View Full Version : 40k Axioms

03-05-2015, 10:29 PM
40K Axioms:
1. It’s just a game.
2. If there is enough distance between two armies, the army with the most guns wins.
3. The army that hits first usually wins.
4. Funnel the Horde armies through terrain so you can concentrate your fire.
5. Swamp the Elite armies with bait units.
6. Shoot the Assault armies at range before they get to you.
7. Assault the Shooting armies by making them come to you so they cannot shoot.
8. Slow down the Fast armies with throw away units and terrain.
9. Concentrate your fire on one target until it is no longer a threat, then move onto the next target.
10. If your opponent has a better/faster close combat army, set yours up just out of assault range.
11. The only thing better than good armor is terrain blocking LOS.
12. Always build your army list for worst possible scenario, everything else is gravy.
13. Every army list needs to work well against Horde, Elite, Assault, Shooting, and Speed type armies.
14. Always have a throw away unit.
15. Always have a bait unit.
16. You should have a plan and purpose for every unit.
17. You should have a secondary plan and purpose for every unit.
18. Every army list has a counter list.
19. Balanced lists are usually better than glass hammers.
20. Playing games is the best way to learn.
21. Theory-hammer works but should be taken with a grain of salt.
22. Math-hammer works but not when you need it to.
23. Assaulting multiple units is a good way to kill off the fearless/monstrous.
24. Battle plans go out the window as soon as the dice start rolling, but good players adapt.
25. It’s just a game.

03-06-2015, 03:02 AM
A broad mind lacks focus. A questioning servant is more dangerous than an ignorant heretic. The man who has nothing can still have faith. Innocence proves nothing. Be strong in your ignorance. Mercy is a sign of weakness. Only in death does duty end. Compromise is akin to treachery. Pain is an illusion of the senses; despair an illusion of the mind. Death is the servant of the righteous. The seed of heresy rests in the minds of reasonable men. Zeal is its own excuse.

03-06-2015, 04:03 AM
1. I'm off to Hartlepool to buy some exploding trousers!

03-06-2015, 11:54 AM
1. Popsical wears the best trousers.

03-12-2015, 10:26 AM
Why thank you kind sir! Wooble wooble.