View Full Version : Movement rules ? {vehicles}

02-05-2015, 11:26 AM
Reading WH40K version 6 rules on page 71. {just so we are all on the same page }
So on the movement phase a vehicle can move;
1] Combat speed = 0"s to 6"s
2] Cruising speed = 7"s to 12"s

Then on the Shooting phase, instead of shooting, it can move Flat out;
So another
1] Non-fast = 6"s
2] Fast = 12"s
3] Skimmer & fast = 18"s

So if a Skimmer and Fast and has already moved Cruising Speed of say 12"s
If it elects to not shoot it can instead make another move, flat Out, of 18"s?
Total movement for that turn would be = 30"s??

Have confused myself reading it multiple times!


02-05-2015, 11:56 AM
So your not asking about the current 7th edition rules?
You are correct that a Fast Skimmer can move 12" in the Movement phase and then Flat Out another 18" for 30" total. This is the same in 7th edition.
Eldar Fast Skimmers with the Star Engine wargear can Flat Out 24" for a 36" total move, and if also equipped with the Crystal Targeting Matrix can fire one weapon at full BS afterwards!

02-05-2015, 01:25 PM
