View Full Version : will we be able to combine eldar and harliquins?

02-05-2015, 06:05 PM
im wondering exactly how this works because im coming back to 40k after an 8 year break and i frankly dont know how anything works anymore

Lord Krungharr
02-05-2015, 08:06 PM
Welcome back to the game! You will be able to use all manner of space elves together even in most tournaments. They will be what's called battle brothers which means each army's units can use each other's transports and each other's psychic powers and warlord traits and special rules will usually benefit everyone.... Even the sadistic evil space elves!

02-05-2015, 08:12 PM
Welcome back to the game! You will be able to use all manner of space elves together even in most tournaments. They will be what's called battle brothers which means each army's units can use each other's transports and each other's psychic powers and warlord traits and special rules will usually benefit everyone.... Even the sadistic evil space elves!

o nice nice ty for this. i didnt even know you could combine any army. not sure how much i like that lol but uh as long as i can field uthwe and harliquins im cool

Aaron LeClair
02-06-2015, 09:56 AM
o nice nice ty for this. i didnt even know you could combine any army. not sure how much i like that lol but uh as long as i can field uthwe and harliquins im cool

I am still confused on the new system, every time I think I got it I am told I am wrong. lol

But Current Battle Brother Forces in game by group are All Eldar(Eldar, Dark Eldar and harliquins), All Imperial(Space Marines[and the supplement codexs), Guard, Sisters, Imperial Knights, Guard Wannabes, and the 3 other flavor of Marines) Tau(Tau, and Farsight[tau supplement codex]), Chaos( Chaos Marines[and supplement codex] and Chaos Daemons)

Supplements can be allied with the Main Codex they are based off of, and Codex Space Marines can ally with itself so long as they Forces being allied have different Chapter Tactics.

I think I covered the current Battle Brothers out there, maybe I missed something with how releases have been.

02-06-2015, 05:14 PM
Supplements can be allied with the Main Codex they are based off of...

Yes, and no. Some Supplements can be taken as Allied Detachments even if their parent codex is from the Primary Detachment, some cannot (see Iyanden).

Otherwise, Ally rules are pretty free-form. You can have Eldar, Necrons, and Tyranids all in the same army! They just have to start rather far apart from each other and may not do anything if they get too close to each other.

Aaron LeClair
02-08-2015, 04:26 PM
Yes, and no. Some Supplements can be taken as Allied Detachments even if their parent codex is from the Primary Detachment, some cannot (see Iyanden).

Otherwise, Ally rules are pretty free-form. You can have Eldar, Necrons, and Tyranids all in the same army! They just have to start rather far apart from each other and may not do anything if they get too close to each other.

Iyanden are not BB with other eldar? Or can they not be taken as a Allied Detachment? I don't know anyone who owns that supplement so I haven't been able to read it.

02-08-2015, 05:00 PM
Iyanden are not BB with other eldar? Or can they not be taken as a Allied Detachment? I don't know anyone who owns that supplement so I haven't been able to read it.

Iyanden is just a modification of the Eldar, they are a little unique in terms of detachments when compared to the other supplements, basically you just declare that X detachment is using the Iyanden warlords and relics etc and its an "Iyanden" army. so Yeah they are Eldar for all allied intents and purposes

02-09-2015, 01:13 AM
Truly, I don't think you'll need to worry about allying with anyone. Eldar and Dark Eldar are able to stand on their own. Harlequins should be much the same.

02-09-2015, 08:17 AM
Truly, I don't think you'll need to worry about allying with anyone. Eldar and Dark Eldar are able to stand on their own. Harlequins should be much the same.

Given that Eldar and Dark Eldar are armies that have been around for dozens of years, and Harlequins are getting a two week release (maybe three if we're lucky), I seriously doubt they'll be able to stand on their own any more than the inquisition can.

02-09-2015, 09:13 AM
Given that Eldar and Dark Eldar are armies that have been around for dozens of years, and Harlequins are getting a two week release (maybe three if we're lucky), I seriously doubt they'll be able to stand on their own any more than the inquisition can.

You kidding me!? Inquisition can so stand on it's own. I have an all Crusader army that says they can.

02-09-2015, 09:22 AM
Iyanden are not BB with other eldar? Or can they not be taken as a Allied Detachment? I don't know anyone who owns that supplement so I haven't been able to read it.

They cannot be taken as an Allied Detachment when the Primary Detachment is Codex: Eldar because they ARE Codex: Eldar with no special permission to bypass that limitation. So, yes to the Battle Brothers question.

Note that are not (quite) alone in this as the Sentinels of Terra and Clan Rakoon are in the same boat, sort of. I say sort of because it really depends on the Chapter Tactics in play.

Path Walker
02-09-2015, 09:34 AM
The thing is, with the way 7th works, while you can't take the supplement as your Primary and then a main codex as an Allied Detachment, there isn't anything to stop you taking full detachments from both

02-09-2015, 10:08 AM
The thing is, with the way 7th works, while you can't take the supplement as your Primary and then a main codex as an Allied Detachment, there isn't anything to stop you taking full detachments from both


Hopefully in 8th they just get rid of that Restriction and call it something like a Light Arms Detachment or something. Considering how many options for Detachments there are out there, it really is a waste at launch.