View Full Version : How many times can each unit shoot per turn?

02-03-2015, 11:13 AM
Can a unit armed with multiple weapons shoot them all in a single turn? The specific example is Tau Broadsides armed with multiple weapons ie rail gun thingys and melta's. Can they shoot both weapons each turn or do they have to pick one to fire. It says quite specifically for MC that they can shoot two weapons a turn. The only reason I can think GW would so specifically state this, would be if 'normal' units could only fire once per shooting phase.

Sorry if this is one of those blinding obvious questions but I can’t seem to find the specific rule in the book.

Many thanks

02-03-2015, 11:56 AM
In most cases, a model can only fire one weapon per Phase.

Monstrous Creatures and Tau Battlesuits have inherent rules that allow them to fire one more (or two more in the case of the Riptide Monstrous Creature Battlesuit) in the Shooting Phase.

Vehicles have Special Rules based on Type and Speed which determine how many weapons they may fire.

02-03-2015, 01:38 PM
Charistoph is dead on. But just so you have the page #.

p31 of the rulebook under 'Which Models Can Fire?'
3rd paragraph, 1st sentence.

02-03-2015, 04:10 PM
Tau Battlesuits all have a piece of Wargear called a "Multitracker" which lets them fire two weapons in the shooting phase. Otherwise, as they are not monstrous creatures, they would only be allowed to fire one of their weapon systems.

02-03-2015, 06:33 PM
Tau Battlesuits all have a piece of Wargear called a "Multitracker" which lets them fire two weapons in the shooting phase. Otherwise, as they are not monstrous creatures, they would only be allowed to fire one of their weapon systems.

One Tau Battlesuit (and its variants) is a Monstrous Creature so gets the benefit of both rules. :D

This Dave
02-03-2015, 09:17 PM
Also, any model with two pistols can fire them both, as per the Gunslinger rules.

02-04-2015, 07:33 AM
Thanks for the replys.

Mad Cat
02-04-2015, 10:54 AM
Just watch out for beginner Tau players trying to use the multi-tracker in the overwatch phase or the enemy movement phase (i.e. using interceptor). It only works in the Tau shooting phase.