View Full Version : Space Sharks!

02-27-2015, 03:48 PM
Here are my Space Sharks. After moving out from Florida, this is the only army that a wanted to keep in moving forward, and the goal was to have a fully painted army. I'm very close to having that done!

All I need is a Drop Pod, and to paint that and ten more Tacticals.

My method:
Step 1. Prime Gray
Step 2. Wash Nuln Oil
Step 3. Drybrush Gray
Step 4. Pick out silver, red, and tan details
Step 5. Astrogranite base
Step 6. Wash details and base
Step 7. Pick out red and tan details.

I use a grand total of 10 GW paints to accomplish all of this, and though it's not really pretty or bright, the important part is that it's DONE. Or almost..


The army contains:
Tyberos the Red Wake
5 Lightning Claw Terminators
Land Raider Redeemer
Ironcald Dreadnought
3 Rhinos
3 Tactical Squads with Plasma Gun and Missile Launcher
Command Squad
Stormtalon Gunship

Moving forward, the army will evolve slowly into something new. As it stands, it's an 1850 point force, if I could just get my hands on a drop pod (they're always sold out at my FLGS's). As it is, I'll use Iron Hands chapter tactics to keep things survivable and moving forward, but eventually I will attach a combat knife (CCweapon) to each model, replace the plasma guns with melta guns, and put the Missile Launchers into their own unit as Devastators. Then, I will slowly change Rhinos to Drop Pods, drop the Command Squad, and add another tactical squad and another Ironclad in Drop Pod, and start using the Carcharodons Chapter Tactics appropriately.

02-27-2015, 03:53 PM
JAwesome :)

02-27-2015, 03:59 PM
I love me some Space Sharks. :p

02-27-2015, 04:26 PM
Very nice! That scheme would look good on Wolves.

02-27-2015, 04:30 PM
Very nice! That scheme would look good on Wolves.

Oh yeah. Pretty much anything that you can prime a set color. GW has their own primers, but I've found for gray, the Rust-Oleum 2x Ultra Cover Primer works fantastic. So long as it's matte, not gloss, not too thick, and bonds to plastic, it should work great. Pair it with the right wash, or just use black wash, and then drybrush the same color back over, bam, halfway done.

02-27-2015, 10:11 PM
Very nice! those look pretty enough to me.

Darren Richardson
02-28-2015, 02:41 AM
that's a nice gaming army there, pity you haven't been able to get hold of the Drop Pods so eaisly.....

I still have 3 to build up and paint for my army at the mo....

Lord Commissar Maxwell
03-02-2015, 08:26 AM
At first I couldn't tell they were painted hehehe. My eyes are getting the better of me it would seem. Great army my friend!

03-02-2015, 09:51 PM
I love em!!!! If you're looking to do more Shapeways has some shoulders.


They look good, I used them on my guys.

03-12-2015, 11:49 PM
At first I couldn't tell they were painted hehehe. My eyes are getting the better of me it would seem. Great army my friend!

Haha! I've had a lot of people say "So you took gray miniatures.. and you painted them gray..."

I love em!!!! If you're looking to do more Shapeways has some shoulders.


They look good, I used them on my guys.

Oh snap, those do look pretty sharp. I might have to get some for a veteran squad of some kind!

Little update, I finally got a Drop Pod and it's already built, primed, washed, and drybrushed, so it's nearly done, and the last tac squad up in the pics is fully painted, so I'm very very close to having my very first FULLY PAINTED ARMY. Pics when the pod is done..