View Full Version : New Imperial Fist project :)

02-04-2015, 01:48 PM
Hi guys, I'm primarily an imperial guard player but I've now decided to add some allies in the form of the imperial fists :)

I'm aiming for a 3000 point force altogether and my current army stands at 1850 points which leaves me with 1150 for the marines

this is what I currently have:


Terminator armour
Primarch's Wrath


10 man stern-guard squad
3 combi meltas
2 combi grav guns


Tactical squad 1
Plasma gun
heavy bolter
combi plasma
melta bomb

Tactical squad 2
Plasma gun
heavy bolter
combi plasma
melta bomb

Heavy Support

Devestator Squad
4 missile launchers
4 flak missiles

This comes in at 950 points so I have another 200 spare which I'm not sure what to do with.. I've tried to take advantage of the imperial fist chapter tactics using plenty bolters or heavy bolters and I'm trying to go for a last stand sort of feel with the army.

So what do you guys think? does this list seem okay and what would you suggest I do with the last 200 points?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, thank you

02-04-2015, 02:34 PM
Imperial Fists can bring some great tools to the table as allies. But first, is the rest of your list pretty well rounded (anti-tank, anti-air, anti-horde) or are you looking to fill a particular hole? After I know what kind of purpose you're looking for in your ally I can make up a list. (I use IF Chapter Tactics all the time as my custom-made Chapter).

That aside, some units that can play well to the IF strengths are:

1) Devastators - 4 lascannons or 4 flakk missiles actually work great with tank hunter. Devastator Centurions work great too with the lascannon & missile load-out if you need something a bit more mobile and durable (if all your cover is pretty much occupied).. and, if you use the Sentinels of Terra supplement, you cant take these guys as an Elites choice to leave your single Heavy slot open still!

2) Scouts or Tactical Marines - great for taking objects when in their transports... I'd look at bolter wielding Scouts in a Land Speeder Storm w/heavy flamer for 100 points, or a Rhino full of 10 Tactical Marines. They can combat squad which is a great ability, even inside the Rhino so I would advise a full 10-man unit with melta, combi-melta and melta bombs so you can maybe crack open a transport on an objective with one 5-man squad, and fire bolters at the contents with the other.

3) Lysander - he's out of control... and he unlocks a command squad, if you want it. If your army can support some turn 1 deep striking pressure, I'd suggest him in a pod with a command squad (apothecary, matching special weapon x4 - just dedicate them to being anti-MC or vehicle or whatever you need).. they can take on a lot of things and come out on top.

4) Librarian - only if you're taking the Sentinels of Terra Supplement (which really, there's no point in NOT taking it... unless you are looking to take a Chapter Master and need the Shield Eternal... the supplement and rules modifications are incredible). You can take the Bones of Osrak which give you another warp charge plus let you re-roll failed psychic tests... that's really really good on a level 2 Librarian.

Hope that helps!

02-04-2015, 04:54 PM
sorry I should have put my entire list on here, this is my imperial guard list :)


Command squad
Vox caster

Knight commander Pask


Primaris psyker x2
Mastery level 2

Commissar x2


Infantry platoon 1
command squad
plasma x3

Infantry squad 1
heavy bolter
grenade launcher

Infantry squad 2
heavy bolter
grenade launcher

Heavy weapons squad

Infantry platoon 2
command squad
melta x3

Infantry squad 1
grenade launcher
krak grenades
melta bomb

Infantry squad 2
krak grenades
grenade launcher
melta bomb

Infantry squad 3
krak grenades
grenade launcher
melta bomb

2x meltagun
krak grenades


Tempestus Scions
2x meltagun




Wyvern x2

I'd say my list is quite well rounded, the imperial fists are just a bonus :)

02-04-2015, 05:15 PM
Yes, I don't know much about IG lists, but it looks pretty awesome to me... so what the heck... why not take some of the most fun, elite, iconic things you can then:

Allied Detachment
Space Marines: Supplement - Sentinels of Terra
Imperial Fists Chapter Tactics

Captain Darnath Lysander
Command Squad - drop pod, apothecary, 4x grav, melta bomb x2
*It may be better to take melta guns here so you can charge, that's what I do, but if you play against a lot of MCs then grav could be fun! Adjust accordingly

Tactical Squad (10) - rhino, melta, combi-melta

Centurion Devastators (3) - lascannons x3, missiles x3

Fire Raptor - autocannon turrets

The plan is to drop Lysander and the command squad right in front of an MC to beat it down with the grav and his S10 hammer + some melta bombs (plus he can tank well with the apothecary giving him FnP). You can put the Tactical Squad in another drop pod if you want so that you can maybe hold Lysander's crew back if a turn 1 drop isn't a good idea (that might be smart?) but then you've got a lot in reserve...

The Fire Raptor is a beast and if you can take it... do it!

Centurion Devastators with tank hunter and twin linked weapons will put a hurt on a lot of stuff... I have really grown to like these guys.

Overall, if you need more OS troops, you can take some scouts in a land speeder storm for 100 points... but it looks like you have some decent troops and late-game objective grabbers (the Scions?) so I figure why not just break out all the big stuff SM can take!

If that list is too elite, I can work out something else... but those are all the best units IMO. Enjoy!

02-05-2015, 03:42 AM
That list certainly looks appealing :) Part of me would rather sternguard to centurions though.. I'm still not sold on the models sadly.
I was planning on sticking with codex:SM to save buying more books but I might reconsider haha

The Fire Raptor is is forge world right? where could i get the rules for that? :)

I like the idea of tactical squads in transports, would a rhino be best or combat squadding with a razorback?

thanks for all your help :)

02-05-2015, 08:09 AM
The Fire Raptor is a Forge World unit, and it's rules can be found in Imperial Armour Volume 2: Second Edition - War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes. It's a wonderful book that contains dozens of useful Space Marine vehicles (from fliers, to dreadnoughts, to land raider variants, etc.) and if you play in an area where FW is accepted, you'll love it! Just in case you're wondering and don't wanna invest in the book quite yet I can give you a brief overview:

The Fire Raptor is an all around armor 12 flier that's meant to be a gunship... it flies in and unloads ALL it's weapons to clear a safe zone and then I like to hover it around drawing fire and strafing other units. It's armed with 4 missiles (all of which can be fired the turn it arrives because they're all weapon systems now in 7th!) that are comparable to a Stormraven; it has a front-mounted gatling gun that is Heavy 7 S6 (you can fire this with Power of the Machine Spirit); it has a 'ball turret' on each side that can also fire independently and they can be equipped with two twin-linked autocannons or quad heavy bolters! It's priced a little above the cost of a Stormraven and sacrifices all transport capacity for pure fire power.

Now for the rest of the list and your comments:

Ok, I understand if you don't want to use the Centurions, they're not for everyone (although tank hunter is a large part of their CTs). If you want to build an all drop pod allied detachment, they can do that well too. What about putting the Tactical Squad in a pod instead of Rhino, keeping Lysander's squad in a pod, and then adding a third pod with Sternguard? You have a lot of anti-vehicle I think, but it could never hurt to have a squad with some combi-meltas to ensure that first turn kill. Also, if you don't want to take another flier, a fun squad that can fill the elite slot is Legion of the Damned. They make a pretty nice addition to a list and for around 155-165 they can put out a lot of AP2 that ignores cover... something to consider.

As for your comments on the Razorback... don't bother. If you sit half of a Tac squad back with a heavy weapon, the other 4 marines with are not shooting effectively... and a Razorback is too easily destroyed and not fast so it can't move effectively and fire accurately... it's just not worth it. The best use of a Tac squad is always combat squadded in either a pod (to pop a transport and then bolter the contents) or in a rhino where one combat squad can disembark independently of the other (just not re-enter).

Hope that helps!

02-05-2015, 03:06 PM
As appealing as it sounds, I think I'll stick with devastators for my heavy support.. at least until I have a bigger budget :)

I do like the idea of using rhinos over drop pods, The rest of my force is a little too slow to support them if they drop too far ahead but should keep up with a rhino, plus they will be a lot easier to fit into my case (which is currently abit full :eek: ).. imperial guard armour be damned

would a rhino be suitable for the sternguard?

I apologise for the constant questions haha

02-05-2015, 03:58 PM
Alright, fair enough.

I'd keep the devastators then with the flakk as AA (it's actually pretty nice with tank hunter). As for the rest of the army I guess whatever you enjoy fielding go for it! I do think Sternguard can be risky in the Rhino because if it doesn't get where it was supposed to, they are expensive to have out in the open taking casualties before shooting... if you do, maybe take 2 with plasma guns and the rest with combis (so the 2 plasmas can keep firing out the hatch?).

Are you interested in taking Lysander in a Land Raider maybe with some Terminators? That is always a hard hitting unit... where are you thinking so far on it?

02-05-2015, 04:12 PM
Yeah they'll have flakk, can't let those fliers get away :cool:

right maybe I'll foot slog them behind an infantry platoon, plenty of bodies to keep them covered :)

I'm on the fence about Lysander, he's an amazing character for sure.. but with the lack of assault units in the army would him and some terminators be enough? A shame there aren't many ranged HQ choices for the space marines :(

02-05-2015, 04:31 PM
Yeah, I hear ya. I think since you're lacking a good counter assault unit he would be nice in a LRR; the flamers also provide nice protection from bikes/jetbikes with their AP3 templates. However, you'll have to decide between them and the Sternguard since you only get one elite slot...

You could always keep it simple and take a Captain or Chapter Master with dual plasma pistols as a ranged choice haha! A Libby can provide nice psychic support if you take the Sentinels of Terra supplement though to get the Bones of Osrak (such an incredible piece).

Sadly, Tac marines dont' really add much bang to your list as an ally... most of the Space Marine toys that bring the pain are Cents, Fliers, and melee units.

What about bikes? They could provide some nice grav support to hurt MCs... and you could put a Chapter Master on a bike to ride with them and protect them from close combat threats as well as fire an orbital bombardment? You could then take some tac marines on the side and your devs?

This could be Interesting:

Chapter Master - bike, artificer armor, shield eternal, thunderhammer
Bike Squad (5) - grav x2, combi-grav
Tactical Squad (10) - rhino, melta, combi-melta, melta bombs
Sternguard (10) - rhino, plasma x2, combi-plasma x6
Devastator Squad (7) - flakk x4

You've got the nasty bike unit for MC control, a tac squad, your AA devs (with a few ablative wounds) and a load-out sternguard squad... all in rhinos :)

02-05-2015, 04:45 PM
What I would give for a second elites slot :(

I think I'm sold on the sternguard.. I'm more of a fan of ranged attacks, no need for an assault unit if the enemy dont get close right? :o

Never thought of dual pistols.. sounds like a cool modelling opportunity :)

yeah I guess your right.. still it'll be nice to actually get armour saves against bolter fire for a change :D

I was considering a small bike squad.. maybe as a mounted command squad with grav weapons.. I'm like a child in a sweet shop right now I just cant decide haha

02-05-2015, 04:53 PM
Yeah that list I posted (previous post at the bottom of the first page) with the Chapter Master on bike is probably what I'd run in your case.

You could also put your Captain gunslinger with the Sternguard (although you lose the ability to combat squad at 9) in the Rhino and just have an all-out plasma squad! In that case, I'd take only one plasma on the Sternguard then since he can fire out of the hatch too.

Since he's a captain he could unlock a 5-grav gun command squad that could be fun.. although be careful because without a tanking HQ, they'll have to jink almost all the time and then won't be able to shoot very well... that's one of the nice things about keeping the CM with them.

Hope I was able to help somewhat!

02-05-2015, 04:56 PM
I'll have to see what I decide on.. and what I can buy now :D

Thanks for all the help my friend :)

02-05-2015, 05:00 PM
Sure thing. Be sure to post back with what worked for you!