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Mr Mystery
03-18-2015, 04:22 AM
Shamelessly stolen off my mate's Facebook feed, and I think he pinched them too, as I'm fairly sure he's not in Vegas.

All respect and that to the actual owner!

03-18-2015, 06:17 AM
ISD! *flails*

Mr Mystery
03-18-2015, 06:38 AM

So excite for this! I foresee Armada draining my wallet...

03-18-2015, 06:50 AM
Seems like everyone wants my 2015 hobby dollars!

Mr Mystery
03-18-2015, 06:58 AM
Anyone able to help identify the Rogues and Villains ships?

I'm seeing.....

Slave-1, Falcon, YT-1200, HWK-290, IG-2000, and Punishing One, which is Dengar's ship.

03-18-2015, 08:35 AM
The other two look familiar but I can't put names or characters to them to help check the type of ship.

Mr Mystery
03-18-2015, 08:40 AM
Houndstooth (Bossk's ship) is another one...

Mr Mystery
03-19-2015, 03:30 AM
Moar piccies! And as with previous set, lifted off my mate's Facebook feed, which lifted them from somewhere else. All credit to the actual owner, whomever they may be!

03-19-2015, 07:00 AM
I've managed to resist getting into X-Wing thus far, but this game is seriously tugging on my love of the old Star Wars: Supremacy pc game (still by far the best Star Wars themed galactic battle game as while the AI is pretty easy to beat, playing against another player is utterly brilliant).

The desire to build The Rebel Fleet is growing.

Mr Mystery
03-19-2015, 07:07 AM
One of my regular sources of Star Wars Model Crack has just confirmed they're expecting Armada in next week, which matches what FFG are telling us...

My poor wallet!

03-19-2015, 07:12 AM
In case anyone wants to see what its all about, you can download the Learn to play rules from FF


Or by clicking on the link on their website


Apologies if already posted.

I hope there aren't as many supply out stripping demand issues as X-Wing as I have a core set on order :)

03-19-2015, 08:04 AM
Also if anyone wants to build an accurate representation of the Imperial Navy you will only need 25,000 ISDs to do it.:p

I don't think those rules have been posted? At least I haven't seen them, thanks.

Mr Mystery
03-19-2015, 08:22 AM
Never tell me the odds/facts!

This is a good time to be a Nerd!

03-19-2015, 09:00 AM
Yep I'm rather pleased with how things are at the moment. New SW canon is blowing the EU out of the water, more toys and fun things than ever before, good times.

03-27-2015, 09:21 AM
Please, somebody buy 25,000 ISDs.

03-30-2015, 10:22 PM
Also if anyone wants to build an accurate representation of the Imperial Navy you will only need 25,000 ISDs to do it.

Please, somebody buy 25,000 ISDs.

I just hope there is someone out there who is so OCD that they actually get 25,000 Star Destroyers it would prove to me that wonders exist in the world.

Heck Fantasy Flight should just talk to North Korea I Mean if there was ever a country that would buy 25,000 ISDs as part of a military budget it would be them!

- - - Updated - - -

And there it is. I am gonna talk to my MLA but right now we pretty much have a conservative government, and hopefully a Government that will not stand idly by while North Korea amasses Imperial Star Destroyers while we have none!!

The games on North Korea! With the Flying Sphagetti monster as my witness you will never have more Imperial Star Destroyers as Canada!! Even if I have to pay for our safety out of my own pocket you shall be thwarted!!

03-31-2015, 02:08 AM
Also if anyone wants to build an accurate representation of the Imperial Navy you will only need 25,000 ISDs to do it.:p

Since I don't believe they were ever concentrated in one place at one time, you'd also need an appropriately scaled model of the GFFA in which to keep them.

Without running any of the actual numbers, I suspect it would stretch from here to Alpha Centauri.

Mr Mystery
04-07-2015, 02:48 AM

Official info page now up 😀

06-01-2015, 02:24 AM
One ISD, two Raiders and an allies pack on pre-order please?

Still wish they had used somthing other than the Raider as the Imperial Corvette - the Lancer-class immediately springs to mind for example, or the Tartan-class

06-02-2015, 09:10 AM
I think they did it to give the Raider more credibility, trying to make it more than "the ship we built with Disney"

06-03-2015, 05:07 AM
Well, it could be worse, I guess - one person I talked to said that if they had used the lancer, it would have have probably looked to the uninitiated like a female erotic device...

06-11-2015, 11:00 PM
Disney has been slipping those under our noses forever, that's no excuse!

08-26-2015, 10:24 PM
Youse guys see this?

Might have to do a shout out and see if I can get this organized in my FLGS.
Seems like a great way to promote the game, it hasn't caught on fire, at least in my neck of the woods.

Mr Mystery
08-27-2015, 03:10 AM
It's been a bit of a damp squib round my way too. It's got players but relatively few compared to other games.

That being said. X-Wing took a while to take flight round here as well. Wasn't until Wave IV came out that lots of people really got into it.

Also worth noting we're stuck with online purchasing only, as there's no FLGS for about 30 miles (UK distances, before Colonials wonder why that's an issue :p) so impulse buys can't occur.

08-27-2015, 08:01 AM
I have great plans for the Mon Cal Cruiser, but I'm also looking forward to the ISD. It gets played a bit around here, not a heap though.

08-27-2015, 08:27 AM
Youse guys see this?

Might have to do a shout out and see if I can get this organized in my FLGS.
Seems like a great way to promote the game, it hasn't caught on fire, at least in my neck of the woods.

Same here. There are a few players but not a lot... I'm hoping to see X-Wing level crowds after we get a few waves into the game. There just isn't a lot of options for people to play around with yet.

- - - Updated - - -

Also worth noting we're stuck with online purchasing only, as there's no FLGS for about 30 miles (UK distances, before Colonials wonder why that's an issue :p) so impulse buys can't occur.

30 miles might as well be next door! I used to drive 300 miles each way to visit the first GW store in the states. ;)

Filthy Casual
08-27-2015, 08:29 AM
I don't know if it will ever be as big as X Wing, that drew in Star Wars fans and made they table top gamers, Armada just doesn't have that "Star Wars" feel, its always been about the people, the individuals, and the scale of Armada doesn't give that same Star Wars vibe to me, the ships look great but the films were never about huge ship to ship combats but focused on the small dog fights

Erik Setzer
08-27-2015, 08:57 AM
It's been a bit of a damp squib round my way too. It's got players but relatively few compared to other games.

That being said. X-Wing took a while to take flight round here as well. Wasn't until Wave IV came out that lots of people really got into it.

Also worth noting we're stuck with online purchasing only, as there's no FLGS for about 30 miles (UK distances, before Colonials wonder why that's an issue :p) so impulse buys can't occur.

Well, 30 miles might seem like a lot to Imperialists, but when your city is 885 square miles, that tends to feel like saying, "Oh, I'll have to drive across town for that." Heck, it's 18 miles to get from my apartment to the store we play D&D and other games at on the weekends (including Armada), and as the city's layout goes, we're relatively close to each other.

Okay, so maybe Jacksonville isn't a good measuring point. :p

I think Armada's just taking some time because there's not much out for it yet. Another wave or two should help it get going. Right now there's like two Imperial ships and three Rebel ships (two of those are pretty small). Wave two adds a couple to each side, so ti's 4 Imp, 5 Rebels. That's better variety. If someone wanted to use an ISD or MonCal cruisers, they couldn't until this wave hit. If they want stuff like Interdictors or Dreadnoughts, that's likely going to be even further down the line.

08-27-2015, 10:36 PM
I walk 30 miles uphill both directions, in a blinding snowstorm just to make it to my FLGS... But hey that's just us in the "Colonies" Huuuuuuuge... Tracks of land.

Yeah Armada is fairly new, and it did take double the X-Wing waves before people around here got into that, but I think the slow progress is in the pricing.
The starter is three times the cost of X-Wing starter and the ships are either equal or twice as much (I'm expecting three times as much for the big Star Destroyer). To me that's a wee bit rich to just jump into it, when a star destroyer is $50 and three x-wings are $60 most choose the latter. Heck the big Raider is going to be the same cost as 2 Armada Star destroyers? Raider for the win!
(As I sit here typing this all of a sudden the cost of two extra Rebel Transports just to play Escape from Hoth doesn't sound too daunting...)

Another factor, and maybe its just me and maybe its a bit of what Mystery called jumping the shark, but I have less urgency to spend my money on Armada or X-Wing these days. At first (wave IV) I was slogging around to 3 or 4 stores just to get three of each ship. Now thorough multiple stores and online purchasing I have no problem finding what I need all the time, hell I can compare prices now and shop for the best! I guess I can blame Fantasy Flight too, being so open in there release plan, as well as previews of cards and ships means I can better plan my purchases rather than "This week in white dwarf"
(Maybe that's a factor too, most of my friends play 40k and I'm pimping a game that is basically the same price, only with less customization and I own everything. No matter they don't buy it!)

Anyhow More people should play Armada, its good fun and not the same as X-Wing...
Do you love saying things like "I love it when a plan comes together." now you can because movement is much easier to predict!
Do you love swarms of things? 3 fighters on a base and you can paint them if your so inclined.
Do you love rolling lots of dice (usually a yes if you love swarms of things...) The big Star Destroyer? 4 Red and 4 blue dice from it front facing, show me a ship in X-Wing were you roll that many beauties!

Erik Setzer
08-28-2015, 08:38 AM
The VSD is $40. It's also a good chunk of your fleet. You could have a fleet with just 2 or 3 VSDs and TIE Fighters. And the VSD is definitely bigger than an X-Wing, more the size of ships like Slave 1. The ISD should be even larger, if it's in scale. On the Rebel side, the smaller ships are only $20. The core set is exactly the same price as the core X-Wing set, so I don't know where you're getting this notion of "three times as much."

An Imperial Raider is $100 retail. VSD is $40. You can get two VSDs and a set of Imperial Squadrons and have a fleet (granted, you'll be pushing it a bit on using cards to fill points, but not too much). On the Rebel side, you could just take an Assault Frigate, a pair of Corvettes, and a Nebulon-B. No idea of the pricing on newer stuff.

Yeah, you can get "just" two ISDs for the same price as a Raider. That's pretty much an entire fleet in Armada (and, if you know Star Wars, you'll know it should count as a whole fleet!).

The pricing, compared to 40K... there's no comparison. It's leagues better, especially considering you don't have to have massive forces. That's before you get into the point that you can find a lot of the stuff discounted online, because FFG isn't like GW in demanding no discount lest someone actually compete with their direct sales. They think there's no customization, as opposed to a game where characters are increasingly becoming mono-pose? Well, there's a whole Facebook group where people repaint and even convert X-Wing ships, and I'm sure Armada isn't far behind. Yeah, you're not going to see a bunch of converting in Armada, because it's based on a particular setting with specific types of ships. I imagine your friends would never, ever, EVER play a historical miniatures game.

08-28-2015, 10:01 PM
Note to self: Never compare anything to a Games Workshop game lest the hounds be released! I get your points but that's not what I was out to prove last night with a belly full of Bombay. Never Ever EVER play a historical game you say? We played Axis and Allies until the cosplay got out of hand, its like everybody wants to be Germany when you can dress like Hitler. That and I would immediately want to convert a Danger 5 force...

I paid $120 for my Armada starter box, $40 for my X-Wing so one of us got hosed somewhere...

So Two Victory Star Destroyers are about 300 points, Is that going to stop you from getting Three of Four? I get your point about the price to points ratio of the game but FF isn't going to use "You don't have to buy so much!" as a selling point. I am prone to overcollecting (If that is actually a thing) and yeah like you said you don't need that many. I have two of Victory Class, I want Four(Five Six..) but the price point has made me go no sir, not today on several occasions.

$140 for the Armada box, that's what I paid for Dark Vengence (Or maybe Deathstorm). $25 for a Corvette $20-30 for a Clampack. $50 for a big ship; pretty sure that is what my last tactical squad was. That's what I was getting at with the pricing, The non customization (you forgot the I own everything!) and the overall fact that 40K continues to be stronger in my group. All groups are different after all

You don't need a lot of ships for Armada but it feels big, maybe that should be one of there selling points. Star destroyer rolls 8 dice in the front arc! Feels big to me. TIE Swarms everywhere it looks epic. Yeah call it epic scale, because even though it's not truescale we would buy mini deathstars because they're epic!

Filthy Casual
08-29-2015, 01:09 AM
Don't worry Bren, if Erik ever hears anyone being favourable to GW in the least he gets one of his "headaches" and has to rant about it.

Also chiming in to say Armada is dead in the water in my area so far too, never seen anyone play it and I got to the local X Wing night with about 15-20 regular players, at least half of them bought the starter set. We have more people playing Firestorm Armada, which doesn't even have the "OMG STAR WARS" pulling power.

Erik Setzer
09-09-2015, 09:31 AM
Okay, so you're comparing the retail prices of Armada to discounted GW prices? Really?!?

Fine, let's play that game.

I have to pay $125 (using US prices here) for Dark Vengeance. I can get Armada for about $65. Lowest I can get DV is around $100. HUGE savings right there. I can get a Corvette for $14. Tactical Squad will set me back $40, nearly three times as much. Even a single lone infantry character costs more than a Corvette (heck, more than the Corvette's retail price on all the new ones). Base retail, you can get a lone character for Sigmarines or a VSD or Assault Frigate (which will be a lot more of your force).

"You can buy more!" Oh, sure, but you forget the same applies for GW. And I've seen a guy actually playing with about $500 of Sigmarines at once (quite often). For that money, you can get multiple fleets for Armada, even at base retail. But hey, if we use your trick of using discounted prices, you can get multiple fleets for Armada *and* get an X-Wing force for that much.

Oh, really large battles seem like fun, so people would want to buy a lot? Hey, welcome to Apocalypse for 40K, where we now have a single model that costs over $1000. Even the basic stuff, you're looking at around $1000 or more for the models to play at that scale. And if you throw out "You don't have to play Apoc," well... you don't have to play epic space battles.

Seriously, don't try to compare prices between GW's stuff and X-Wing or Armada. Or anything, really. I know some people have a deep, deep love for GW that transcends all sensibility, but when you're making claims that are just ludicrous and have to rely on arguments that you don't want to apply equally, it gets really annoying.

09-09-2015, 08:53 PM
Okay, so you're comparing the retail prices of Armada to discounted GW prices? Really?!?
Are you still talking about my post, cuz I was pretty sure we laid that to rest last week but if you want another go at me then here we are...

First off you really get a deal on Armada with your fancy us dollars, I posted the prices I pay up here, they seem to be double what yours are. Can we at least agree that MY armada was $140 in Canadough and so was my Dark Vengance? That makes them THE SAME. A wee ship up here is $25, about same as a clampack, the big ships $50 around the average for a GW squad (Please don't quote me on this the last squad I bought was ages ago). This pricing is the base behind my argument that the prices closer reflect GW than X-Wing which, in relation to this thread is one of the reasons it hasn't taken off (Pun alert) like x-wing did.

Another factor, and maybe its just me and maybe its a bit of what Mystery called jumping the shark, but I have less urgency to spend my money on Armada or X-Wing these days. At first (wave IV) I was slogging around to 3 or 4 stores just to get three of each ship. Now thorough multiple stores and online purchasing I have no problem finding what I need all the time, hell I can compare prices now and shop for the best! I guess I can blame Fantasy Flight too, being so open in there release plan, as well as previews of cards and ships means I can better plan my purchases rather than "This week in white dwarf"
(Maybe that's a factor too, most of my friends play 40k and I'm pimping a game that is basically the same price, only with less customization and I own everything. No matter they don't buy it!)
That's the paragraph there and yes that tiny little part at the end has been the basis for your outrage.

But hey, if we use your trick of using discounted prices, you can get multiple fleets for Armada *and* get an X-Wing force for that much.
What trick? I'm trying to explain happenings that support my belief on why Armada isn't doing so well, not to sell you a used prius or the 40K equivalent of said used Prius...

Seriously, don't try to compare prices between GW's stuff and X-Wing or Armada. Or anything, really. I know some people have a deep, deep love for GW that transcends all sensibility, but when you're making claims that are just ludicrous and have to rely on arguments that you don't want to apply equally, it gets really annoying.

Seems to me you have a deep, deep resentment for Games Workshop (perhaps even transcending all sensibility...) hey theyre not my favorite pig in the litter either; please show me were my arguments are Ludicrous or that I am not applying them equally(?) and I will stop annoying you..

Until then if anyone needs more proof that Armada is dead in the water: This thread is the second longest in the Armada discussion and it's basically two people arguing about pricing in areas neither of them know anything about!!

Erik Setzer
09-10-2015, 08:03 AM
I don't have a deep resentment for GW, just the board of directors and their stupid policies which are hurting the games and, in time, will cause the company further harm.

I do also dislike people claiming something silly like "Armada is the same price as 40K!"

The only way Dark Vengeance is priced the same as Armada is if there's some pricing shenanigans going on. Unless you got DV a while back, before GW jumped prices on starter boxes again. (I think the original DV was about the same price as Armada, but it's been pumped up 25%. Because, you know, we've had 25% inflation in the last 3 or 4 years, right?) But then you can't compare former prices, only current prices.

You need multiple squads for even a small 40K army. You only need two, maybe three of the big ships for an Armada fleet. While the big ships are the same price as the more reasonably priced GW unit boxes, the small ships are cheaper than GW's recent clampack releases. Not sure how the Canadian prices work out, but yesterday I was looking at a Sigmarine character in a clampack who, at retail prices, cost twice as much as a CC or Neb-B.

Is it as cheap as X-Wing? No. But it's not that much more expensive. And per-item, the prices are similar. A K-Wing costs as much as a Corvette (and they're similar size and detail). The Hound's Tooth runs at the same price as the VSD. And then there's the Raider and X-Wing sized Corvette... but those are for "special" games much like super-heavies in 40K used to be (so I guess they're now more equivalent to Titans?).

I've done all the price rundowns on Armada... I have a friend who works a part-time (not his choice) job at a grocery store who wants to get into various games and I've been helping him plan out purchases for X-Wing, Armada, and some other stuff.

I also wouldn't say Armada is "dead in the water" because there's not much discussion on a mostly GW board. This forum seems to only talk about X-Wing and Armada when new stuff is out, and Armada's only had a pair of release waves so far. Look around, you'll see plenty of discussion. Give it another wave or two, it'll really start picking up steam.

09-15-2015, 10:40 PM
I do also dislike people claiming something silly like "Armada is the same price as 40K!"



There, Bombs of truth, oh wait I have one more

Sorry you "dislike" it but like I said truth bombs.

If you have a friend who is being forced to work against his will the proper thing to do is go down to the Wal Mart and demand Lucifer release his soul. I had a friend, Ash; he worked down at the S Mart and seriously he was a slave...

I also wouldn't say Armada is "dead in the water" because there's not much discussion on a mostly GW board. This forum seems to only talk about X-Wing and Armada when new stuff is out, and Armada's only had a pair of release waves so far. Look around, you'll see plenty of discussion. Give it another wave or two, it'll really start picking up steam.

Hey if you know boards where they are discussing Armada let me know bro! This is the largest one I have found and yes it is a total GW board but the only way to change that is continue to post non GW on here...
We have a thread in X-Wing: A Tale of X Gamers and one like that here in Armada too but yeah no one has posted in a while, mostly just Mystery showing what he's just gotten lately. We all need to post more Armada on here, or at least update the thingies...

Erik Setzer
09-16-2015, 07:49 AM


Yeah, DV apparently hasn't been bumped up to the same price as AoS, surprisingly, but still more at a base price, before you take into account you can get Armada at a hefty discount. The discounts aren't fair to use, I suppose... though they really totally are, because it shows the conflicting marketing strategies, with GW wanting to do everything possible to encourage you to buy direct from them, including trying to shut down any discount it can. From there, it just gets worse for 40K. And again, this isn't taking into account that if you say that the retail price for a Tactical Squad and a VSD are about the same, the Tactical Squad is a very small part of your force, whereas the VSD is a pretty solid chunk even before you add on upgrades.

Oh, and that whole thing where you have to buy at least one $50-$58 book to have the rules for your forces (unless you go with one of the three at $33, but that means DV is pretty useless for you, other than the sad point that buying a rulebook and templates separately means you're still paying as much as you would while getting figures you can hopefully sell to someone else).

Seriously, please stop trying to argue 40K and Armada are similar in price. It's a silly argument, and adds nothing to the discussion, especially as anyone who isn't extremely biased knows that 40K comes out on the losing end (especially as it's now gotten to WFB8 levels of expense).

Forums discussing Armada? Easy.

Let's start with the obvious:


Look at all the posts today alone!

Decent amount of posts on the Reddit:


Hard to check on some others, too many gaming sites are blocked when I'm at work.

It's probably that FFG having their own forum makes it less likely someone else will start one, which is fair enough. Kind of the same deal with World of Warcraft, it's not an unpopular game just because there's not many forums out there, there's just a lack of forums to talk about it because the company that did it has a forum.

For Facebook, there's a great group that's dedicated to repainting and modding ships for X-Wing and Armada:


Not sure of other groups... seems hard to find many active groups for games on Facebook. (All the kids these days might be transferring to another way to talk about things. I have no idea. I'm getting too old to keep up.)

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, and my friend isn't being "forced to work against his will." More that he's trying to find a way to get into college, and it's a job he can do right now, but it's not paying out huge amounts of course (especially since it's pretty much part-time). The only point was that I've had to become more cost-conscious of gaming products because of him. I haven't given much thought to my own purchases because I can afford a lot of what I want.

12-09-2015, 12:11 AM
Okay im like four Churchill Martinis in and getting ready to throw out the old computer and I stumbled upon this. Erik Setzer, your an ***. I used to enjoy coming to this site and posting anything from pics to tactics, then I met you the super troll. I haven't quit playing X-Wing or Armada I just quit posting because whats the point of discussing a game when a person who doesn't agree with you just wont stop. Screw you Erik you have proven my theory about forums, they are just full of dicks.

Wow I would like to blame the booze but then I wouldnt learn the lesson.
Erik Setzer is not a super troll, to be honest I don't know what a super troll is and I don't know Erik Setzer, does that make him a super troll? Trump would say yes but then again he is a Super Troll(huh, I guess I do know what a Super Troll is).
Right now I am pretty glad I didn't throw this old laptop out yet because I would have stayed off BOLS and blamed Mr. Setzer for it when it's clear the only reason I wasn't on it again was my own fault not anyone elses.

Sorry Bro, didn't mean to let you get to me and you wont in the future, oh and btw that doesnt mean the forum isn't full of dicks, haha. it just means its the internet. You have to go through a buch of dicks before youfind a friend.

Erik Setzer
12-09-2015, 09:02 AM
Dude, you started an argument you couldn't win, then got worse with it using those "truth bomb" things and stuff like that. You chose to pick a fight, don't whine because you couldn't back your arguments. Accept it and move on. If your moving on means hiding from posting, that's regrettable, but if the alternative is you only posting to further insult people who point out the inaccuracies in your comments, then perhaps it's for the best. You chose to claim Armada was too expensive, and even made a comparison to GW games; I simply rebuffed that, then you doubled down on your claims rather than accept you were wrong, and you got insulting with it. No, I don't tolerate dishonesty or offensive attitudes well, but I won't accept blame when you opted to make it a "fight."

Yeah, forums aren't just somewhere you can say what you want without someone responding and correcting any inaccuracies in your comments. At least that's the "good" thing about just talking to your friends offline, right? Much less chance any of them will disagree, lest they upset their friend. (What a silly attitude to have, too... Good friends can disagree and correct each other and not have a big argument or harm the friendship.)

12-09-2015, 11:29 PM
Okay im like four Churchill Martinis in and getting ready to throw out the old computer and I stumbled upon this. Erik Setzer, your an ***. I used to enjoy coming to this site and posting anything from pics to tactics, then I met you the super troll. I haven't quit playing X-Wing or Armada I just quit posting because whats the point of discussing a game when a person who doesn't agree with you just wont stop. Screw you Erik you have proven my theory about forums, they are just full of dicks.

There's a bit more about the forums although there are plenty of swinging dick's to weather. Armada is just getting interesting with Wave 2. I just painted up another batch of squadrons and the independent ships to ramp up for a gaming weekend! :)

12-11-2015, 01:27 AM
My Argument: Game costs the same as 40K
You saiid: 40K costs more, books and ****
I said whatever I am taliking about monetary value when you walk into a game store. My new Raider corvette was $28 same as a Clam pack of GW Space marine whatever
my Star destroyer was the same price as a Trygon, like I said

Somebody told me to pay no attention to your comments, that should have been the first sign of what kind of posts you make, but hey I'm a newb and rather than ignoring your trolling I tried to be logical. And yes when the convo goes: this stuff costs the same, no it doesn't yes it does here are some "truthbombs" to prove it (Truth bombs was for you btw, Murica!) and after the proof you STILL wanted to aruge, I now know enough to walk away rather than engage

I proved my point but still let you bully me away and that's not right. When you stand up for yourself the bully always loses, and that's what I am doing!

I will still be coming back to check this site out, and to contribute (meaning content not arguments) and hey if you choose to not believe a clampack of Armada is the same as a Finecrap model up here I can see that all the proof in the world (proofbombs...) won't dissuade you so I won't try anymore, thread has been quite the learning adventure though this whole time and I owe you a thanks for teaching me a bit about how forums work (or don't ha ha). I hope I taught you something as well, mainly how an aggressive attitude can scare away people that are here for the same reason you are.

Can't we all just get along? Unless your Irish...

12-11-2015, 11:05 PM
After all my kumbaya talk It would be just wrong to not thank you for the links you posted to other forums, Super helpfull! That and sorry Churchill Martini Brent is an ***, totally uncalled for name calling and the like I can see how easy it can happen (even after a christmas party..) If you cant tell I just re-read the post and I feel like a heel.
As an apology (and in the spirit of Fallout ) I would like to send you 500 bottlecaps, hey gotta be worth more than canadough right now...

Erik Setzer
12-14-2015, 01:14 PM
Eh, arguments happen sometimes. Just a part of discussion. When people are passionate about a hobby, they get passionate in their arguments. No one lost a limb or an eye, so I don't see any reason to keep growling about it on my end. Words are just words, easy to say in the heat of the moment. At least we're all passionate about our hobbies, right?

12-15-2015, 11:40 PM
Well you have the honor of being my first!