View Full Version : Is there any point in starting a Warhammer army right now?

03-14-2015, 11:28 AM
So its my birthday in a few weeks and I''m in a bit of a dilemma. I shall definitely be getting myself some new miniatures and supplies for my 40k Tyranid army, however after recently buying the Archaon: Everchosen novel I'm hooked on the Warhammer fantasy world, which is a first time for myself. After watching all the new End Times releases and painting videos from GW over the last few months, my interest in 40k has dwindled and I've been looking into getting started with a Warhammer army. My dilemma comes from the current status with Warhammer, being that its in between 8th and 9th edition :/ and after reading the end of the End Times here on BoLS, i was just wondering is this the right time to start my collection or should i hold off until the summer, when 9th edition is rumored to be out? I love most of the armies in Warhammer (except for dark elves) and i think choosing an army would be loads of fun because there is so much diversity in the range. However, my worry is will my race still be playable in 9th edition or will i end out with a mass of outdated and unplayable miniatures? I would really love some advice on the matter, thanks.

03-14-2015, 12:06 PM
I thought about this very question....I am waiting to see what happens with 9th before diving in.

03-14-2015, 12:21 PM
Yeah that's exactly what i was planning to do but i just cant wait to get started

03-14-2015, 12:35 PM
Is 9th even confirmed yet?

03-14-2015, 12:38 PM
the end of the Archaon End Times book strongly suggests it.

Darren Richardson
03-14-2015, 05:54 PM
well, personally, I would go with what ever army takes your fancy right now, even if it's invailadated in the next edition, YOU can still play 8th edition with friends and such.

There is currently a growing movement amongest veteran gamers to playing older editions of games called losely called the "Oldhammer" movement, many of those players first started playing back in 1st, 2nd or 3rd editions and they have become disparaged with modern Warhammer and so have moved back to using those older rulesets.

Some even play to other out of print rulesets by other companies even.

03-15-2015, 07:28 AM
I'm still building my lizardmen, but I'm not gluing them onto the bases. I figure that if they get squatted I'll put them on round bases and use them to proxy something in 40k (possibly kroot mercenaries?). If the weird rumours about round bases for some fantasy models come about then hey, I'm fine there too.

Archon Charybdis
03-15-2015, 07:38 AM
The one advantage to starting now is there'll be a glut of armies on Ebay from the doomsayers and negative nancies that are convinced they'll never enjoy the game again because their faction was "killed off"--you know, like everyone was.

Kaptain Badrukk
03-15-2015, 07:55 AM
I just upped my Skaven Army to 4k mate. I seriously doubt WFB is going anywhere, and there's no way GW would invalidate too much since then they won't be able to sell it any more.

03-15-2015, 08:57 AM
As they blew up the warhammer world and everything that was left, died, I would wait until 9th edition comes before I start a new army in fantasy. For all we know, some if not most of the models may now be usable in 9th edition. Ie, it's a brand new world and none of the people in The Empire made it to the new world so their model don't look the part or whatever.

Would you want to spend $1000+ on models and army books, send months on gluing and painting them only to find out after a few months, when you are finally ready to play a game at your local GW store, you find out, your army isn't in 9th edition?

The main reason why I'm not spending any more of my cash at GW until I know I can still use my Empire army in which I have invested 9 years and about $2000 on.

03-15-2015, 05:23 PM
If you're at all unsure, hold off. It's your time and money.

I'm going to keep on trucking with my Undead Legion, just because I want to have one of those to do End Times battles with.

03-16-2015, 07:34 AM
I have enough for a End Times game, that's for sure. I'll keep on painting the models I do have. I just won't buy anymore new models or books until 9th comes out.

03-16-2015, 01:08 PM
You're probably fine as long as you leave out buying any special characters. I really don't think they're going to make any of the armies defunct. All of the armies have a fair quantity of quite recent models, they aren't going to waste that. They certainly aren't going to throw out the current factions and make up an entire new batch when they already have so many.

03-16-2015, 04:20 PM
The question you should be saying is what makes me enjoy warhammer fantasy or 40k and follow that reasoning because that is the reason why we love this crazy game

03-16-2015, 11:37 PM
Save your money and wait a few months. Summer is almost here. We'll know sooner rather than later as to what GW has up their sleeve as it pertains to 9th edition.

03-17-2015, 06:02 AM
This is some really good advice, thanks :)

But i've been thinking what if GW split the range between Warhammer End Times and Warhammer 9th edition? It seems that's what they are going to do with 40k, with them going to start a new 30k range in plastic. That would mean that people wouldn't have to throw out their old models and could still play the End Times battles, while others could start with the new range, because im pretty sure none of the models will be playable because everything blew up? but i could be wrong :/ what do you guys think? i'm still not sure on what to do, but i have been thinking about which armies i want to do. Which are either savage orcs, beastmen or chaos in general (mixture of demons and warriors)

03-17-2015, 12:20 PM
I think we're going to be playing with the models we have and are available for the forseeable future, whether that's because they're still available in the new edition or because the End Times is going to be a sort of "legacy Warhammer".

03-18-2015, 08:43 AM
So this is my dilemma should I start now with an already established army. This could go two ways: either I will be able to play this army in 9th edition and the rumours aren't true about the bases and what not. Or, I will be able to have a rather large display army for dirt cheap which I could still use if somebody wanted to play 8th edition in my local GW. But maybe I should just wait until 9th edition? my main problem with this is that nobody knows when 9th edition is actually hitting us. I don't want to be waiting 6 months for this new edition just so i can get started in Warhammer.

03-18-2015, 05:03 PM
Being a collector I say there is no time like the present!

I can't see GW invalidating the majority of their model range, though I might be mistaken.

03-18-2015, 09:16 PM
Me either. And there's also End Times. Eeeeeeeennnnnd Tiiiiiiiimes.

As it even says in Archaon, now is the perfect time for that themed army you always wanted. I'm going to base the core of my Undead Legion around the Host of Death.

03-20-2015, 03:16 PM
It's a crap shoot at this point. There are several rumors floating around about the overall product line being cut back, but who knows for certain. What I do know from SoB, Squats, and Zoats is that people love OOP models and will pay to get a hold of them. Prices of Epic, Mordheim, Necromunda, and BFG rules and Mini's have gone up. So, if you are eyeballing an army, then go for it. You may have to convert later to bring them inline with a new rule set if rumors turn out to be true.

03-24-2015, 12:41 AM
Its a risk... no one knows what is in store for 9th edition so GW might invalidate a bunch of models and force you to buy new ones to make them more $$. Honestly I hear the cries that if they do this everyone will quit... but people have yelled that before and I think GW pretty much ignores whatever everyone says.

That being said its your money. If you are trying to build a viable army, you might want to wait a little. If you just want the miniatures go ahead, but understand the risk that you might get a bunch of unsupported plastic when 9th comes out... or it might be fine. No one really knows, and GW's love for silence until a few weeks out isn't helping.

03-24-2015, 12:41 PM
I honestly think i'm going to wait until 9th edition. Even though i could start now, i'm finding it quite difficult to, because of the amount of different armies and models i'm just struggling to pick my favorite. Plus I've missed so much in the lore i think it would be pretty hard to catch up. By the time i would have read all the necessary books and gathered my army, 9th edition will be out and i would have wasted my time on a rather nice looking display army. So i think i will stick to 40k for now and then just get a huge army when 9th edition comes out.

04-11-2015, 06:36 PM
I'd wait until 9th.

There will be new factions to choose from which you may like and some of the old factions may have disappeared (and possibly some units from factions which remain).

It's such a huge investment and such a short amount of time to wait that I wouldn't take the risk.