View Full Version : Creating the list i want...

02-04-2015, 04:37 PM
Hi all. So after a year out of 40k i want to create the right list for my word bearers.
I bought the dark vengeance set of CSM coz i love the models, and im not looking for a tournie winning list of uber WAAC stuff.
What i want to do is add a section of demons to my army to add flavour and variety, but i dont want to give myself no chance of winning either.
I dont have a clue yet as to how bound and unbound work so advice would be nice.
I have so far:

Dark apostle
Chaos lord
8 chosen 4x bolters and a optional mix of specs
Rhino with combi flamer and havoc


10 cc cultists
10 ranged cultists

Decimator 2x butcher cannons

Id like to add the FW khorne demon prince and herald and some blood letters.
Is this viable or am i crippling myself?
If i have enough points left i may get a sicaran fot AA.

The thought crossed my mind to add a hell talon to the army instead of a sicaran, but i dont know its current capabilities, ideas appreciated.

02-14-2015, 03:35 PM
Ok. So ive decided to go with:

Chaos lord murder sword plasma pistol mk of tzeentch and 4++

Dark apostle burning brand mk of tzeentch

8 chosen 4 bolters 1 pfist 1 lightning claws 2 paxes

10 cc cultists flamer

10 range cultists stubber

Helbrute mm ccw

Decimator 2x butcher cannons


Herald of khorne lesser reward locus of wrath

20 bloodletters

Uraka the warfiend demon prince of khorne

Rhino (for the chosen) havoc combi flamer legacy of ruin 1st war of armageddon

This all clocks in at 1750pts ish. So what do you think? C and c appreciated thanks

02-23-2015, 11:38 PM
I have some Word Bearers as well, and although the Dark Apostle is more fluffly, I tend to run a Daemon Prince along side my Chaos Lord. Are you using cultists just because you have them or because you like them and/or want to remain fluffy?

02-24-2015, 03:30 AM
Thanks for the reply. For me the WB are all about the dark apostles so hes in for the duration.
I do have a demon prince in the list Uraka, so i take your point regarding running one with my lord.
The cultists are in because of all 3 of your reasons lol.
I chose khorne purely bcause i like the models and it keeps the colour scheme consistant across the whole army.
I feel the mk of tzeentch on my lord and DA are by far the best upgrade they can take to make them viable in challenges versus other hqs, do you find this true?

02-24-2015, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the reply. For me the WB are all about the dark apostles so hes in for the duration.
I do have a demon prince in the list Uraka, so i take your point regarding running one with my lord.
The cultists are in because of all 3 of your reasons lol.
I chose khorne purely bcause i like the models and it keeps the colour scheme consistant across the whole army.
I feel the mk of tzeentch on my lord and DA are by far the best upgrade they can take to make them viable in challenges versus other hqs, do you find this true?

The Mark of Tzeentch I find is a little underwhelming. On a DA or Lord what is the invul it gives you, like 6+ or 5+ right? I usually run Mark of Nurgle (although I know this is not the most fluffy choice) to bolster the HQ units to T5, thus making sure they won't be double toughed by a melta, lascannon, or powerfist/TH.

02-24-2015, 05:05 PM
On the da it gives you a 3++. If you give the lord a 4++ it ups it to 3++ too.
For me the boost in survivability is essential.