View Full Version : Orks - 2000pts

03-16-2015, 09:54 AM
Orks - 7th Ed - 2000pts.
'Eavy Metal!
This looks like some fun Orky time to be had on battle field.
Would have liked to get a burna unit with a mek in the Stompa
but cant seem to make the points fit :(.
{to join the Loota units}

What do ye think?

CAD #1
War Boss: [ Warlord, Da Lucky Stick, 'Eavy Armour, Shoota ]

Boyz: {1 units of 19} [ 'Eavy Armour, Shoota ]
Boss Nob:
Boyz: {1 units of 20} [ 'Eavy Armour, Shoota ]
Boss Nob:

Battlewagon: {2 units} [ Lobba, 2 Rokkit Launchers, Boarding Plank ]

War Boss joins one of the boyz units and both get in the Battlewagon to thunder
off towards the enemy! :)
Question: If BW moves at combat speed can it fire all 3 weapons at full BS?

CAD #2
Big Mek: [ Shokk Attack Gun, 'Eavy Armour ]

Gretchin: {2 units of 10}

Lootas: {2 units of 5}

Burna: {1 units of 5}

Super Heavy:
Stompa: [ Grot Riggers ]

Both Loota units, Burna unit and Big Mek go inside the Stompa.
Stompa marches up the field until it close enough and then lets the lootas out
to pour on their firepower. the burna unit spreads out and stands before the Lootas.
The 3 Meks and Big Mek are in there to help heal the Stompa.
Should be a real pain in the butt to knock down { I am hoping }.
The Gretchin are in reserves to come on and try to hold nearest objective.

Question: { for those that use Army Builder }
Why does it still charge you for the Mek in the Lootas and Burnas units?
Even though it should be a free upgrade.

03-18-2015, 06:27 AM
Adjusted the listing a bit.

Dave Mcturk
03-19-2015, 08:04 AM
not sureabout SAG - the neworkdex hasnt made them any better and grot artillery are dirt cheap

the 'big stompa thingies' are pretty slow and most opponents will just avoid them if you dont smack them up and centre - or fry them with melta or lances - so good luck with them

imo battle waggons are better - torn between 4 rokkits and 4 bigshootas - if you move 12 they are all snap shooting anyway and tbh most of the time you will move them 18" - until you can charge !

and i think youre missing the point with most orkzez - they dont do shootin - just krumpin - lootas and burnaz being the exception - save yourself 39 pts off the top ! [unless youre always playing nidz/IG then you might get some utility - but your still losing 25% of your attacks !

and you could risk putting one mek in the BW - just for the character morale boost and for a 'lucky fix'

dont forget you get a bonus 'mini-mek' for each hq choice - for the points the extra 'fixes' are worth it !

03-20-2015, 01:06 PM
Changed the SAG out, Mega Blasters now.
Stompa has all those meks now to try to keep it alive hopefully.
I am putting the Loba and 2 rokkits on the two wagons. Should be enough without going overboard :).