Deathwatch Melee Weapons List
A model can replace his bolt pistol and/or melee weapon with one of the following:
Power Weapon..............................15 pts
Lightning Claw............................15 pts
Power Fist................................20 pts
Thunder Hammer............................20 pts
Chainfist.................................20 pts
Omnissian Axe.............................15 pts*
Stormshield.................................15 pts

*Only Deathwatch Techmarines may take this weapon. It has the following profile:
Range: - S: +2 AP: 1 Type: Master-Crafted, Two-Handed, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon

Deathwatch Special Issue Wargear
A model can take up to one of each of the following:
Auspex....................................1 pt
Melta Bombs...............................5 pts
Digital Weapons...........................5 pts
Teleport Homer............................10 pts
Jump Pack.................................10 pts*
Space Marine Bike.........................20 pts*
Storm Shield..............................15 pts
Iron Halo.................................10 pts**

*A model wearing Terminator Armour may not take a Space Marine Bike. A model that is wearing a jump pack may not take a Space Marine Bike (and vice versa).
**Deathwatch Commanders and Deathwatch Captains only.

Deathwatch Heavy Weapons List
Heavy Bolter..............................5 pts
Sniper Rifle..............................free
Plasma Cannon.............................15 pts*
Heavy Flamer..............................15 pts*
Assault Cannon............................20 pts**
Multi-Melta...............................5 pts*
Lascannon.................................25 pts*
Missile Launcher (with frag & krak).......10 pts*
~~ may also take Flakk Missiles...........5 pts*
Conversion Beamer.........................30 pts***

*Only 4 of these weapons may be purchased and taken in the same unit.
**Only 2 of these weapons may be purchased and taken in the same unit.
***Only 2 of these weapons may be in the entire army.

Deathwatch Special Weapons List
A model can replace his boltgun or Melee weapon for one of the following:
Plasma Gun................................10 pts
Melta Gun.................................5 pts
Flamer....................................1 pt
Grav Gun..................................10 pts
Astartes Grenade Launcher.................1 pt

Deathwatch Relic Weapons List
A model may replace his boltgun and/or Melee weapon with one of the following:
Sacris Claymore...........................20 pts
Deathwatch Relic Blade....................30 pts
Skapulan Bolter...........................25 pts

Sacris Claymore: Forged by the Storm Wardens Chapter, a Chapter with close ties to the Deathwatch, these weapons have become popular choices among those fortunate enough to be allowed to wield them in battle. A Sacris Claymore is a Melee weapon with the following two profiles:
Range: - S: +1 AP: 3 Type: Melee, Specialist Weapon, Concussive
Range: 6" S: 5 AP: 3 Type: Assault 1

Deathwatch Relic Blade: A standard power sword is no better than a flimsy metal spike in a power field. A Deathwatch Relic Blade is the epitome of melee weaponry, many within the armories of the Chapter having been passed down since the Horus Heresy. A Deathwatch Relic blade is a Melee weapon with the following profile:
Range: - S: +2 AP: 3 Type: Melee, Biting Aura*

*The power field quality of this weapon is such that it is capable of overpowering other power fields. If a model suffers an unsaved wound from a weapon with this special rule, it loses it's ability to make any invulnerable save, regardless of the source of the invulnerable save. It may no longer be used for the remainder of the game.

Skapulan Bolter: Taken from the Jericho Reach, the last relic of an ancient Watch Station, this boltgun has stunned and amazed every Techmarine fortunate enough to examine the advanced and holy weapon. Prevailing theory believe it to have been wielded by an ancient hero of the Imperium, perhaps during the Great Crusade. The Skapulan Bolter is a boltgun with the following profile:
Range: 24" S: 5 AP: 4 Type: Salvo 4/6, Rending, Master-Crafted

Deathwatch Chapter Specific Wargear List
A model with the Character Type may take up to one of the following and only if it matches the painted model's assigned Chapter allegiance. A model bearing the emblem of a Blood Angel may not wield a Chapter Specific piece of wargear that belongs to the Black Templars Chapter, and vice versa.

Devotion Chain (Black Templars, Imperial Fists)..........................10 pts per model
Tabard (Black Templar, Dark Angels, Imperial Fists)......5 pts per model
Blood Drop Pendant (Blood Angels, Flesh Tearers).........15 pts per model
Golden Icon of Baal (Blood Angels, Flesh Tearers)........10 pts per model
Ceremonial Sword (Dark Angels)...........................5 pts per model
Wolf Pelt (Space Wolves).................................10 pts per model
Runic Totem (Space Wolves)...............................15 pts per model
Tempest Amulet (Storm Wardens, White Scars)..............10 pts per model
Heraldry Scroll (Ultrmarines)............................15 pts per model
Medusan Data Coil (Iron Hands)...........................15 pts per model
Ignean Lode Stone (Salamanders)..........................5 pts per model

Devortion Chain: Black Templars frequently wrap sections of their armor with chains or bind their weapons to themselves to symbolize that they are unendingly bound to war against the Emperor's enemies. This constant reminder of a Black Templar's vows steel his resolve. A model with this may add +1 to their Deny The Witch roll. Any unit he is attached to does not benefit from this increase.

Tabard: Worn by many chapters, many of these bear personal, Deathwatch, Chapter, or even squad-specific heraldry. A model with this may, once per game, re-roll a failed Leadership test.

Blood Drop Pendant: A smaller ornament that represents the Blood Angel's Chapter symbol and the blood of Sanguinius that runs through their collective veins. Some are literally filled with a battle-brother's own previous blood. They are most often, but not always, worn around the neck. A model with this may choose to have the Red Thirst (see Blood Angels codex).

Golden Icon of Baal: A small, gilded icon that is hung from the armour or belt of a Blood Angel. They are constant reminder of duty, devotion, and of their homeworld. A model with this may add +1 to all Sweeping Advance rolls.

Ceremonial Sword: Dark Angels frequently carry swords with winged hilts in echo of their Chapter symbol. These weaons are used more in ceremony than in combat, but they are perfectly functional weapons should the battle-brother have a reason to draw one. If a model with a Ceremonial Sword is in a close combat Challenge, once per game they may choose to have all of their close combat attack automatically hit for one round of that close combat.

Wolf Pelt: Fenrisian wolves are renowned across the galaxy for their viciousness. They are respected creatures, and greatly entwined with Space Wolf beliefs. Unarmed hunting rituals exist on Fenris to prove a warrior's prowess. Should a battle-brother succeed on such a hunt, he typically displays the pelt of the animal thereafter. A model with this gains the Counter-Attack special rule.

Runic Totem: Space Wolves are considered to be a supersitious lot, due in large part to the mysticism and beliefs at the heart of Fenrisian culture. Rune Priests are a great part of this tradition, often creating and bestowing talismans to battle-brothers in order to aid them in battle. A model with this may increase their invulnerable save by 1, to a maximum of +2. This means that if the model did not already have an invulnerable save, that they gain one of 6+.

Tempest Amulet: The native traditions of Sacris, the homeworld of the Storm Wardens, places great emphasis on the ability of an individual to affect change in the world through strength of arm and force of will. A model with this may re-roll all failed Characteristic tests that they are called upon to take, such as Strength, Toughness, or Initiative tests.

Heraldry Scroll: Scrolls worked into a battle-brothers armour, either as metalwork or a placard are popular in many chapters, and the Ultramarines are no exception. This crest may display a motto or title, but most commonly it bears the Ultrmarine's name, so that his enemies know who brings their deaths. A model with this may re-roll failed armour saves in the first round of each close combat.

Medusan Data Coil: No Chapter in the history of the Imperium has devoted more to the Machine God than the Iron Hands. The amount of knowledge and data they have gathered upon the workings of the Machine Spirits is enough to make even the Mechanicum nervous. A model with this may add +1 when rolling a D6 for Blessing of the Omnissiah. If the model that has this did not already have the Blessing of the Omnissiah special rule, they then gain it, but may only be successful on a 6+.

Ignean Lode Stone: Fire burns brightest on Nocturne, or so legends say. Most Salamanders choose to take a small reminder of their homeworld, such as a forged ingot of Ignean ore. As the fire of a forge shaped the ingot, so too does the fire of the Promethean Creed shape and forge the Salamander. A model with this may re-roll failed armour saves against all flamer attacks.

09-03-2015, 12:26 PM
I'm trying to think of a Deathwatch Psychic Discipline to add to this...anyone have any suggestions?

02-28-2016, 07:09 AM
I guess I should start updating this...anyone interested in testing some of this stuff out and giving me feedback?

03-14-2016, 06:41 PM
Not really, it looks OP as hell