View Full Version : Karma

02-21-2010, 12:24 PM
Hey guys, so today I had a battle down at my local GW. It was against a guy I have never played before but had spoken to several times, I took my crimson fists while he brought a very nicely painted world eaters army. Before the battle started I asked him how he felt on proxying, he said he didnt mind small ones. On my Ironclad dread I have a meltagun and a heavy flamer but I wanted to run a dual heavy flamer. He was dead against this for whatever reason i do not know, So we go on to battle and first turn the ironclad drop pod assaults meltas his land raider, destroys it. I then use Perdo Kantors orbital bombardment on the large beserker squad that was inside the raider killing them all including kharn the betrayer, the melta then goes on to kill 2 Defilers a chaos dreadnaught and took the last wound off his greater daemon. At the end of the battle all either of us could say was KARMA. so have any of you guys had similar experiences with Karma making an appearance during your games?

02-21-2010, 12:48 PM
Once played someone at my local GW store who didnt seem / want to understand the wysiwg rule. Asked if could use his chao marine Havoc unit as chaos Raptors as they were not finshed instead. I agreed as he was apparantly new to the game. First turn atemped to fire the heavy weapons, pointed out what we had agreed. He proceed to complain to the store manager that I WAS CHEATING!. He was told to make up his mind what is unit was. Continued to attempt to change what unit was. He lost the game as he was too intent on revenge rather than victory.packed and left in a huff. Store manager told him he would ban him if this attitude continued.

02-21-2010, 12:48 PM
Fantastic! The first tourny that I traveled for I was hit hard with the karma stick. I brought along my Blood Angels and in my first game I used the cheesy Corbulo saving smoked vehicles rule (pre FAQ). I immediately felt bad and offered to take it back but my opponent said to take it and that it was no problem. On his turn his oblits cap 2 Veteran Assault marines from the unit that also had commander Dante in it. I figure okay LD10, what ever I got this. I roll box cars! How far do they run? 18" right off the board. Good bye about 500pts of my army!

I never tried anything like that ever again :p

Herald of Nurgle
02-21-2010, 03:05 PM
That's not Karma - it's simply luck.

Being told that you can't proxy one weapon change can't be used to explain a wholesale slaughter of an opponent's army. If anything, he would have more of a reason due to his 'well painted World Eaters' to say Karma was a reason for victory.

Only faith in the dark gods will bring victory!!!

02-21-2010, 03:48 PM
i don't know about karma, but my ironclad melta guns never come close to doing that much damage, sadly my ironclads get blown to heck by railguns...freaking tau....

02-21-2010, 05:47 PM
Time for some good karma stories!

It was Ard' Boyz last year and I was running a farely straightforward Elite-based Ork Army (Snikrot Kommandos, Thraka+Nobz, Ard' Boyz, etc.) I was going up against a Tau player that seemed to love his Broadsides and Hammerheads. He was cool enough and our game was honestly fun regardless of the tourney setting and my Orks getting their fair share of bad luck (Thraka failing three 2+ invuls)

Anyhow, I finally reached the end of his board and decided to assault the building holding 9-railgun battlesuits (forgot precisely what they were, not a tau player) hoping the destroy the building or at least shake it enough to survive a round of shooting. We both forgot the precise rules and asked the tourney guys and were told 'ignore the building rules, cannot assualts/destroy/shoot the buildings themselves' leaving me WIDE open to every gun in his army. He was cool and proposed that we could count them as assaulting his battlesuit unit that were in the building. Of course when all was said and done I was VERY defeated but he was cool enough to at least let us have a fun latter-half of the battle cause of this assault. My friend fought him and said he was equally cool about some testy Blood Angel rules (forgot which). He went on to win the store Ard' Boyz over the other more 'competitive guys.'

02-21-2010, 06:58 PM
Herald of Nurgle: Yes, "karma" is by another person's definition "luck". Let's not get into semantics, regardless whether or not you believe in the concept of "karma".

Commissar Lewis
02-21-2010, 07:17 PM
Well, not so much karma, but I was playing a friend who was playing another friend's Tau army. He was quite arrogant about how awesome railguns were and how they could kill anything. So, turn 5, Colonel "Iron Hand" Straken was on his own as his squad was killed over the last5 4 turns, and he was closing in on my friend's FW on his one objective. So, he fires a ton of firepower at Straken, who makes all his saves.

So finally he fired his exalted railgun at Straken out in the open. I rolled my refractor field save - 5. He was pissed that the rail gun didn't kill him. Straken went to clear out the FW and I won by holding my objective.

02-22-2010, 05:28 AM
One of the women in our games group got into the game via her teenage son, and some kid from outside our group was giving him a hard time about it*. Anyway one day he turned up at a group meeting so we set him up to play against Gamer Mum. She absolutely slaughtered him and he left in a huff, much hilarity.

* "Your mum plays DE, what is she, a dominatrix** or something?" - actual quote relayed to us by Gamer Son.

**She isn't.

02-22-2010, 06:37 AM
Although, she did dominate.

02-22-2010, 08:04 AM
Karma is being used here as irony, as it often is in today's world, and ironic/karmic is quite the point for the OP.

I've got a lot of "small" stories of karmic retribution. Usually it revolves around my opponent wanting every possible advantage in terms of shooting at valkyries/vendettas (i.e. that tailfin bit is part of the hull), giving it to him, and then laughing as he loses the game by shooting at vendetta tailfins all game long.

02-22-2010, 09:07 AM
I once broke my no unpainted models on the table top and took a 'primed' valk, my opponent bumped it, it fell off the table and smashed. I don't know if that's karma, irony or the dice gods just telling me not to take unpainted models again.

Which ever it was, I'm not fielding unpainted models again!

Lord Azaghul
02-22-2010, 09:21 AM
I would go more for amusing then anything else.
When I first started showing up to my FLGS, the only guard player had a repuation for bring the cheese. ( personally didn't think his list was cheese) vets, 3 vendettas, pyker battle squads, primus pyker, inquisory and whatever the leadership combo assassin, and the typical heavy choices.
He was always talking trash about how IG platoon sucked, and every body should be playing his list, which was of course unbeatable...

So took my standard IG list.
2 CCS,
2 Vets in chimeras
1 nice sized platton
with hw squads (mortars, LC, AC)
2 sentinal squads
BC Russ.

First turn I blew up a vendetta, wrecked a russ, and imoblized another, for a few small infantry woulds.
Next turn his 2nd vendetta blew up after is blew the turret off my Russ. My bassie poped a pyker squad chimera, mortars murdered the rest of the squad. LC'd the send chimera squad - almost ever vehicle I penned rolled a 5 or 6.
Turn 3 his last vend shows up and takes 2 melta shots from my vets, exploding, killing most of his squad. He had virtually nothing left on the table by the end of turn 3.

My loses: 1 infanty squad, and a few models here or there...my opponent fields platoons now.