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View Full Version : My First Tournament List... How am I doing? (Dark Angels 2000 Points)

02-23-2015, 10:39 PM
So after attending the LVO with some friends (purely as spectators) I have decided I want to give a tournament a go... A buddy told me about an upcoming one in San Diego (2000 Points) and we plan to go.

I have a Dark Angels and a Chaos Space Marine army, but I enjoy playing my DA so that is what I want to go with. The following is my first tournament list attempt. I am aware I am a little light on the side of anti-air and anti-armor, but I have a bit of both peppered in.. here is what I have:

Belial with TH/SS (190)
Librarian in Term Armor with Force Axe, Storm Bolter, Psyker LV2 (130)

Deathwing Knights with Relic of the Unforgiven, riding in Land Raider Crusader (525)

Mortis Dreadnought with 2 TL Autocannons (125)

Deathwing Terminators (9 with Sgt) with 2 CML, 1 Chainfist (495)

Deathwing Terminators (4 with Sgt) with Assault Cannon and Chainfist, in Land Raider with Multi-Melta (545)

I know I am going to be outnumbered. The plan is this:

The LRC with DW Knights and DW Librarian (Lv2)
The LR with DW Terminators (Assault Cannon and ChainFist)

will run up the table and hopefully soak up some shots.

The LRC with the DW will target problematic enemy units and the Libby will cast Prescience on them the turn they plan to Smite. This should allow most if not all the Smite hits to land. Also, if he has charges left, he can charge his Force Axe for that glorious Instant Death. It will then be the job of the Knights to protect the Librarian long enough to move into combat with other units (where he can then use his Force Axe again).

The LR with the 5-man Terminator Squad will be looking to park on an objective and take out the opposition on there, as far as anti-armor goes with this list, the LR is my only real option outside of Terminators in melee due to its 2 TL Lascannons and the Multi-Melta on it.

The Mortis Dread will hide along the backline and will primarily be used to shoot fliers, if there are no fliers, he will pepper shots in on ground units with his 2 TL autocannons.

Belial's 10-man DW Terminator squad (with 2 Cyclone Missle Launchers) are my Deathwing Assault "deathstar" hopefully all that dakka when they land (remember they don't scatter with Belial) will be able to clear up any problematic area or park on an objective. These guys will most likely drop around turn 2 and go wherever they are needed the most. The Land Raiders SHOULD survive until turn 2...

Its a Deathwing list... so it will be very undermanned. It is lacking in strong AA and anti-armor but it does have both, it has mobility and one objective secured Land Raider.. Hopefully they will be able to clear out the biggest threats with the Knights and the Belial Blob and then hunker down on the objectives for a W.

Any suggestions? I have a LOT of Dark Angels models however hardly any Ravenwing Bikers... Here is a quick run down of some other stuff I have:
-2 Land Speeders (usually run them as Typhoons)
-2 Rhinos
-a LOT of Tactical Marines (and devastators)
-a LOT of Terminators
-Aegis defense line
-3 Ravenwing Attack Bikes
