View Full Version : Imperium Smash! Relieving a single pressure point = victory?

Mr Mystery
03-03-2015, 09:04 AM
How do!

Spinning off from my other thread, in which I postulated that if the Imperium could defeat one of it's myriad foes, comprehensively and permanently, the others might well follow suit.

Simple reasoning behind this is that the Imperium is currently fighting an extended holding action. It has the numbers, technology, ships, firepower etc to crush absolutely any foe, but right now cannot properly bring it's massive, ponderous weight to bear on any one foe.

Main stumbling point is just how far flung the Imperium is. Orks are everywhere, Eldar can appears nigh on anywhere, Nids insist on popping up where you least expect them, Necrons could be on any planet, regardless of it's present state. Chaos - cults are a constant threat (destablise the right planet, destabilise the region). About the only one that isn't an omni-present pain in the posterior would the Tau Empire!

But what if, deus ex machina reasons, the Imperium utterly crushed a single foe to the point where it couldn't come back. How would that affect the dynamics of the ongoing galactic wars?

For instance, it would appear that Craftworld Eldar are the most vulnerable to a slight case of genocide. Whilst they could certainly put up a fight, not only do they lack numbers in the general sense, but their Craftworld based nature leaves them relatively expose, and hard to reinforce. To my mind, they're definitely one foe the Imperium could, given the right opportunity, extinguish for ever. Given their generally capricious nature, and ability to use the Webway to attack without warning, this would seem a major boon......

BUT....they're also crucial to the ongoing war against Chaos. Without Farseers generally interfering, even when it's not in otherwise Imperial affairs, just how much leeway would that grant the various forces of Chaos? Would the forced extinction of Craftworld Eldar be more of an own goal in the grand scheme of things?

So hopefully, you get the gist of it. Remember, we're working from the assumption, however improbable/impossible it actually is, that the Imperium could get it's act together enough to entirely wipe out a single foe!

03-03-2015, 09:40 AM
Isn't the common idea that Orks are the most populous race in the 40k galaxy and it's only their want to fight everything - including each other that prevents them doing this as well?

When it comes to Eldar, their limited numbers and spread out nature means like the Tau, decisively crushing them wouldn't give the Imperium much advantage, but the concentration of forces necessary to do it would leave them exposed elsewhere.

03-03-2015, 09:47 AM
Also do not forget that the Eldar in particular do not only harm the imperium but benefit them in the long run.
That imperial world they anihilated for seemingly no reason? That actually was a world were a warp artifact has been faound, a cult would have been established over a hundred years and a daemon prince would have been summoned who will corrupt the whole subsector and create a raging conflict for hundreds of years to come.
That the Eldar just did it because their craftworld happens to be in an affected sector doesn't really matter.

Mr Mystery
03-03-2015, 09:50 AM
It's not specifically aimed at squashing the Eldar - I used them as an example of the race perhaps most expose to the risk of Imperial Genocide :)

Path Walker
03-03-2015, 10:02 AM
I'd think that as the Imperium is in a war to just keep at its current state, which it has been just about managing for several thousand years, were the odds to suddenly improve, it would have a massive impact, say without the Tau Empire, the Ultramarines and forces of Ultramar would have more resources to dedicate to eradicating Tyranid fleets, with this in progress and pressure taken off that front, they could move more Ultramarine and succesor chapters to other fronts. The in-fluff impact of a Space Marine chapter is massive, even one chapter can turn the tides of a sector wide war.

However, what could the Imperium afford to lose to dedicate the extra forces needed to wipe out the Tau?

This Dave
03-04-2015, 08:10 AM
The Tau are the only major race that the Imperium could conceivably destroy completely. They are concentrated in a relatively small area of space and because of lack of warp travel rather isolated. And due to expansion they're also more dispersed and vulnerable. But as has been said, the Imperium is spread a bit too thin to deal with them directly.

My plan, make the enemies of my enemy fight it out. Using specialized Ordo Xenos teams and the Deathwatch capture some Tyranid vanguard organisms such as Genestealers and Lictors. Not an easy task but it's a man's life in the Deathwatch after all. Drop these onto Tau worlds on the far side of the Damocles Gulf and let them draw the Tyranids away from the Imperium and right into the Tau Empire.

Meanwhile, "Rogue Traders" would strike deals with some of the Ork empires currently fighting the Tau. They would provide them with more dakka to stand on a more equal footing with the Tau and later the Tryanids they will eventually run into.

Once this all starts the Imperium can call a Liberation and Vengeance Crusade to retake the lost worlds on their side of the Gulf. Once these worlds are retaken they would convert them into fortress worlds against whatever comes across the Gulf in the future.

03-04-2015, 09:29 AM
Not too sure if this would work as the Tau seem to be under protection of another race

Darren Richardson
03-05-2015, 01:55 AM
have you read the Caphais Cain books? the Tau are already slowly being infected with Genestealers and are already under attack by the Tyranids........

03-05-2015, 02:17 AM
It is in also in the DE books... Urien is "helping" them against a hive fleet.

03-05-2015, 08:31 AM
There are numerous occasions that have shown the Imperium capable of mustering the men and material necessary to eradicate any singular foe. [Note: see Macharian Crusade, Abyssal Crusade, Sabbat Worlds Cruade, et al]

Currently the highest amount of men and material concentrated in one place -- as opposed to elsewhere -- is around or near the Eye of Terror. From what sources are available, in just that immediate area in the Cadian Sector, we have several billion guardsmen numbering over a thousand regiments and pdf reserve armies adding billions more. At least 28 widely known Space Marine Chapters. Unknown numbers of Sisters of Battle from four to five Adepta Sororitas orders . At least four Martian Titan legios, skitarii cohorts, Cybernetica detchments, etc.

That's only the amount within the Cadian Sector itself.

So here's what I would do, were I a High Lord of Terra capable of directing such affairs.

(1) Order the creation of at least ten new Space Marine Chapters, giving them the finest equipment and arms available from Mars. Maybe even going to far as to raid some of the ancient store houses that are no doubt kept within the Imperial Palace on Terra. These new chapters would be sworn to special services and be void-born -- not given a homeworld to rule over.

(2) This mass of Space Marine Chapters would then be paired with other veteran formations, but specifically the Black Templar. The High Marshal of the Black Templars would be asked to return to Terra and create a new Crusade: the Solar Segmentum Crusade.

(3) Backed by forces of the Inquisition and the highest concentration of data from a wide range of information networks, every major conflict or danger would be identified within the Segmentum Solar and systematically targeted and destroyed by the 10,000+ Space Marine force of the Solar Segmentum Crusade. Imperial Guard forces currently already in either static fights or holding actions within the Segmentum would be relieved and sent to other fronts -- likely bolstering the line of the Cadian Gate or the Eastern fringe against Tyranids or Tau Empire.

(4) Allow a stringent and vigorous purification pogrom in the wake of the conquests, led by the Inquisition and Ecclessiarchy in tandem. Have the members of the clergy preach and encourage the idea of a "shield of faith" on worlds throughout the segmentum, from Terra to the reaches. This would discourage any chaos cults from developing for at least a century or more. It also might legitimately protect the segmentum in a literal shield of faith...this is 40K we're talking about here.

(5) Once the Segmentum Solar is free of any major threat and all taint being dealt with by the Inquisition, the Solar Crusade would be deemed complete and a new mission given to the Solar Crusade army. The ten chapters, now bloodied and veterans, would be renewed in numbers and material. Once refitted, these chapters would destroy Waaagh! Wazdakka and the Waagh of the Arch-Maniac of Calverna. Full concentrations of the Segmentum Solar Imperial Navy in support. With the Segmentum Pacificus and Tempestus thereby relieved of the two largest Waaaghs plaughing them, forces of the Imperial Guard would be diverted to Cadia or the Ultima Segmentum.

The second target, with support from Space Marine Chapters now no longer under pressure in the East and South, would be Waaagh Urgok, which is presently threatening Ryza and in danger of possibly melding with the neighboring Waaagh Nazdred/Ghazghkull.

Once Urgok is dealt with, all Imperial Guard forces that had been held up protecting Ryza would be shipped off to fight elsewhere within the Ultima Segmentum to bolster defenses. The Solar Crusade forces would then shift northward to eradicate Nazdreg and Ghazghkull, once again led by the Black Templar. With an extra 10,000+ Space Marines, it is little likely that the Orkz of these Waaaghs would not live long.

An estimated length of time later...say five to ten years at most...the threat to Armageddon would have passed and a great amount of men and material freed up. Half the forces that had been protecting against Ghazghkull would be sent to reinforce Cadia and the Gothic Sector. The other half would maintain protection of their sectors within the Ultima Segmentum. The Solar Crusade and its ten chapters would then once again enter into a period of refit and replenishment.

(6) With all major Ork threats either on the fringe of the Solar Segmentum or knocking on that Segmentum's doorstep dealt with, the Solar Crusade would be directed yet again. Fitted out again in full numbers, these forces would gather yet more support from subsidiary Space Marine Chapters within the coreward reaches of the Ultima Segmentum. In combination with these Space Marine fleets and flotillas, a large donation of ships from the Solar Segmentum Fleet would be sent as well. Their target: the Maelstrom.

(7) The Solar Crusade force would systematically target and destroy every pirate nest, Ork world, daemon world, and rebellious rat-hole within the Maelstrom. A special task force of no less than three Chapters would be given the directive to hunt down and destroy the Red Corsairs, with help from the Imperial Navy acting in a support role.

(8) With the threat of the Maelstrom removed, new Inquisitorial fortresses would be set up throughout and within the Maelstrom. Those forces freed up from the removal of the Maelstrom threat would be resupplied and added to the Solar Crusade force. Those forces on lease from the Segmentum Solar would be returned.

(9) The next objective of the Solar Crusade would be to mimic their namesake within the Ultima Segmentum. Working outwards towards the fringe, the Space Marines fleets and forces would systematically eradicate every Ork waaagh, Tyranid hive tendril, and xenos threat. The Ghoul Stars would be mapped, explored, any resources taken, anything useless destroyed by Exterminatus.

(10) With the majority of the Ultimate Segmentum thereby given a measure of peace, every Space Marine Chapter of the Segmentum would be required to give up aid (at least two companies) to add to the Solar Crusade force (once again resupplied and outfitted). This force, perhaps numbering as many as 30,000+ space marines with the additional forces, would be marshaled and sent to the Cadian Gate. With Fleet forces from Ultima and Solar Segmentums, the Gothic Sector would first be cleansed of taint. Every Chaos held world or captured Imperial world surrounding the Eye of Terror would be re-taken.

(11) Once all Chaos forces had been pushed back into the Eye, new defenses would be built throughout the Cadian, Gothic, and other sectors. A great sectors wide defense in-depth. Those Space Marine forces from the Ultima Segmentum would be returned to their parent chapters. The Imperial Guard would create as many as a hundred new fortress worlds. Another ten new Space Marine chapters would be raised and checked for purity by the Grey Knights. This new force would be set as Warden Chapters, defending the border of the Eye of Terror and to remain vigilant.

(12) The original Solar Crusade Chapters would then, finally, return to the Solar Segmentum and each of the ten Chapters would be gifted a homeworld to make a chapter monastery upon. These would be placed strategically around the border of the Segmentum Solar, so that they might be sent to any new hot spot that might arise.

(13) Eat cake.


Now, all imaginary pushing of plastic fleets and space marine models across a map of the galaxy aside...none of the above that I described would be allowed to happen. Only the Emperor himself could mandate the kind of control and power necessary to make the various factions within the Imperium work together enough for this plan to go off. Anyone else would be killed by jealous rivals or simply by ignorant fools who fear one man having too much power. Maybe another Macharius could pull it off...but likely not. Not even a Chapter Master (nope, not Dante, not Calgar, not nobody).

03-05-2015, 09:37 AM
Also I imagine The Powers would twist some messages, especially ol' Birdface, he'd love to see that well thought-out plan go awry at the last second...

03-05-2015, 09:52 AM
Now, all imaginary pushing of plastic fleets and space marine models across a map of the galaxy aside...none of the above that I described would be allowed to happen. Only the Emperor himself could mandate the kind of control and power necessary to make the various factions within the Imperium work together enough for this plan to go off. Anyone else would be killed by jealous rivals or simply by ignorant fools who fear one man having too much power. Maybe another Macharius could pull it off...but likely not. Not even a Chapter Master (nope, not Dante, not Calgar, not nobody).

It is not even that it would not be allowed to happen. It simply would not work that "easy".
Getting Ecclesiarchy and Inquisition together without backstabbing and any corruption is not an easy task. The inquisition itself is rotten to the core and infighting most of the time, not to speak of the ecclesiarchy.
Whole space marine chapters are infighting secretly. You have absolutely no direct control over your "minions" and you can be sure they will try hard to mess up.

03-05-2015, 10:28 AM
Also the timescales are way out of whack. Clearing the Solar Segmentum and heading off to Armageddon within 10 years? They'd be doing extraordinarily well to do it in 50, and a scale in decades if not centuries would be more accurate. It's hard to be fast when space is so big and your tactics involve an awful amount of 'throw more bodies at it'. Off the top of my head I think it takes several days to travel between two close stars, and about two months to cross a segmentum. That's time spent in the warp enduring its hazards, so many vessels (including all your supply ships) have to split it into a couple of smaller leaps.

03-05-2015, 10:30 AM
The last chancers spent a year in the warp to travel to one of their missions didn't they?

03-05-2015, 11:16 AM
Sounds about right. I know in the Rogue Trader RPG one's Navigator either needs minions to trade off with or to abuse special abilities to let themselves stay awake and alert for a week or two at a stretch. (And then pass out for the next few weeks and/or develop a chronic addiction to kaffa.)

This Dave
03-06-2015, 08:10 AM
have you read the Caphais Cain books? the Tau are already slowly being infected with Genestealers and are already under attack by the Tyranids........

Probably have specified infecting a major Tau world. If the Tyranids hit a colony since the Tau don't care as much about territory they would up and leave if they didn't think they could win. A major world though they would have to fight for because the loss of resources would be too great. And even if they did up and abandon it they lose a major world anyway so weakening their empire. A win/win.

03-06-2015, 09:31 AM
Plus they'd probably evacuate genestealer infected Tau...

04-15-2015, 04:02 PM
There are numerous occasions that have shown the Imperium capable of mustering the men and material necessary to eradicate any singular foe. [Note: see Macharian Crusade, Abyssal Crusade, Sabbat Worlds Cruade, et al]

Currently the highest amount of men and material concentrated in one place -- as opposed to elsewhere -- is around or near the Eye of Terror. From what sources are available, in just that immediate area in the Cadian Sector, we have several billion guardsmen numbering over a thousand regiments and pdf reserve armies adding billions more. At least 28 widely known Space Marine Chapters. Unknown numbers of Sisters of Battle from four to five Adepta Sororitas orders . At least four Martian Titan legios, skitarii cohorts, Cybernetica detchments, etc.

That's only the amount within the Cadian Sector itself.

So here's what I would do, were I a High Lord of Terra capable of directing such affairs.

(1) Order the creation of at least ten new Space Marine Chapters, giving them the finest equipment and arms available from Mars. Maybe even going to far as to raid some of the ancient store houses that are no doubt kept within the Imperial Palace on Terra. These new chapters would be sworn to special services and be void-born -- not given a homeworld to rule over.

(2) This mass of Space Marine Chapters would then be paired with other veteran formations, but specifically the Black Templar. The High Marshal of the Black Templars would be asked to return to Terra and create a new Crusade: the Solar Segmentum Crusade.

(3) Backed by forces of the Inquisition and the highest concentration of data from a wide range of information networks, every major conflict or danger would be identified within the Segmentum Solar and systematically targeted and destroyed by the 10,000+ Space Marine force of the Solar Segmentum Crusade. Imperial Guard forces currently already in either static fights or holding actions within the Segmentum would be relieved and sent to other fronts -- likely bolstering the line of the Cadian Gate or the Eastern fringe against Tyranids or Tau Empire.

(4) Allow a stringent and vigorous purification pogrom in the wake of the conquests, led by the Inquisition and Ecclessiarchy in tandem. Have the members of the clergy preach and encourage the idea of a "shield of faith" on worlds throughout the segmentum, from Terra to the reaches. This would discourage any chaos cults from developing for at least a century or more. It also might legitimately protect the segmentum in a literal shield of faith...this is 40K we're talking about here.

(5) Once the Segmentum Solar is free of any major threat and all taint being dealt with by the Inquisition, the Solar Crusade would be deemed complete and a new mission given to the Solar Crusade army. The ten chapters, now bloodied and veterans, would be renewed in numbers and material. Once refitted, these chapters would destroy Waaagh! Wazdakka and the Waagh of the Arch-Maniac of Calverna. Full concentrations of the Segmentum Solar Imperial Navy in support. With the Segmentum Pacificus and Tempestus thereby relieved of the two largest Waaaghs plaughing them, forces of the Imperial Guard would be diverted to Cadia or the Ultima Segmentum.

The second target, with support from Space Marine Chapters now no longer under pressure in the East and South, would be Waaagh Urgok, which is presently threatening Ryza and in danger of possibly melding with the neighboring Waaagh Nazdred/Ghazghkull.

Once Urgok is dealt with, all Imperial Guard forces that had been held up protecting Ryza would be shipped off to fight elsewhere within the Ultima Segmentum to bolster defenses. The Solar Crusade forces would then shift northward to eradicate Nazdreg and Ghazghkull, once again led by the Black Templar. With an extra 10,000+ Space Marines, it is little likely that the Orkz of these Waaaghs would not live long.

An estimated length of time later...say five to ten years at most...the threat to Armageddon would have passed and a great amount of men and material freed up. Half the forces that had been protecting against Ghazghkull would be sent to reinforce Cadia and the Gothic Sector. The other half would maintain protection of their sectors within the Ultima Segmentum. The Solar Crusade and its ten chapters would then once again enter into a period of refit and replenishment.

(6) With all major Ork threats either on the fringe of the Solar Segmentum or knocking on that Segmentum's doorstep dealt with, the Solar Crusade would be directed yet again. Fitted out again in full numbers, these forces would gather yet more support from subsidiary Space Marine Chapters within the coreward reaches of the Ultima Segmentum. In combination with these Space Marine fleets and flotillas, a large donation of ships from the Solar Segmentum Fleet would be sent as well. Their target: the Maelstrom.

(7) The Solar Crusade force would systematically target and destroy every pirate nest, Ork world, daemon world, and rebellious rat-hole within the Maelstrom. A special task force of no less than three Chapters would be given the directive to hunt down and destroy the Red Corsairs, with help from the Imperial Navy acting in a support role.

(8) With the threat of the Maelstrom removed, new Inquisitorial fortresses would be set up throughout and within the Maelstrom. Those forces freed up from the removal of the Maelstrom threat would be resupplied and added to the Solar Crusade force. Those forces on lease from the Segmentum Solar would be returned.

(9) The next objective of the Solar Crusade would be to mimic their namesake within the Ultima Segmentum. Working outwards towards the fringe, the Space Marines fleets and forces would systematically eradicate every Ork waaagh, Tyranid hive tendril, and xenos threat. The Ghoul Stars would be mapped, explored, any resources taken, anything useless destroyed by Exterminatus.

(10) With the majority of the Ultimate Segmentum thereby given a measure of peace, every Space Marine Chapter of the Segmentum would be required to give up aid (at least two companies) to add to the Solar Crusade force (once again resupplied and outfitted). This force, perhaps numbering as many as 30,000+ space marines with the additional forces, would be marshaled and sent to the Cadian Gate. With Fleet forces from Ultima and Solar Segmentums, the Gothic Sector would first be cleansed of taint. Every Chaos held world or captured Imperial world surrounding the Eye of Terror would be re-taken.

(11) Once all Chaos forces had been pushed back into the Eye, new defenses would be built throughout the Cadian, Gothic, and other sectors. A great sectors wide defense in-depth. Those Space Marine forces from the Ultima Segmentum would be returned to their parent chapters. The Imperial Guard would create as many as a hundred new fortress worlds. Another ten new Space Marine chapters would be raised and checked for purity by the Grey Knights. This new force would be set as Warden Chapters, defending the border of the Eye of Terror and to remain vigilant.

(12) The original Solar Crusade Chapters would then, finally, return to the Solar Segmentum and each of the ten Chapters would be gifted a homeworld to make a chapter monastery upon. These would be placed strategically around the border of the Segmentum Solar, so that they might be sent to any new hot spot that might arise.

(13) Eat cake.


Now, all imaginary pushing of plastic fleets and space marine models across a map of the galaxy aside...none of the above that I described would be allowed to happen. Only the Emperor himself could mandate the kind of control and power necessary to make the various factions within the Imperium work together enough for this plan to go off. Anyone else would be killed by jealous rivals or simply by ignorant fools who fear one man having too much power. Maybe another Macharius could pull it off...but likely not. Not even a Chapter Master (nope, not Dante, not Calgar, not nobody).

Your strategy sounds like a sweller idea. I would make the chapters of the trusty Imperial Fist-geneseed.

As for the overall commander of that battlefront look no further than Logan Grimmnar.