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08-04-2009, 10:54 AM
Ive had 5 games against tyranids using my necrons and cant seem to even get close to a tie. Anybody got any ideas?:eek:

08-04-2009, 11:02 AM
Problem with nids is how is your opponent running them? Is he doing hordes of guants? or a nidzilla list? Is he somewhere inbetween? In this new edition your monolith should be all but invulnerable except against a carnifex assault and it has the firepower to deal with mobs but you cant afford to lose it to a MC assault. My suggestion core your army with 2 monoliths and use heavy destroyers to knock out his fexes, assuming he is playing a mixed list. Again without knowing what your facing its hard to determine what to use to counter.

But what the heck do I know anyway...

08-04-2009, 11:47 AM
I'd say use 9 heavy destroyers. not one less!

because any nid palyer that knows his stuff stoves 5 2+ save creatures into your face (because necrons only have 1,5 guns and 1 melee char that can deal with that).

the monolith mgiht be nearly immortal but it does ZERO damage. the ordnance has to hit dead on to get AP1 and the secondary gun only shoots d6 shots per UNIT (which means about 3d6 or less per round!)

infantry shouldnt be your problem since you ahve the rest of your army to deal with it.

08-04-2009, 01:05 PM
You could get a Sisters of Battle Army. I have a sneaking suspicion they were made specifically to kill Tyranids...

I suppose a Lord with Immortals and a VOD is always pretty handy here, especially to get out of combat and render that which assaulted you high and dry to shooting.

08-04-2009, 01:19 PM
Ive had 5 games against tyranids using my necrons and cant seem to even get close to a tie. Anybody got any ideas?:eek:

Got any armies besides Necrons?

08-04-2009, 01:34 PM
Ive got a Blood Angels army. Even two monoliths doesnt seem to make a big enough dent. Ive got to deal with a lot of genestealers. Im just at a loss of what to throw at him. maybe i need more destroyers. the phase out rule usually hits me before i know it... :eek:

08-04-2009, 03:08 PM
couldn't hurt to drop a monolith and get more destroyers. That volume of fire is incredible and you'll have more models before you hit your phase out number

08-04-2009, 04:27 PM
I might have an idea for ya:
First: you mistaken yourself to believe you can beat tyranids.:D
Second: the best way to kill the bugs is to take their advantages away from them.

With Necrons it a little easier than most armies i believe. You have fast moving heavy weapons and you have a large speed bump aka the Monolith to fight back the horde. The best way to beat the bug is to think like the bug. Deploy at least 25 ins from the bugs and 18 ins away from the short table edges. with this you will not be put into close combat with them until turn 2 at earliest. Another helpful tip is let the bugs go first, have them move closer to your mid and close range fire power. Lastly concentrate fire power! pick something of theirs and destroy it each turn. ( Do not go for the big bugs unless there is nothing else to shoot, i find that people are too worried about the big bugs and totally forget about the small ones)

Regular Destroyers all the way!

08-04-2009, 08:55 PM
Drop the Monofails and get more Destroyers. Blow apart his army with all that dakka, and throw tie down units like Scarabs or Spyders if they get too close.

08-05-2009, 10:09 AM
I would completly agree with the whole regular destroyers thing. Also, considering using triple monoliths while keeping the crons as much as possible in reserves. (just a thought)

08-05-2009, 10:56 AM
I don't know that your problem is as much Tyranids as it is Necrons. Necrons are in a tough place right now especially against armies with decent assault like nids. Toss in the fact that MCs can drop high strength templates all over and it does not bode well for phase out. The few necron armies I still see seem to be having trouble across the board with all armies.

08-05-2009, 11:01 AM
What size game are we talking?

That is a key factor cause in a low pt game Crons are not that good but as point totals get higher you will be better off.

08-05-2009, 01:24 PM
The only way anybody ever beats my nids(very very rarely) is when they are smart enough to take down the fast gaunts 1st before firing everything left at my fex's

08-06-2009, 02:09 AM
Same here.

08-06-2009, 04:25 AM
personally, its really, about playing smart. you said he has alot of genestealers.. regular destroyers can turn them into pulp very quickly (even when lead by a broodlord). even regular destroyers can tie up regular gaunts for a good while being t5, it would be hard for them to even wound you. on top of that, (i dont know the fex's T off the top of my head) all gauss weaponry causes wounds on a 6, irregardless of strength and toughness values.

from what i gather, your opponent plays heavy genestealers, with atleast two fex's maybe a squad or two of warriors or tyrants, and a brood of gaunts or two..

for me looking at this, i would honestly say you have a few options. two monoliths, bunch of regular destroyers, a lord, and your squads of warriors. keep the monoliths forward as a screen, targeting as much if possible the synapse creatures. keep the portal facing you, and if you have your warriors near it, try to make use of their 24" gauss weaponry (standing still). if you ever have to portal them, do so.

keep the destroyers mobile, targeting again, synapse, or the fex's if you have good shots. little gaunts dont give them a coversave, so use your mobility to your advantage.

the lord if anything, should have a res orb and option of a scyth or staff. up to you really, but you need that orb.

another option, would be to run destroyers, destroyers, destroyers.. with a destroyer lord with lightning field and scyth (and orb too i think can fit), and max scarabs with those gause talon thingies.. and attached to the lord. fill in the rest of the points with warriors, another lord on foot with res orb, and if possible a hvy destroyer or tomb spyder. either one.. with this, just keep pumping shots into everything you see, using your scarabs as a screening force.

lastly, the GODS.. i dont know off hand if you can use both.. (which is just dick imho) but use whichever one you prefer (i think nightbringer is nice)
keep him close to your warriors (as who would wanna come close to them?) and since he only moves 6". go warrior heavy, maxing out your units and lords with res' orbs. gun down everything you see. assault the big stuff with the god, and if you can take a tomb spyder if you have to.. pump scarabs out too to increase its survivability..

my three cents.. :D

08-07-2009, 07:37 AM
lastly, the GODS.. i dont know off hand if you can use both.. (which is just dick imho) but use whichever one you prefer (i think nightbringer is nice)
keep him close to your warriors (as who would wanna come close to them?) and since he only moves 6". go warrior heavy, maxing out your units and lords with res' orbs. gun down everything you see.

Nightbringer isn't a bad idea (you cannot field both btw), though I've had some VERY bad experiences with keeping him close to my warriors - if he gets killed, he's going to take a LOT of friendly models down with him. I haven't faced Tyranids with my Necron army yet... so I'm not much good for advice here... but since they are all on foot, I'd think using massed fire against them would work great (immortals, destroyers, warriors). Use your Monolith or a Lord with Veil to pull your squads out of combat & sit back and shoot.

08-07-2009, 11:01 AM
use monolith ordnance and veil to teleport your dudes out of the way

08-08-2009, 02:52 AM
Just kill the things that can get to you on the next turn. Pretty much just play a turn ahead of them.

Abominable Plague Marine
08-09-2009, 05:43 AM
Sometimes against Nids, you just have to defeat them the hard way.

What I mean is, if you dont have enough fire power to kill off his Synaps in two turns, dont bother trying. Keep moving, this is something Necrons have in their favour, just about everything can move and still shoot. Dont let them assault you, assault them iff you have to, otherwise use your Monoliths as a mobile screen if they want to get at your Warriors. Focus on one unit a turn till it is dead, then move on. There is no point doing a few wounds to a Carnifex if you arnt going to finish the job, its certainly going to stop him from rushing forward next turn.

08-09-2009, 09:51 AM
Ive had 5 games against tyranids using my necrons and cant seem to even get close to a tie. Anybody got any ideas?:eek:

Trade your Necrons for another army then you'll win.


08-09-2009, 04:49 PM
Don't even sweat the big guys, when fighting the horde take out the troops, fexes may be huge but they cannot take objectives.
all of the troop choices for nids fall easily to massed fire, aside from some pumped up warriors, take them out en mass and you'll see your opponent start to squirm when he only has 2 troop choices left over.

I beat them almost each game with this tactic.
good luck.

08-09-2009, 05:14 PM
Alien is pretty much on spot with that tactic.

Ignore the big ones, and kill the little ones.

08-09-2009, 08:27 PM
Don't even sweat the big guys, when fighting the horde take out the troops, fexes may be huge but they cannot take objectives.
all of the troop choices for nids fall easily to massed fire, aside from some pumped up warriors, take them out en mass and you'll see your opponent start to squirm when he only has 2 troop choices left over.

I beat them almost each game with this tactic.
good luck.

WOW and then you will lose (disclaimer- if your opponent has a good list). A good nid player will have WoN so killing them will just bring them back at their home objectives or will just kill all your stuff with TMC in a KP game.

08-09-2009, 11:04 PM
I don't know what a 'home objective is', but without number brings your nids back on the table at your table edge, so when without numbers activates on turn 4, the new nids won't see another round of battle in an average game.

08-09-2009, 11:16 PM
I don't know what a 'home objective is', but without number brings your nids back on the table at your table edge, so when without numbers activates on turn 4, the new nids won't see another round of battle in an average game.

Home-objective= an objective in a players deployment zone

Gaunts don't need to see battles. They do 3 things in the tyranid army:

1. They provide cover (a gaunt screen). Do you need a definition for that one too?
2. They die/tie up a unit and then die and maybe kill something in the process.
3. Come back (Without Numbers) to capture objectives in the deployment zone.

Here come another trademark BoLS thread...

08-10-2009, 10:14 AM
Home-objective= an objective in a players deployment zone.

Thanks! I didn't know that.

Here come another trademark BoLS thread...

What do you mean?

1. They provide cover (a gaunt screen). Do you need a definition for that one too?

I see what you mean now lol... You mean 'another BoLs thread' in that you attempt to insult a poster, and when that poster either calls you out on it or defends himself, he turns out to be the bad guy?

Good job kettle.

As for a screen, true for just about any unit in the game.

2. They die/tie up a unit and then die and maybe kill something in the process.

True for any unit in the game.

Come back (Without Numbers) to capture objectives in the deployment zone.

This makes sense. I didn't think of that before.

08-10-2009, 11:15 AM

I mean no disrespect friend. And I stand corrected that this is not one of those threads. You actually know what you are talking about from what I just read (some people don't ya know). :)

As for points 1 and 2. It is true that other units in the game can do those for that but most are not entirely intended for that purpose.

08-10-2009, 04:16 PM
WOW and then you will lose (disclaimer- if your opponent has a good list). A good nid player will have WoN so killing them will just bring them back at their home objectives or will just kill all your stuff with TMC in a KP game.

I may be incorrect but isn't WoN only used in apoc games?
plus I am not talking about cowering in a corner and just picking off his troops, then hiding from his big bugz, I am a fan of taking enough of the troops down to make him second guess his tactics, flood his big bugz with cheap units like scarab swarms to tie them up (you'd be surprised how long it takes a fex to dispatch a swarm of robo bugz) then gun em down.

as for home objectives they may reclaim the 1 or 2 in their deployment zone but if all goes well you will have most of the rest.

I hope some of this may help you, I feel your pain as I usually use my orcs against my buddies krons and he has the same issue of beating me, hard to fight horde armies with krons IMO.

granted if he has you cornered and is going for KP then you are probably F'd :)

08-10-2009, 04:39 PM
two of my good friends used Crons and Nids, respectively. Our Necron player eventually learned that mass firing is really the only way to kill things. That, and lightning field scarabs for zapping things to death, dunno how that worked...but he used them all the time. Basically, keep a firing line, and as many destroyers as possible. Even those Fexes will fail saves, if you keep shooting them.

08-10-2009, 04:45 PM
In all reality Necrons just isn't a good dex right now. My nid army tables them by turn 3 everytime I play them...

It's just a 3rd dex in a 5th ed world...

09-07-2009, 10:26 AM
My brother plays Nids, and I can usually take him down. He plays a swarm list with some Dakka Fexes and a Winged Tyrant. This is my standard 1750 List.

300 - The Deceiver
200 - Necron Lord w/ Orb and VoD
198 - 11 Necron Warriors
180 - 10 Necron Warriors
280 - 10 Immortals
235 - Monolith
200 - 4 Destroyers
150 - 3 Destroyers

I know it's a boring list, but this is my competitive list. If played right, I don't have to worry about phase out.

Against a swarm army, the Monolith using its Flux Arc, the Immortals and the Destroyers can usually lay down enough firepower to wipe out troops and warriors easily, while being mobile enough to keep a good distance.

Against a Ziilla list, I'll send the Deceiver out to just FSU, seriously, he tears MC's apart.

It works for me.