View Full Version : How are 7th Edition Tournaments Now?

02-03-2015, 10:20 PM
Well I haven't played 40k since the introduction of the 7th edition codex. One of the reasons why I quit was due to the fact I had no clue what would be allowed in tournaments, etch. My question is what is generally allowed now. Like I said before I wanted to play a mixed faction list ( which is a very old list which used to be legal and now can be legal again in 7th.) Anyway I was curious on how the tournament scene was like now that 7th have settled in for awhile.

Another issue I'm having is that I haven't been around for new orcs, necrons, blood angels, wolves, assassins, and grey knights. I know eventually I will have to pick up these books, probably get the net books this go around. If I could get a general feedback about said books that would be great. I am reading articles trying to see what's what.

Another issue would be about female human heads. I was wondering a good place to pic up some in case a new brand came out. They are for my guardswomen which I am slowly putting together. The main issue is deciding to stay mostly GW with the figures, I figure heads wouldn't be an issue, but torsos legs, etch should stay GW. I am also looking for decent Torsos as well. I want two squads of females where one is conservative looking and the other ones are just hot as hell. The problem with the latter is that I don't like the newer female models and prefer the older metal models. Anyway I rather not work with metal if I don't have too. I am thinking wood elves or dark elves for a squad, however foreword might have something, or someone can possibly point me in the direction I would like to follow.

However I still have to look over a few supplements before I start my project, also I may use sisters as well since they are gathering dust, I would love to use the repentia models, but their stances make it rather hard to give them rifles, I am thinking pistols with rifles slug on their backs.

Anyway feed back would be nice. I am still debating on what to do with my 40k stuff, either sell or keep playing, etch.

This Dave
02-04-2015, 08:29 AM
Well I haven't played 40k since the introduction of the 7th edition codex. One of the reasons why I quit was due to the fact I had no clue what would be allowed in tournaments, etch. My question is what is generally allowed now. Like I said before I wanted to play a mixed faction list ( which is a very old list which used to be legal and now can be legal again in 7th.) Anyway I was curious on how the tournament scene was like now that 7th have settled in for awhile.

Another issue I'm having is that I haven't been around for new orcs, necrons, blood angels, wolves, assassins, and grey knights. I know eventually I will have to pick up these books, probably get the net books this go around. If I could get a general feedback about said books that would be great. I am reading articles trying to see what's what.

Another issue would be about female human heads. I was wondering a good place to pic up some in case a new brand came out. They are for my guardswomen which I am slowly putting together. The main issue is deciding to stay mostly GW with the figures, I figure heads wouldn't be an issue, but torsos legs, etch should stay GW. I am also looking for decent Torsos as well. I want two squads of females where one is conservative looking and the other ones are just hot as hell. The problem with the latter is that I don't like the newer female models and prefer the older metal models. Anyway I rather not work with metal if I don't have too. I am thinking wood elves or dark elves for a squad, however foreword might have something, or someone can possibly point me in the direction I would like to follow.

However I still have to look over a few supplements before I start my project, also I may use sisters as well since they are gathering dust, I would love to use the repentia models, but their stances make it rather hard to give them rifles, I am thinking pistols with rifles slug on their backs.

Anyway feed back would be nice. I am still debating on what to do with my 40k stuff, either sell or keep playing, etch.

Statuesque Miniatures makes a sprue of heroic scale female heads which look great on 40K scale figures. I'm currently using them for my veteran infantry squads with my new Steel Host unit.

Not able to help with the tournament stuff though as other than Astronomi-con I don't go to them.