View Full Version : Painting harlequins paint scheme and painting them

03-01-2015, 03:50 PM
Well this is my new army so far I have 3 harlequin troupes each squad is specialised with weapon set's to there duty's and the idea I had is each unit to have a different pattern scheme but same paint scheme I am unsure how many paints would be reasonable I am not going for like professional due to my shaky hands (thanks anxiety) but enough colours to give them the feeling they look like harlequins.

So far on my mind

Left leg and right arm dark purple
Right leg and left arm dark red
Body and head behind the mask Black
Mask white with a wash of emerald green
Metal parts on the body and some parts of the guns gold with a emerald green wash
Other metal parts with Silver with a emerald green wash
Right boot and left glove dark purple
left boot and right glove dark red
Hair white and washed with pink

On the other unit I will do vice verse and on the final group change it up a bit so how's this for painting them unfortunately I cant do patterns due to the anxiety :(

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-01-2015, 04:42 PM
Good luck with your project. I too suffer from anxiety and also get shaky hands so I can relate and empathise to how damn frustrating painting can be. Curious to see what you come up with.

03-01-2015, 04:44 PM
thank you

Captain Bubonicus
03-01-2015, 05:47 PM
I hear ya, man - I'm gonna go with a "quartered" scheme myself, because I can't freehand for s***.

I might try to draw stripes on some of the legs, though, just to break it up a little.