View Full Version : Chaos Space Marines - best heavy units?!

Escalation Painting
02-05-2015, 12:23 PM
Hi guys and girls,

I play 2 armies at the moment, Csm and astral claws.
So my loyalist marines are very Shooty and I have some good heavy stuff like a couple forge world predators, fire raptor, sicaran etc. I can generally put up a good fight with these guys and have a good win rate.

I also have a large CSM army with all sorts of units but struggle to get a win in.
I'm looking for a good 2000pt list.
I have multiple amounts of the below;

Most of the character hqs
Plague marines
Achilles alpha
Daemon prince
Etc etc

Basically a huge mixed batch.
What would you guys do?

Mr Mystery
02-05-2015, 01:12 PM
Buy IA13, sell your Granny, go nuts on the Forgeworld website.

02-05-2015, 02:40 PM
Granny won't go for enough, I'd see what the bidding goes up to for Sister.

02-05-2015, 03:13 PM
Granny won't go for enough, I'd see what the bidding goes up to for Sister.

True that... IA13 is a gokdmine, but you better own a goldmine to make good use of it :p

Mr Mystery
02-05-2015, 03:16 PM
Yup. It's a sexy beast that book, and I don't even play Chaos!

So many options brought to the table, you won't know where to begin.

But if you want to use the Renegade List, probably best to decide your flavour before trying to write a list, otherwise you will go insane. Batteries of 5 Wyverns anyone?

Escalation Painting
02-06-2015, 12:45 AM
I have the book already guys!

I also have a lot of forge world models. Like the Achilles alpha, decimator, mamon, contemptors
I use a lot of forge world in my armies as I love the models!

My whole astral claws company is forge world models only!

Just need some help with how to make a competitive list for chaos.

Mad Cat
02-06-2015, 05:06 AM
HQ: Chaos Lord, Bike, MoN, Brand, PF, Sigil4++ 180
HQ: Sorceror Level 3, Familiar, Bike, MB 155

Troops: 5 Plague Marines 2 plasma 150
Troops: 5 Plague Marines 2 plasma 150
Troops: 5 Plague Marines 2 plasma 150
Troops: 5 Plague Marines 2 plasma 150
Troops: 6 Plague Marines 2 melta,combi-melta, rhino with combi-melta 219
Troops: 6 Plague Marines 2 melta,combi-melta, rhino with combi-melta 219

Fast: 5 Spawn MoN 180
Fast: 5 Spawn MoN 180

Heavy: Obliterator MoN 76
Heavy: Obliterator MoN 76
Heavy: Predator, AC+2LC 115

Put an HQ in each unit of spawn and rush forwards supported by the melta squads in rhinos. The pred and one unit of plasma PMs holds the home objectives wile the other PMs advance into cover and set up rapid fire death to anything approaching mid table objectives. Oblits can deep strike with melta/plasma or deploy in your backfield and fire lascannon and plasma cannon in support.

If you use IA13 merge the HQs into one unit of spawn and upgrade the Pred to a Sicaran tank and consider a Plague drone or two in place of one unit of spawn and a Plasma PM squad.

02-06-2015, 11:59 PM
well... if you want to make an actual all monster army then you have to take throgg or youll be stuck fillinf your core with marauders or chaos warriors...

Escalation Painting
02-09-2015, 02:57 PM
freedy i think your talking about fantasy and we are talking about 40k?

Dave Mcturk
02-10-2015, 05:06 AM
freedy i think your talking about fantasy and we are talking about 40k?

lol. made my day ;)

but seriously csm dont really need vehicle based heavy support - no skimmers - and tanks are pricey £$ and pts - just obl;itz with some element of prevention / protection so they dont run off.

try and get 'invisi-blitz' ? :eek:

04-04-2015, 06:25 AM
Truly lots of good data!|
Fantastic info, Thanks a lot! - http://www.viagrabelgiquefr.com/

04-09-2015, 09:28 AM
truly lots of good data!|
fantastic info, thanks a lot! - http://www.viagrabelgiquefr.com/

sweet sweet boner-inducing data!