View Full Version : Disembarking into friendly models.

02-19-2010, 09:37 AM
I played a 2 on 2 last week. Two 750 space wolves vs 750 Guard, and 750 Eldar. The wave serpant had his HQ plus some wrathguard, and there was a unit of 10 guards men right behind it. First turn i destroyed the wave serpant and the unit inside disembark into the friendly unit. I mean if it was an enemy unit behind the wave serpant the unit would of been destroyed, but he disembarked in the guardsmen unit. I was just wondering if this was legal or if you also have to stay 1 " away from friendlys too. Thank you.

02-19-2010, 11:47 AM
You may come within 1" of friendly models, but may not occupy the same space as them or move through them.

So as long as you start/end your move without overlapping with friendly models, and the path along which you move does not go through friendly models, you're ok.

02-19-2010, 09:47 PM
So if he could physically move the models through the squad then he is ok? But if the Guard are clumped together or in a single file B2B line that would equal death?

02-19-2010, 09:59 PM
So if he could physically move the models through the squad then he is ok? But if the Guard are clumped together or in a single file B2B line that would equal death?
Yup. Sucks to burn to death in your transport because you couldn't get out through your own escorting allied infantry.

02-20-2010, 12:45 AM
Read the emergency disembark rules. They are automatically pinned but survive, I think.

02-20-2010, 12:47 AM
Worse than pinned.

Read disembarking on p.67.

02-20-2010, 12:48 AM
The question, unless I was mistaken, was what happens when friendly models prevent your ability to perform even an emergency disembarkation. Just as models that cannot perform an emergency disembarkation by virtue of impassable terrain or enemy models are destroyed, so too are models that cannot perform an ED by virtue of friendly models. The only difference is that friendly models block less space (because you can be within 1" of them) than enemy models.

02-20-2010, 09:24 AM
You don't have to be able to "move through" anything when disembarking. Disembarking models are simply placed, anywhere within 2" of a hatch (or the hull, in the case of an emergency disembarkation).

So, even if the vehicle is completely surrounded by a completely unbroken ring of models, you can still disembark as long as there is enough room on the table for your models to be within two inches of a hatch (or hull) and not on top of any other models (or within an inch of an enemy model).

Also, it's worth noting that Emergency Disembarkation on your opponent's turn doesn't hurt you at all. On page 67 it says,

"the unit can perform an 'emergency disembarkation' - the models are deployed anywhere within 2" of the vehicle's hull, but the unit can't do anything else for the rest of the turn."

On page 9 it says:

"When a rule uses the word 'turn,' both in this rule book and in the Codexes, it means 'player turn,' otherwise it will clearly state 'game turn.'"

So, if your transport is destroyed on your opponent's turn and the embarked unit is forced to emergency disembark, they can't do anything for the rest of the player turn--your opponent's turn--but are free to act normally when it gets back around to your turn.

So, those are the two things to remember:

When disembarking, the disembarking models don't actually move from a position within the vehicle to a position outside of the vehicle. They're simply placed on the table. The only restrictions are that they be sufficiently close to the vehicle or one of its hatches and sufficiently far away from other models. Any time your opponent tells you you can't move "through" a unit or model to disembark, just laugh and tell him the only "movement" your model is making is from off the table to on the table, and it isn't going "through" anything but air.

When you emergency disembark on your opponent's turn, it doesn't affect that unit at all on your next turn.

Hope this helps!

Also note that, for Adepticon and other tournaments using the INAT FAQ, the rules for disembarking have been changed so that your models do, effectively, have to move from the vehicle to their final disembarked location following the normal movement rules. They don't say this explicitly, the wording they actually use is hilariously ineffective, but it has been made clear to me by the author that this was the intent. So, in an INAT game, your embarked troops are substantially more endangered by other models near their transports.

02-21-2010, 11:15 AM
*Why then would they even put the "pinned" stipulation on an emergency disembarkation? How is a vehicle going to blow up on my "turn"? Unless I get hit by a flier?*

**Original post! Then I read the rules! They aren't pinned they just cant do anything else that turn! They aren't gonna do anything else anyway cus its not their turn.....Me wonders if that means that they cant go to ground or run away either?

02-21-2010, 11:44 AM
It's hard to say what it means to not be able to do anything. It would help if the rules more clearly distinguished between voluntary and involuntary actions on the parts of models and units.

My suspicion is that they can run away, but not go to ground. The real question I have is whether that prevents them from making attacks in combat--I suspect that it does, but I don't really have any good way to tell.

02-21-2010, 12:42 PM
*Why then would they even put the "pinned" stipulation on an emergency disembarkation? How is a vehicle going to blow up on my "turn"? Unless I get hit by a flier?*
Bad scatter for Barrage and Ramming things that one shouldn't Ram can also cause the Transport to be Destroyed on one's own turn.