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View Full Version : Noob question - How do like your assault terminators?

Hades Alpha
08-04-2009, 10:41 AM
I know this is a newbie question for all those veterans out there, but I’d like to know your opinions.

What is, in your opinion, the best/optimal weapon load out for a 5 man terminator assault squad?

If you don’t use them, maybe you can tell us which one you fear the most.

For me, I like to have 2 TH/SS and 3 LC. I think it has great flexibility: they can take a push and deal lots of wound.

So want do you think?

08-04-2009, 10:49 AM
Their job is drawing fire and being scary, as well as eating Nob Bikers like popcorn if someone drags them out. So TH/SS is the answer I chose.

Zombie Savant
08-04-2009, 11:29 AM
I think that TH/SS terminators are definitely the most popular variation. The only thing in the game that can break them easily are C'Tan Phase Blades, and even then, you're only probably netting about 2 dead terminators a turn in assault with pretty standard rolling (On a callidus, that is). Of course, that's almost 100 points that dies.

I think that Jwolf has it exactly right. Terminators are slow, and if you get caught without a transport you should expect ever piece of enemy AP 2 to be heading their way. You really need the 3+ Inv for an assault unit as expensive as this.

08-04-2009, 11:31 AM
I play Blood Angels so my TH/SS termies arnt quite the no brainer that they are in the SM codex. I went with a mix of 4 LC and 1 TH/SS since mine are rolling in a LRC with Corbulo and Dante is always lurking near by so that furious charge and preferred enemy bonus is killer for LC terminators. I keep the TH/SS in there so I'm not screwed if they get grabbed by a walker and because he looks bad *** ;)

08-04-2009, 11:49 AM
I like them medium-roasted by means of a pair of heavy flamers. thanks!

and dont forget the ketchup and mustard...

08-04-2009, 01:26 PM
I like a mix, but only use termies with Deathwing, so generally stick one or two CC guys in with a squad. Mostly then it's LCs to get someone hitting at I4, and chainfists for anti-armour.

08-04-2009, 03:11 PM
Since my Termies are BA and were built back when the whole army had furious charge I go LC. I am aperantly the only one that voted all LC too, so that shows you how often I bring them to the field these days.

08-04-2009, 03:43 PM
Put it this way: when my redeemer pops it's load, it's hammertime

Inquisitor Malak
08-05-2009, 02:49 AM
I think the OP meant vanilla Assault Terminators, but it varies depending on which SM army we're talking about;

Vanilla Assault Terminators: TH+SS all the way
Blood Angels: 3 x twin-LC to take advantage of Dante+Corbulo, 2 x TH+SS for popping walkers/MC's
Black Templars: 3 x twin-LC's to take advantage of 'Accept' and 'Furious Charge' combo, 2 x TH+SS for popping walkers/MC's
Deathwing: Every model different for wound allocation shenanigans

08-05-2009, 03:32 AM
I have one of them with lighting claws, as much for the look as anything.
4 attacks on the charge that don't fight last can also aid a bit in return attacks against I3- units plus wound allocation rules are not too bad with one of them without the shield.

08-05-2009, 05:25 PM
Deathwing: Every model different for wound allocation shenanigans.
How does this work, termies only have one wound. It wouldn't even be all that good at protecting the equipment you want the most (as you might pick the sergeant with power weapon, the bolter + fist, the flamer [the three you don't care about], then the TH/SS and the missilepod [the two you do care about]. Now it's just random luck).

That aside; people have said it already. Normal marines TH/SS, maybe 1 in 5 have claws, to catch people off guard.
Most other codexes, mostly Claws and one or two hammers to protect you from walkers.
With Deathwing, mostly Claws and a fist with assault-cannon (adds shooting, and the fist does walker protection job).

08-05-2009, 09:19 PM
who needs cover saves when you have a 3+ invulnerable save?

08-05-2009, 11:51 PM
Absolutely love assault terms in this edition. Last edition they were not that great except from a Land Raider because they were too slow and people just avoided them as much as possible, but with the ability to use the shooting they don't get to run they are far more efficient. I personally like to run them 2 TH/SS and 3 LC with a terminator librarian. Give the Librarian infinity gate psychic power and they are rather mobile. Regardless they are a nasty threat that no one can ignore teamed up like that.

08-06-2009, 12:11 AM
How do I like assault terminators? One word: dead.

Herald of Nurgle
08-06-2009, 06:41 AM
Wow. Lack of LC votes

Unless that's because, like me, everyone uses LC on their Chaos termies? :P

08-07-2009, 04:12 PM
The correct answer to this is:
With a port wine reduction and garlic mashed potatoes. This makes most everything better IMHO.

The game answer is:
The thunderhammer is slow, but sturdy enough to be confident on swinging last.

08-07-2009, 04:19 PM
I run 4 TH/SS and 2 LC, combine this with nullzine and it means I win versus your TH/SS squad. They still kickass against most things, you on feel the loss of the 2 TH when you have to take out armour 14.

08-12-2009, 07:26 PM
2 TH/SS and 3LC, with Black Templar and Accept any Challenge, I get 3 sets of reroll hits AND wounds, and two guys to take invuln saves first.

08-15-2009, 04:29 PM
I am in the process of painting up 2 squads of assault termies
and they're sporting 8 TH/SS and 2 LCs
the idea is to split them up into combat squads and each 5 man squad has LCs just in case, other than that i'm planning on a Librarian with a SS so depending on the situation i may or may not split one of the squads up if i decide to gate them around. And worse case scenario the warp eats the claws.

08-15-2009, 05:43 PM
I find that I often don't need to roll invuls for the whole squad at a time and it's a shame to waste space in their Crusader, so usually 4-5 TH/SS and 3-2 LCs because sometimes going first is nice (Ork Boyz are the big one).

Exitus Acta Probat
08-16-2009, 12:01 AM
I find that when I play mixed, I regret not having that last THSS at the end.
Whenever I get performance out of a pair of LC in a 5man group, it's when I don't REALLY DESPERATELY need those 3+ invulns.
I NEVER regret having no Light Claws around when I go for broke and load out totally THSS. :)

Inquisitor Lord Haestus
08-16-2009, 12:59 AM
My personal CC favorite would be TH/SS for the 3+ inv save, because you just can't resist getting hit by stuff that negates your 2+ armor save.

08-16-2009, 06:48 AM
Broken at the feet of my daemon prince.... but seriously with thunderhammers and storm shields, they are so survivable with the shields that it doesnt matter that you hit at i1 with the hammers.

08-16-2009, 08:31 AM
Storm Sheild or not, Math Hammer will take its toll. Termies will die regardless of their equipment prefference.

Chaps Terminators. Squad up to 10, deep strike on an Icon. 7 LC, 3 combi meltas w/ powerfists and chainfists. Mark of Khorne. :D
Still an assault squad, packing the combis for the turn they show up and can't do nilch.

08-16-2009, 08:34 AM
for my black templars its lightning claws and preferred enemy and furious charge and a chaplain with L.claws and furious charge - expensive but can take out a unit of nob bikers easily and with rerolls to hit and wound with power weapons they stand a good chance against their stormshield wielding counterparts as well

Marcus Iago Geruasius
08-18-2009, 07:52 AM
I run LCs and if I have enough points my Chaplian in Term Armor joins the squad. Chaplain lets them re-roll misses on my first assault, Pairs of LCs re-roll failed wounds. That means that 5 LCs have 20 attacks of which 17-18 of which will hit. Against T4, 12-14 will wound.

Warmaster Horous
08-25-2009, 05:51 AM
I have one of them with lighting claws, as much for the look as anything.
4 attacks on the charge that don't fight last can also aid a bit in return attacks against I3- units plus wound allocation rules are not too bad with one of them without the shield.

i always go al LC with a chaplain. Re-rolls to hit nd wound!!!!!!

08-25-2009, 08:19 AM
Dont let Pariahs near them. I would hate to see the 3+ inv save get wasted.

09-01-2009, 02:48 PM
I personally run mine with 2 claws and 3 hammers with a chaplain in a Landraider. This way half the squad can swing at initiative and lay down some hurt on anything that would just eat the hammers. Then, if the claws don't do the job then the hammers can finish cleaning up. It's a kind of one two punch of destruction that comes screaming out of a Land Raider.

But hey, that's just me.

09-01-2009, 03:25 PM
i play CSM but my assault termies are as such: 2 champions with dual lit claws, 2 with Pfists, and 1 with Pweapon and heavy flamer

Boys in Blue
09-01-2009, 03:31 PM
Mixed squad 3LC 4THSS with a chaplin in a Land Raider Crusader.
That mix packs enough to hurt on initiative and clean up anthing really tough with the hammers.

09-01-2009, 03:33 PM
TH/SS FTW, 3+ invul is just too good to give up

09-01-2009, 05:20 PM
It depends on what Codex I'm using.

BA - All LCs in a Land Raider.

"Red Marines" (with the SM Codex) with a "Blood Angels" version of He'stan - 2 LCs and 3 TH/SSers, or even 1 LC/4 THs. The LCs are to whittle down the opposition so they have fewer return attacks, and to maximze the TH rerolls from He'stan.

09-01-2009, 07:23 PM
All TH/SS helps make sure the squad is around for awhile. I often attach a librarian with SS + Force Weapon. His hood, along with null zone and avenger have really enhanced the squad's lethality as well as survivability.

09-01-2009, 09:24 PM
I mix and match. I find that having a few claws in there is really nasty to most enemy units, and on top of that, wound allocation will make it really tough to put them all under even footslogging. Put high AP wounds on the claws and low AP wounds on the shields and you're set. A friend of mine also adds two ICs to the squad to allocate random wounds to, in order to give it even MORE survivability via wound allocation.

09-01-2009, 09:41 PM
All hammers and shields is certainly the strongest option, but I really like giving the sarge lightning claws for personality.

Also, if I'm taking them, I like to take the whole package with a Land Raider Crusader and a Chaplain (Cassius for Ultramarines).

09-02-2009, 06:55 AM
I like a mix of hammers and claws, reason is I played game against someone and their lightning claw armed Terminators charged my Defiler, they couldn't do nothing to it - if the player had taken one or two hammers would have done some damage.

Having a mix helps not only against vehicles, but against infantry. It allows you to possibly get some attacks in first, plus the claws get you three attacks in total, and allows some some serious punishment last as well - just when you think its all over!

09-02-2009, 12:54 PM
Each claw termie gives 4 attacks on the charge and has 3 if you get charged. More if you have Pedro out there somewhere. Pretty terrifying for any enemy. Mixing in a handful of claws, I run seven termies at 280 points, and have three sets of claws and four hammers. Wound allocation makes them seem to live forever, and the claws give me 12 attacks at I4 that ignore armor and re-roll to wound. Pretty serious pain. It isn't uncommon for my enemy to begin rolling his morale checks before I even roll the 12 thunder hammer swings...

As an added bonus it makes me look like less of a jerk to people who hate those terminators' shields. Hehe.

brother drakist
09-02-2009, 05:28 PM
All TH/SS for me. It delivers the pain and gets the job done every time.