View Full Version : American Horror Story.

Mr Mystery
03-14-2015, 07:04 AM
Have you seen it?

If not, why not? It's really good!

First season is a bit wobbly - it jumps around the timeline, but doesn't do a great job of explaining when this happens. Leads to it feeling quite disjointed.

But, still a really good story overall.

Second season, Asylum is a marked improvement. Less timeline jumping, and flags it when it does occur.

Third season, Coven? Four episodes in, and it too is really, really good!

Bit odd, as each season is a self contained story, but the same cast are used in each season.

It's on Netflix. So go on, watch it already.

Arkhan Land
03-14-2015, 07:42 AM
not to spoil it too much but sometimes its not just the "same cast"...

I love this series, effects are pretty awesome, plot is pretty awesome, acting is Just OK but I think it helps me to enjoy it more in truth since I kind of feel like youre aware of how doomed the main characters are from the get-go its okay to make fun of their pitiful acting and laugh as they suffer later on

I haven't had time to finish season 4

Mr Mystery
03-16-2015, 09:47 AM
Very nearly finished Coven....

Perhaps better watched in bouts of three to four episodes - it doesn't hold up to hardcore binge watching as well as say, Game of Thrones or Walking Dead.

03-18-2015, 05:20 PM
I liked 1 more than 2. Though just started 3 and that is more interesting, but that could because it is a bout witches.

09-19-2015, 03:27 PM
Still watching 3 but near the end now...

09-20-2015, 04:10 PM
Season 1 - some good ideas, but overall a bit meh.
Season 2 - very good, although the 'aliens' plotline was dumber than dirt.
Season 3 - Eh. I liked bits of it.
Season 4 - Watched two episodes and just couldn't be bothered.

It's got some amazing, amazing ideas, but it's not what I want from horror, 'cause it's just so, so camp. The actors are great a lot of the time, but... There's just so much going on, and so much of it's clearly unplotted, random, throw-it-in-and-see-if-it-works-we'll-just-drop-it-without-explanation-or-resolution-if-it-doesn't, connect-the-tropes storytelling that it's just exhausting. Season 2 was the best (despite the disgusting rape scenes that were badly handled and just shameful to see), but the rest are just...

Well, I wasn't surprised when I discovered it's got the same writer as 'Glee'.

'Hannibal' was the best horror show on TV, but now it's gone.

09-20-2015, 04:20 PM
'Hannibal' was the best horror show on TV, but now it's gone.

Hannibal was totes amazing, plus the sound scape was awesome

09-20-2015, 04:45 PM
Hannibal was totes amazing, plus the sound scape was awesome

Best soundtrack to any TV series currently on. You can't call it music, but it's just incredible.

The whole Will Graham/Hannibal relationship arc was amazing/terrifying, and the finale was absolutely perfect.

Just a great, great series.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-20-2015, 07:55 PM
Only seen the first season, thought it was Okay but didn't really excite me much. They should do a lovecraftian horror one. I'll on season 2 if it has rape scenes though, thanks for the warning.

12-01-2015, 11:58 AM
So now watching hotel on fox, good fun :)