View Full Version : Time for Krakken!

02-19-2010, 06:05 AM
So I've jumped back on the Tyranid wagon after the new codex was released after selling my original Tyranid army a year ago.

I'm going Krakken scheme in case you didn't guess, already done a Hive Tyrant as a test model. I'll probably expand this 2,000 point army to 2,600 once the 2,000 point is done or almost done 8)

This is my list to paint:

1 x winged Hive Tyrant

1 x Hive Tyrant

1 x Tyrant Guard

1 x Zoanthrope

1 x Zoanthrope

1 x Zoanthrope

1 x Zoanthrope

15 x Termagants

15 x Termagnts

1 x Tervigon

1 x Terivgon

20 x Garogyles

1 x Trygon

1 x Trygon

Some pictures of the start:





The Madman
02-22-2010, 09:43 AM
i'm surprised noone has commented yet. paint job is pretty good so far. hope for more pictures.

02-22-2010, 12:49 PM
I admire your dedication. While I love the Krakken scheme, I can't imagine painting all those spots on so many minis.

I am eager to see pics of the complete force.

02-22-2010, 05:12 PM
Hey, I just got a whole bunch of Tyranid models too! I'm sure you must be as excited as I am over getting a new army!

The trygon looks pretty tiny compared to the box behind it. I thought that was funny.

I like your scheme but I think it looks a bit sloppy right now because the base has the light paint dabs on it. I suggest quickly painting over those splotches to have a completely black base (until you have time to base and flock it) in order to clean it up.

When I looked closely at the MODEL, I liked it. It looks like you did good on darkening the recesses of the flesh and got a good solid red on the carpace. It looks good.

Look forward to seeing more from you.

02-23-2010, 06:59 AM
Thanks for the compliments guys.

As in spots, I take you mean the markings Armbarred like on the new paint jobs in the new codex? If so I was thinking about doing a few. Gives them a little more colour.

Evil Termite I am definately excited about it. I've been saving funds since before Christmas and not brought anything until I got the Tyranid codex!

Yeah the Trygon is waaaay smaller than the box!

The base, I base all my models once I've done the entire army. But yeah, does look a bit messy. Though it's something I do not worry about.

I used gryphone sepia on the skin and did a gentle wash and the carapace I did about 3 coats of scab red.

Thanks for the comments guys.