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View Full Version : Ard Boyz CRONS

Norbu the Destroyer
08-04-2009, 08:42 AM
I have been playing 40k for six months now and I advanced to the second round of ard boyz. Here was my list, any suggestions for the second round.

Lord-Res. Orb, Warscythe, Phase Shifter, Destroyer body 210
Deciever 300
4 Destroyer 200
4 Destroyer 200
3 Destroyer 150
2 Mono 470
4 Pariah 144
5 Flayed 90
3 H. Destroyer 195
30 Warriors 540

Total 2499

08-04-2009, 09:09 AM
Interesting list and very different from the other Necron Ard Boyz lists I've played. Personally, I don't think you have enough Necrons to handle some of the tougher armies. 47 Necrons puts your phase out within each reach of the average Imperial Guard army.

The 4 Pariahs, 5 Flayed Ones and 3 Heavy Destroyers seem really out of place and of limited use. I'd use those points for more Warriors, more Destroyers or some Immortals (which are still a decent deal in my book).

Best of luck for the second round and let me know how The Deceiver performed. I've always had mixed results with my C'Tan.

-- MKerr

08-04-2009, 10:27 AM
Drop the Monofails for more Destroyers. Tomb Spyders wouldn't hurt either with all those Destroyers spread out, plus if you poop out a Scarab base you get a decent tarpit.

08-04-2009, 12:07 PM
Flayed ones do best when in a squad of 10. I'd drop the flayed ones and the pariahs for more warriors, or bump up the squad size (I haven't seen flayed ones do all that well even in a bigger squad, tho, tbh).

Check with the tournament organizer about the monoliths. Apparently GW removed the FAQ regarding monoliths, so they can move and fire both weapons now. That makes em pretty darn scary.

Norbu the Destroyer
08-04-2009, 04:11 PM
II just checked the GW website and the FAQ section still says the mono may not fire both the Flux and the Particle whip. That would be awesome if it could. Might be worth it to deepstrike it then even though you cant fire it the turn it lands. One question I have for GW is if you force a squad to move out of the monoliths way and it contains Heavy class weaopons, could that squad still fire those weapons if Inquisitor Mystics allow them to shoot when the mono deep strikes. Thanksfor the advice though.

Pariah Stevo
08-04-2009, 04:21 PM
Keep the monoliths. Many armies depend on melta and they can really get in someones face, keeping them off the rest of your army. Big D is amazing. i agree the flayed ones and pariahs should be droped for more warriors. about 45. You still have to get those objectives. I would assume the mystics could still cause heavy weapons to fire. The unit still didnt move in the previous turn, but yours.

Norbu the Destroyer
08-09-2009, 09:12 PM
Just got back from ard boyz semis in Minnesota.
Went with

Lord W. Scythe, Gaze of Flame, Veil, Solar Pulse

10 warrior
10 warrior
10 warrior

2 monos

3 H. Destroyer

5 Immortal

5 Destroyer
5 Destroyer
9 Scarab w/ disruption field

Tabled the first ork player I faced (10 nob bikers w/ warboss- 10 nobs w/ Gaz. in B. Wagon)
Had minor loss to 4 deathroller battlewagon ork player. (note judge allowed ork player to get D6 S10 hits against my monos with the death rollers) I had major victory barely but he "piled in" against the Deciever and got within about 2.75" within my objective, causing my minor loss. I had a draw against a Deamon player(Fateweaver, Blood thirster, Blood Crusher list) in third round who was last years semi-final winner. I know it only netted me 8th with my performance but I hope my opponents learned Crons can stay competetive in 5th edition. I should have used "drop crons."