View Full Version : Space Marine Flyer and Samus

03-16-2015, 10:31 AM
via Forgeworld: (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/News/FORGE_WORLD_BULLETIN_51.html)

Forgeworld teases more pics of two upcoming minis:

Space Marine Xiphon Interceptor
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--2GhNS-_YPE/VNXuD99mpkI/AAAAAAAAEzE/v-1PjnkZKQQ/s1600/Space%2BMarine%2BXiphon%2BInterceptor%2Bby%2Bforge %2Bworld%2B2.jpg

Daemon Prince Samus

03-16-2015, 10:38 AM
really looking forward to grabbing that flier, then I shall run round the house going zoooooooooom, whooooosh

Mr Mystery
03-16-2015, 10:43 AM
You forgot 'pew pew'

03-16-2015, 10:44 AM
well that depends on whether or not there is anybody else in the house

03-16-2015, 12:14 PM
oh wow I can buy a viper!.....hang on it's missing the dorsal engine........waaaait a minute!

03-16-2015, 01:37 PM
Man, Samus looks really dumb.

03-16-2015, 01:40 PM
yeah I don't fancy Samus either - might just have been another Skaven model were it not for the name...
the Xiphon is incredibly ace though!

03-16-2015, 05:32 PM
That's one of the first fliers that I've actually liked the look of right off the bat.

The flying potato Stormtalon has grown on me though.

03-17-2015, 08:34 PM
OH. MY. GAWD. ( I had to actually type it out I'm so impressed). I definitely need to get one or two of those Xiphon Interceptors! I'm not particularly fond of the current marine flyers, and this one kind of fits with the aesthetic of the Thunderbolt, (kind of). Really more along the lines of the Imp. Navy Junke... er, I mean the AVENGER strike fighter. ;P Do we have any idea what pricing might be like?

03-17-2015, 09:53 PM
Well, it looks like it's got two TL lascannons and some missiles, and it's fairly small so maybe AV11, so probably anywhere from 100-150pts depending on special rules. And it's a forgeworld flyer, so probably pretty expensive money-wise.

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-18-2015, 07:04 AM
I like the Xiphon and imperial vehicles usually never appeal to me, but somehow this one does. Not a fan of Samus at all though.