View Full Version : First attempt at decurion: necrons 1500

02-03-2015, 08:06 PM
Hello all,

First time making an army list with the new necron army. Could definitely use some feedback. I want to make sure that I'm not spreading the points too thinly between the units; they need to remain effective despite my desire to keep the list adaptable.

Warscythe, veil of darkness, phase shifter

8 Lychguard w/ scythes
Transport: Night scythe

Necron Warriors #1
10 warriors
Transport: Ghost arc

Necron Warriors #2
13 warriors

8 Immortals w/ gauss blasters

Tomb Blades
5 Tomb blades w/ gauss blasters
Equipment: shield vanes & scopes


6 wraiths (naked)

4 scarabs

1 tomb spyder

TOTAL: 1500

General strategy: Lord will join either the immortals or the Warriors depending on who I want to veil across the board- if I need to kill a tank, 10 more warrior shots should make an impact; if I need to kill a unit of troops, the immortals will make a go. The unit that veils will be supported by the tomb blades. Lychguard come in via the night scythe to handle 2+ armor saves or ground based LOW ( I think 8 should be enough despite being less survivable then shields). They can either go on their own or support the veiling lord and tomb blades. Ghost arc w/ Warriors can either claim objectives or support the veil jump. The Canoptek Harvest Will attempt to threaten any units attempting to counter the veil jump or grab objectives with their beast speed. Let me know what you all think.