View Full Version : Attack bike stand in for my RG's

02-21-2010, 10:18 AM
So i'm thinking about using FW's awesome Elysian goodness, or one of these others as an Attack bike stand in, that or convert a LS with some plastic card goodness...

AT-43 thingy

The following are Old Crow models - 25MM size, possibly a little small?
Geko scout...there's also an open backed version i could mount a standing turret in the back..

Half track...also a 6 wheeled version...

my concern is the footprint over the Attack bike....the LS is already bigger and the Elysian looks even bigger...opinions are much appreciated, as i've been stalling on this one...

02-22-2010, 02:10 AM
Personally I love the Elysian model but for attack bikes it's probably a little too large, I do admit I haven't seen one in the flesh so can't be sure though. I suspect they're all going to end up being a little bigger than the bikes as the attack bike model isn't all that big to start with.

You could always try converting your bikes into quads with turrets on the back, it's basically two bikes stuck together with some crafty work to make them look nice - the Mentors army in the Apocalypse rulebook has some great pictures of that.

02-22-2010, 10:50 AM
yeah i thought about that, but was wanting something more substantial, but i may go that way...

02-22-2010, 10:52 AM
How about a landspeeder model with the bottom fin removed and some trickery to add wheels? Not quite sure how to do it but I just thought of it as an option...

02-22-2010, 05:58 PM
that was my original idea, i was just trying to think of something a little less identifiable, though i would use pc to put in wheel wells and suspension, plus with all the painting and building i still have to do i would like to save some time, but then cutting corners in the end will make me unhappy....sooo.....

02-25-2010, 06:04 PM
The Old Crow Gecko scout is the same size as a land speeder.
The half-track is about an inch longer (same width and height). the flat oof area is large enough to mount a cupola and weapon (I use the geckos as Sentinel stand-ins for my guard army).

02-25-2010, 06:12 PM
The Old Crow Gecko scout is the same size as a land speeder.
The half-track is about an inch longer (same width and height). the flat oof area is large enough to mount a cupola and weapon (I use the geckos as Sentinel stand-ins for my guard army).

see now that's incredibly helpful, i was concerned they were too small. Do you think a weapon cupola would fit the top of the scout?

02-25-2010, 07:21 PM
Hm, there was a nice conversion, trike/quad-looking from a mentors legion army, I need to find it tho.

VERY similar to this one: http://coolminiornot.com/37321

Maybe it wasn't mentor legion after all.