View Full Version : New Throne Of Skulls Rules: Good Or Bad?

03-16-2015, 04:00 AM
Just seen the new rules pack for 40k Throne Of Skulls in June and there have been some huge changes...

1875pts - Battle Forged Or Unbound

The points value seems a huge increase from the standard 1500pts and I struggle to understand why they've chosen it! But most of all is the use of unbound, I dread to think what horrible unbound lists players will be forced to fight, I felt fortunate not to be pitted against players using the most overpowered Lord Of War units (in 1500pt games) at the last Throne Of Skulls I attended. Now I'll need to worry about possibly facing an army of Riptides or Leman Russes.

I've loved Throne Of Skulls but I find these changes really off putting since I'm not a really competitive player. What are your thoughts?

03-16-2015, 05:57 AM
I wont be attending and was considering it

GW dont understand that whem you introduce competition people will abuse the system and for any competition to be enjoyable for most people you need some comp

Fun pick up games are one thing. Trying to arrange a competition requires some restrictions. Not a lot. Just restrict to Battleforged and remove deamonolgy and youre mostly there...

03-16-2015, 06:06 AM
Or they do and decided that it's up to players to do what they want.

If I was going I'd find a Super Heavy that was decent for 350 points to take on other Super Heavies, then I'd fill the remaining 1500 points with an all comers list.

Mr Mystery
03-16-2015, 06:48 AM
Thing is, any GW organised tournament isn't going to have Comp, or prevent Unbound.

They exist to give people a chance to play against new opponents, using the rules GW furnished us with.

I get it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but if you don't want to face powergamers at all, I don't think any tournament is going to suit.

03-16-2015, 08:14 AM
Unbound doesn't bother me... I think the rules have been altered enough with allies, lords of war, data slates, etc. that the nastiest armies I've faced have been battle forged lists.

03-16-2015, 03:49 PM
The problem I have is the scoring. Everyone can give 1 favourite game votes. Then, the people with the most votes (maximum of 5) will be put on the big stage and the one with the most VPs wins. So you could technically have far underperformed on the table, but because you're mister nice guy you scrape through.

Mr Mystery
03-16-2015, 03:54 PM
The problem I have is the scoring. Everyone can give 1 favourite game votes. Then, the people with the most votes (maximum of 5) will be put on the big stage and the one with the most VPs wins. So you could technically have far underperformed on the table, but because you're mister nice guy you scrape through.

And sportsmanship is the biggest part of the game.

Win or lose, power game or hobble yourself, the unwritten rule is don't be a penis.

03-16-2015, 04:00 PM
1875 pts? not 1850?

jeeze GW is taking this small increments thing to some really strange places

03-16-2015, 04:01 PM
And sportsmanship is the biggest part of the game.

Win or lose, power game or hobble yourself, the unwritten rule is don't be a penis.

It wouldn't hurt them to do best general (and give a decent prize) for most VP, most sporting (and give a decent prize) for he who is not a nob and then best overall (with a decent prize) for the ultimate of all possible things including army painting.

Actually similar to what they used to do...

(except decent prizes)

03-16-2015, 04:12 PM
The problem I have is the scoring. Everyone can give 1 favourite game votes. Then, the people with the most votes (maximum of 5) will be put on the big stage and the one with the most VPs wins. So you could technically have far underperformed on the table, but because you're mister nice guy you scrape through.

This goes to dealing with unbound tomfoolery. If you play some nimrod with an asshat list chances are they will NOT be getting any favorite game votes. It's actually a clever way of penalizing the overly competitive without hamstringing someone who wants to play unbound for a truly fun themed fluffy reason.

03-16-2015, 04:15 PM
This goes to dealing with unbound tomfoolery. If you play some nimrod with an asshat list chances are they will NOT be getting any favorite game votes. It's actually a clever way of penalizing the overly competitive without hamstringing someone who wants to play unbound for a truly fun themed fluffy reason.

yeah but the reason that its not done in tournaments is ultimately you get a group of dicks that agree to all vote for hte same guy therefore boosting them way ahead of everyone else.

In fact one of the major reasons that sportsmanship was dropped from 40k was people like the "wrecking crew" deliberately manipulating the scores

03-16-2015, 04:21 PM
Did they allow 30k lists? If not i cant attend anyway. The points increase is better tho.

03-16-2015, 04:43 PM
Why would they allow 30k lists when it's 40k?

You'll have to wait for a HH themed weekend for 30k.

03-18-2015, 09:47 AM
The change in points are quite spicy in my opinion. The soldiers of the tropical fruit dynasty find these changes favourable indeed.

03-18-2015, 10:24 AM
yeah but the reason that its not done in tournaments is ultimately you get a group of dicks that agree to all vote for hte same guy therefore boosting them way ahead of everyone else.

In fact one of the major reasons that sportsmanship was dropped from 40k was people like the "wrecking crew" deliberately manipulating the scores

Sportsmanship scores are just another set of rules for cheaters to abuse.

Erik Setzer
03-18-2015, 10:35 AM
Thing is, any GW organised tournament isn't going to have Comp, or prevent Unbound.

Hmm. The Rogue Trader Tournaments say otherwise. I believe the Grand Tournaments also had some comp rules/scoring. The thing that made 'Ard Boyz so "special" (you can use that term in multiple ways for those tournaments) was the lack of composition (or even painting scoring), which not only allowed people to bring the nastiest list they wanted, but encouraged it. At the time, a lot of players weren't happy with that.

So, New GW doesn't like comp, because that might affect the bottom line?

Path Walker
03-18-2015, 11:17 AM
Nothing to do with the bottom line, they just expect people to not be a penis. The comp scores they had in the old tournaments were nothing more than what Throne of Skulls is using.

03-18-2015, 05:55 PM
Sportsmanship scores are just another set of rules for cheaters to abuse.

Unfortunately yes.

Im much more a fan of passive promotion of sportsmanship. Usually by lowering prize support for placing or at leslast supporting the other aspects of the hobby more

03-18-2015, 08:27 PM
Frontline's thumbs up/thumbs down is the only system I've seen that actually works (no matter whatever overblown internet drama people like to babble about). The vast majority of games go just fine. On the rare occasion (and it's genuinely extremely rare) that there's a thumbs down, the judges discuss the situation with both players so there's transparency and a reasonable level of response to any poor sportsmanship. I know of a very small number of ****bags who have been banned from Frontline events (and they all deserved it), and I've seen a couple instances where a player who was being a dick actively backed off when they realized that they might get a thumbs down. For the other 99% of games, everyone has fun and there are no worries to be had.

Arkhan Land
03-20-2015, 02:16 PM