View Full Version : The Power of 3

02-21-2010, 03:17 AM
Now I don't know if any1s been noticing this but with some of the 5th ed. codexs there have been some heavy 3 man units. IG got 3 Russ squadrons, Nids got 3 Fex squads.
So it occured to me, When most armies are going to get 3man heavy squads in their new dex. Here are my predictions.
Eldar:- 1-3 wraithlords
Necrons:- 1-3 Monoliths(a.k.a. Your entire army!)
Tau:- admitedly they lready have 1-3 broadsides
Chaos marines:- 1-3 Defilers
Chaos Daemons:- 1-3 daemon princes
Inquisition:-(knowing their new dex) 1-3 book catapults

You get the idea. What are your thoughts on this inevitable situation.

02-21-2010, 04:12 AM
Well for Sisters of Battle I would like to say 1-3 Exorcists since there is a new apocalypse formation like that, most people Ive talked to say you need atleast 2 exorcists to be competative and that taking just 1 is pretty useless since they are rather unreliable.

The do have the 1-3 Penitent engines atm but they suck so bad its not even funny. When in a squad and receiving a penetrating hit anything above a roll of 1 will destroy one. Been there failed that. I guess they could turn them into monstrous creatures, it wouldnt been completly unreasonable since WH allready have the only Imperial monstrous creature as it is with Karmazov.

02-21-2010, 08:56 AM
you have to consider they are squading heavy supports now, rather than just fast attacks, and thats interesting...imagine for the new BA dex 1-3 Baal Predators...at some point they should just leave it to Apoc...Guard makes sense for fluff just like platoons, but not everyone needs that..

02-21-2010, 09:20 AM
Its certainly something that GW seems to have on the table as an option these days but I don't think it will be a trend for every new army. Space Wolves didn't get any weird squadrons and it doesn't look like BA are going to either. It seems that GW was been pretty consciously trying to give their 40k armies a lot of unique differences, especially in their marine chapters too (ie: not everyone has t-fire cannons, not everyone gets the harbinger thingy, 4 HQ slots ect ect). I personally am a fan of it tho. With eldar I could maybe see something like fire prisms being in a squad but not even really them since eldar aren't all that numerous and should probably stay a smaller quick elite force.

02-21-2010, 10:07 AM
yeah, i'm down with the idea as long as it's fluffy...to do it just for the heck of it....eehhhh, not so much.

Herald of Nurgle
02-21-2010, 10:13 AM
Tau will have 3 of any Heavies.

02-21-2010, 10:41 AM
Tau will have 3 of any Heavies. Kinda unimaginative but I could see how that would make sense. I just would like to see them keep it as kinda a rare thing that only a few armies have and that GW will keep more fresh and creative ideas for new codex's.

02-21-2010, 11:02 AM
Inquisition:-(knowing their new dex) 1-3 book catapults
I feel dumber for having read that.

02-21-2010, 11:58 AM
Inquisition:-(knowing their new dex) 1-3 book catapults

Now this, is frikkin hilarious!!! :D :D

02-21-2010, 03:18 PM
Frankly, I don't think the 1-3 unit choice fits with some armies. It works for Leman Russes and artillery, because IG are supposed to have tons of tanks. It works for 'nidz because they can field nidzilla lists. It works for land speeders because SM's hit hard and fast with high mobility. Same thing with Eldar warwalkers.

But 1-3 Hammerheads in a Tau list? 1-3 daemon princes or 1-3 defilers? It doesn't really seem to fit, for me. In apoc, sure, but not in normal 40k.

Especially the 1-3 daemon prince one.

These squadroning abilities are designed to let you spam units that your army might have a lot of. IG should be able to spam tanks. Nidz should be able to spam carnifexes (thank God they have to pay a lot of points to do so, though). But why should daemons be able to spam daemon princes. Why should chaos be able to spam defilers?

02-21-2010, 03:50 PM
exactomundo......hence why i think it would be ridiculous if SM's got to squad any heavy support choice....

02-21-2010, 03:59 PM
Why should chaos be able to spam defilers?

The order for the 13th Crusade could have been exceptionally high. I can see this as a Black Legion or Iron Warrior thing. Its not a bad idea, but does need to be done right. So far (other than a few rules) the new codices have been very good and balanced to eachother.

Master Bryss
02-22-2010, 01:23 PM
Inquisition:-(knowing their new dex) 1-3 book catapults

You may ugrade the catapults to throw Hardbacks at +15 points. Hardbacks are Strength 4 and reduce the enemy squad to Initiative 1 if they are wounded by one, regardless of whether they pass their save or not!

02-22-2010, 02:06 PM
On a 1 to hit you're shooting 3rd ed codices, they are str2 but have rending.

02-22-2010, 02:21 PM
These squadroning abilities are designed to let you spam units that your army might have a lot of.

And THIS is the reason why my C:AS homebrew has no squadrons (of vehicles anyway, the Penitent Engines are no longer vehicles, but monstrous creatures). The strength of the Sisterhood is in their soldiery, not their armour, however helpful their armour is.

02-22-2010, 02:29 PM
I think seeing a trend here might be a bit pre-mature. Space Wolves didn't get anything in squadrons.

IG got LR Squadrons because, as an army, they've always had platoons for multiple units, and extending that theme across the army makes sense. For Nids, they had to figure out a way to not screw over everybody with six carnifexes.

Really, the big reason for the rise of squadrons might have to do with the new scoring rules. Before, a list could min max with two small troops and buy all support. Now, any list that does so is at a disadvantage in most games.

Basically, GW can sell more stuff, and the game isn't as unbalanced.

Lord Azaghul
02-22-2010, 02:56 PM
I reallly don't think everyone will get it.
For the most part it's really not benifical. If that tau players really wants to squad 3x3 hammerheads - great, but that's his whole army. 1 SM squad bearing combimeltas will change there mind rather quickly.
I pretty much only squadron cheap sentinals. Most other things have too much fire power/value to make squading effecient.

02-22-2010, 03:01 PM
Sentinels and artillery, and on arty you generally only use two for a squadron, not three. Armored Sentinels can be okay with three, makes for a good armored mobile fire support platform.