View Full Version : The Enemy of My Enemy - Random Pairs 40k Tournament, Raleigh NC, 9th May

03-16-2015, 10:38 AM
The Enemy of My Enemy!
Event Horizon Games in Garner (Raleigh), NC is hosting a Warhammer 40k Tournament on 9th May, 2015.
Format: Random Pairing Team Tournament, 3 rounds.
Entry: $10
Registration: 9am
Start 10am

Armies must be battle-forged and consist of no more than 1000 points. You will have a partner randomly selected for you each round (no repeats), and you’ll have an extra 5 minutes at the start of each round to discuss with your partner about your armies and strategies. You will work as a team with your partner to achieve mission objectives jointly. Your partner's army will be an 'Ally of Convenience' regardless of the normal Ally Matrix. You will win or lose the game as a team.
If you win a round you will get given 3 raffle tickets, a draw gets you 2, and losing still gets you 1 ticket. At the end of the third round tickets will be randomly drawn for prizes. The ticket holder will need to be present to win the prize, absentee tickets will be redrawn.
There will be no army painting prize, but instead prizes for the best modeled and painted ‘Bomb’ objective markers (see final page of packet for details).

You may only take a single detachment/formation. Detachments and formations may be taken from BRB, current GW codexes, army supplements and campaign books. Apocalypse formations may NOT be taken.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are using a codex which is only available as a digital edition, you MUST have the actual digital edition with you at the event and available for your opponent to read. Hardcopy versions are not acceptable (although you may bring hardcopy in addition if you wish).
Lords of War: Non-superheavy/GMC Lords of War units are allowed. Maximum 1 per army. Superheavy/Gargantuan MC Lords of War: These units may not be taken.
Forgeworld: Forgeworld units may be included in your army if marked as ‘40k Approved’. Forgeworld chapter tactics, army lists, and Superheavy/Gargantuan MC units are NOT allowed. Experimental FW rules are not allowed
PLEASE NOTE: If you are bringing a unit with Forgeworld rules, you must bring a copy of the relevant pages from the rulebook showing all the unit rules. Please ensure that you are using the latest rules for that unit.
Escalation: No
Stronghold Assault: The following selections from Stronghold Assault will be allowed, including all upgrade options: Aegis Defence Line, Imperial Bastion, Honored Imperium, Wall of Martyrs (WoM) Imperial Defence Line, WoM Imperial Defence Emplacement, WoM Imperial Bunker, WoM Firestorm Redoubt, WoM Vengeance Weapon Battery, Skyshield Landing Pad.
PLEASE NOTE: Board terrain is pre-placed and may not be moved by players. This may limit deployment possibilities if you are using the larger fortification items. Be aware of this before taking one or more of these as part of your army.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are taking items from the Stronghold Assault rules, you are REQUIRED to have a copy of the Stronghold Assault rules with you.
If you are unsure on any issues, please contact the TO via Event Horizon Games 

NOTE: Any reference to models or units 'killed' or ‘destroyed’ also includes models that are off-board or falling back at the end of the game.
Each game provides a maximum of 24 Battlepoints to be acquired. These are earned as follows:
Alpha Missions: 12 points maximum – see individual missions for more details
Beta Missions: 6 points maximum – see individual missions for more details
Gamma Missions: Up to 6 points scored as follows:
1 point for each of the enemy Warlords that you kill.
2 points to a team for killing the first unit if no units of theirs are also eliminated in the same game turn
1 point to each team if the team losing the first unit is able to kill an enemy unit in that same game turn.
0 points to each team if no units are eliminated.
2 points to a team if they have a scoring model within 12” of his opponent’s board edge and their opponents have no scoring models within 12” of the team’s board edge.
1 point to each team if both teams have scoring models within 12” of their opponent’s board edge
0 points to each team if neither team has scoring models within 12” of their opponent’s board edge

Night Fight, Reserves and Mysterious Objectives are in use. Mysterious terrain rules are not in use.
Tactical Objectives: Where tactical objectives are in use in the round use the following rules:
1: You may choose to use either the tactical objectives as listed in the BRB or (if applicable) your faction-specific tactical objectives listed in your codex. You must use the same source throughout the tournament.
2: At the start of your turn draw Tactical objective cards until you have 3. Discard any cards that are literally impossible to complete and redraw (see below). Note down cards drawn and cards discarded on the table provided. Inform your opponent of what your objective cards are.
3: At the end of your turn, check which objectives you have completed and score accordingly. Note the score on the table provided. You may choose to discard 1 tactical objective card you have drawn. Mark it as discarded on the table provided.
Note: ‘Impossible to complete’ tactical objectives include only those that are impossible due to your opponent’s army composition such as ‘Kill a Psyker’ where you opponent did not bring one. Tactical objectives do not count as ‘impossible’ if they cannot be completed because of your army composition - for example ‘Manifest a psychic power’ and you do not have a psyker, or ‘Hold all objectives’ and you do not have 6 units.

Round 1 – I Gotz a Prezunt for Youse!
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil
Rules in Effect: As per BRB rules: Night Fight, Reserves, Mysterious Objectives
Alpha Mission (12 points major win / 9 points minor win / 6 points draw / 3 points minor loss / 0 points major loss): Deliver the Bomb!: Each player starts with a Bomb objective (see below). This objective must start the game placed on the board within the player’s deployment area. If one of that player’s models starts the game in contact with the objective marker he can be considered to be carrying the objective at the start of the game. At the end of the game examine the positions of the Bombs.
Major Win: Both team member’s Bombs are in the opponent’s deployment area and are closer to the opponents board edge than either of the opponent’s Bombs are to the team’s board edge
Minor Win: Team has a Bomb in the opponent’s deployment area that is closer to the opponent’s board edge than any opponent’s Bomb is to the team’s board edge
Draw: No Bombs are in the opponent’s deployment area
Minor Loss: The opponent’s team has a bomb in your deployment area closer to your table edge than either of your Bombs is to their table edge
Major Loss: Both of your opponent’s Bombs are in your deployment area and closer to your table edge than either of your Bombs is close to their table edge

After the Alpha Mission has been scored, all four Bombs detonate as Catastrophic Explosions with no scatter (see BRB rules under Superheavy Vehicles). Resolve the effects of these explosions THEN score the Beta and Gamma Missions.

Beta Mission (6 points major win / 4 points minor win / 3 points draw / 2 points minor loss / 0 points major loss): Kill points – score 1 KP for each unit destroyed or removed from play. Units falling back or off-board at the end of the game also count as destroyed.
Major Win: Team has scored 4+KP more than their opponents
Minor Win: Team has scored 1-3KP more than his opponents
Draw: Team scores the same number of KP as his opponents
Minor Loss: Team has scored 1-3KP less than his opponents
Major Loss: Team has scored 4+KP less than his opponents

Gamma Missions: Up to 6 points scored as per Tournament Mission Rules
Bomb Objectives:
Bomb objectives are owned by a specific player throughout the game. Ownership cannot change for any reason. Control and contesting of the Bomb objective has no effect.
Bomb objectives can be picked up, carried, and dropped by the owning player exactly as a Relic Objective (see BRB). In addition, the unit carrying the relic is allowed to Run with the Bomb, but the model carrying it may not move more than 3” in that phase.
Players other than the owning player cannot pick up, carry, or move the Bomb. 

Round 2 – Oi! Dat’s My Lootz Youse Got Dere!
Deployment: Vanguard Strike
Rules in Effect: As per BRB rules: Night Fight, Reserves, Mysterious Objectives
Alpha Mission (12 points major win / 9 points minor win / 6 points draw / 3 points minor loss / 0 points major loss):): 4 Objectives (Labelled 1 to 4). One objective is placed in the center of each table quarter (12" in from the long table edge, 18" in from the short table edge).
Major Win: Team controls at least 3 more objectives than their opponents
Minor Win: Team controls more objectives than their opponents
Draw: Both teams control the same number of objectives
Minor Loss: Team controls 1-2 fewer objectives than their opponents
Major Loss: Team controls 3+ fewer objectives than his opponents

Beta Mission (6 points major win / 4 points minor win / 3 points draw / 2 points minor loss / 0 points major loss): Tactical Objectives. Objectives 1 to 4 use the objectives placed for the Alpha mission. Objective 5 is placed by Team 1 in their own deployment area. Objective 6 is placed by Team 2 in their own deployment area. Tactical objectives are generated as per Tournament Mission Rules.
At the end of the game, a team scores 1 bonus VP if they control the tactical objective deployed in their opponent’s deployment area. A team scores 1 additional bonus VP if models from both players in the team are in position to control that objective.
A major win is scored if a team has at least 4VP more than their opponents
A minor win is scored if a team has 2 or 3VP more than their opponents
A draw is scored if both teams are within 1VP of their opponents
A minor loss is scored if a team has 2 or 3VP less than their opponents
A major loss is scored if a team has 4VP or more less than their opponents

Gamma Missions: Up to 6 points scored as per Tournament Mission Rules

Round 3 – Mine! All Mine!
Deployment: Dawn of War
Rules in Effect: As per BRB rules: Night Fight, Reserves, Mysterious Objectives
Alpha Mission (12 points major win / 9 points minor win / 6 points draw / 3 points minor loss / 0 points major loss): 2 objectives – use objectives 1 and 2 placed below as part of the alpha mission.
A major win is scored if a player on the team controls both objectives
A minor win is scored if a team controls more objectives than their opponents
A draw is scored if both teams control the same number of objectives
A minor loss is scored if a team controls fewer objectives than their opponents
A major loss is scored if a player on the opposing team controls both objectives

Beta Mission (6 points major win / 4 points minor win / 3 points draw / 2 points minor loss / 0 points major loss): Tactical Objectives. Place Objectives 5 and 6 along the center line of the table, 18” in from each board edge. Objective 1 is placed by team 1 in their own deployment area. Objective 2 is placed by Team 2 in their own deployment area. Objective 3 is then placed by Team 1 in the deployment area of Team 2, Objective 4 is placed by Team 2 in the deployment area of Team 1. All objectives must be at least 6” from the board edge and 12” from any other objective. Tactical objectives are generated as per Tournament Mission Rules
A major win is scored if a player has at least 4VP more than his opponent
A minor win is scored if a player has 2 or 3VP more than his opponent
A draw is scored if both players are within 1VP of their opponent
A minor loss is scored if a player has 2 or 3VP less than their opponent
A minor loss is scored if a player has 4VP or more less than their opponent

Gamma Missions: Up to 6 points scored as per Tournament Mission Rules

Paint Scores:
There is NO ‘Best Painted Army’ award at this event. Instead there will be ‘You Da Bomb!’ awards for the best modeled and painted Bomb Objectives (used in Mission 1).
Players do NOT have to provide a Bomb Objective, but if they bring one it may be entered into the ‘You Da Bomb!’ competition.
Bomb objective marker should not be smaller than a 25mm base.
Bomb objective marker should not be larger than a 40mm base.
Bomb objective marker should not be taller than 50mm.

Judging Criteria:
The winners will be determined by the purely subjective opinions of a committee of as many available Event Horizon Games staff members as possible.
Criteria will probably include: modeling, conversion, 40k-appropriate theme, army-appropriate theme, quality of painting, humorous aspects, plus of course anything else that tickles the judges fancy about any given piece.