View Full Version : Can 2 different units share a drop pod?

Brother Claudio
03-16-2015, 04:34 PM
I know the answer is probably going to be no but would like clarification on the matter.

So with BA if I take a 5 man assault squad in a drop pod could I then also take a 5 man stern guard unit in the same drop pod? I know drop pods are meant to be dedicated transport for one unit but I just want to be told no so I can get it out of my head.

Archon Charybdis
03-16-2015, 04:44 PM
Don't have my book handy for page references, but it should be right near the top of the Transport section, but no. Dedicated or not doesn't matter, Transports can only ever carry a single unit at a time (Super-heavy Transports excepted). Even a 16-man LRC can only hold one unit at a go.

03-16-2015, 06:40 PM
The only way to get 2 squads in a transport is combat squad. As that rule allows the 2 parts of the original unit to get in the same vehicle.
Otherwise it's a no

Lord Manton
03-16-2015, 07:23 PM
Archon is right. Except of course when an Independent Character is attached to the unit. In this situation (technically) two units can be embarked on the same transport.
In a similar vein, what about a Storm Raven. Can it carry, say, a unit of 10 marines and a dreadnought on the back at the same time?

03-16-2015, 08:46 PM
I've always thought this was the dumbest rule to ever infect this game.

First off, show me how this could be abused. Second, it doesn't make any sense. What GW is basically saying is that 10 marines can't share a ride if they happen to be the remnants of 2+ separate squads. I'm sure that when needed they'll cram 10 guys inside a rhino, with more riding on top and hanging off the sides. With handholds and some running boards you could easily pack another 10 on the outside.

03-16-2015, 09:13 PM
Actually, they can, but not as the OP posted.

Units that can Combat Squad can have both halves of the Squad enter the same Transport, Dedicated or not.

Outside of ICs and Super-Heavies, that is the only case available.

Lord Manton
03-16-2015, 09:46 PM
But that's actually one unit that, upon disembarking from the drop pod, splits into two, but would still technically be one unit, regardless of the practical implications of combat squadding.

It's pedantic, but that's how you would explain this situation in a RAW situation.

03-17-2015, 02:54 AM
Actually, the sixth and seventh edition Marine codicies tell you that you have to declare if you split them pre-game, even if they share a drop pod.

But to summarise, apart from combat squads, which explicitly allows the two parts of a unit to share their transport, you can only ever have one unit (plus independent or attached characters like Eldar Warlocks) in the same non-superheavy transport, dedicated or not. The Storm Raven also explicitly allows you to transport one unit AND a Dreadnought at the same time, but not two units (unless Combat Squaded)

Mr Mystery
03-17-2015, 05:27 AM

Storm Raven has an exception rule for squad and Dreadnought.

With regard to Drop Pods, I too was under the impression you chose to Combat Squad or not upon deployment, rather than pre-game.

Will double check when I get home, just for my own information :)

And just for sake of completeness.....

Any transport can carry any friendly squad, size and other model based limits allowing. But, Dedicated Transports can only deploy with their parent unit embarked.

Thus, the Drop Pod one is moot anyway, as not being available as a choice in it's own right, can only ever be DT, and must arrive from Deep Strike. Therefore, apart from an attached IC (who is declared to be joining the squad in reserves during deployment), there is no way for it to carry a unit other than it's parent unit.

Brother Claudio
03-17-2015, 08:44 AM
Thought as much just wanted the clarification. Cheers all.

- - - Updated - - -

I've always thought this was the dumbest rule to ever infect this game.

First off, show me how this could be abused. Second, it doesn't make any sense. What GW is basically saying is that 10 marines can't share a ride if they happen to be the remnants of 2+ separate squads. I'm sure that when needed they'll cram 10 guys inside a rhino, with more riding on top and hanging off the sides. With handholds and some running boards you could easily pack another 10 on the outside.

I know right. It's not exactly game changing having the two units come out. But hey ho

03-17-2015, 09:33 AM
Thus, the Drop Pod one is moot anyway, as not being available as a choice in it's own right, can only ever be DT...

Space Wolves and Blood Angels disagree. As will Dark Angels and Codex Marines on their next go around.

03-17-2015, 09:56 AM
And just to add page #'s.

Transport can only carry one unit plus any attached IC's: p80 (rulebook)

You decide which squads are going to split before Warlord Traits. The two halfs can embark on the same transport: p102 (Blood Angels Codex)

Brother Claudio
03-18-2015, 02:09 AM
Space Wolves and Blood Angels disagree. As will Dark Angels and Codex Marines on their next go around.

Yeah. Drop pods can go as fast attack now

03-18-2015, 05:29 AM
I've always thought this was the dumbest rule to ever infect this game.

First off, show me how this could be abused.

Best idea I can think of to abuse would be to have two squads in a transport, one armed to open up an enemy transport (lots of meltaguns) and the other equipped with weapons to kill the squad inside. You zip your transport up to theirs, everyone gets out, then in your shooting phase one squad destroys their transport and the other eradicates its erstwhile occupants.

I'm not sure if it would really qualify as "abuse", though ...

Second, it doesn't make any sense. What GW is basically saying is that 10 marines can't share a ride if they happen to be the remnants of 2+ separate squads. I'm sure that when needed they'll cram 10 guys inside a rhino, with more riding on top and hanging off the sides. With handholds and some running boards you could easily pack another 10 on the outside.

This rule has also seemed odd to me too. If there's a whole lot of enemy fire, I know I'd be jumping in the nearest vehicle out of there :p

The previous edition of Apocalypse did have a special rule for IG armies that allowed them to have squads riding on top of vehicles tank desant style, so GW is at least familiar with the idea, I guess ;)

03-20-2015, 03:09 PM
Buy a Drop Pod as a Fast Attack Option, it's not a dedicated transport, thus can carry multiple squads.

03-20-2015, 03:23 PM
Buy a Drop Pod as a Fast Attack Option, it's not a dedicated transport, thus can carry multiple squads.

Ahhh nope. Read p80 in the rulebook, it is for Transports, dedicated or not. They can only carry one infantry unit plus any attached ICs.

03-20-2015, 03:31 PM
Ahhh nope. Read p80 in the rulebook, it is for Transports, dedicated or not. They can only carry one infantry unit plus any attached ICs.

My apologies, you are correct. I rarely use transports as it is, so it's never been an issue for me.