View Full Version : Possible alternative to the riptide

wayne williams
02-02-2015, 10:09 AM
https://www.facebook.com/IndustriaMechanika/photos/ms.c.eJw9ybkRACAMA7CNuDyOcfZfjCJAqZOIBrQpmbmWxsoCK XzP7~_tOC88Ev~_fjGfN1ALCIE4w~-.bps.a.864944863546686.1073741845.231534953554350/864944876880018/?type=1

hope this works im not great at the old link kind of thing..

But for our tua players out there thought you might enjoy this mini / model.

Mr Mystery
02-02-2015, 10:17 AM
It looks like its wearing a Nappy.....

wayne williams
02-02-2015, 10:19 AM
thats not a nappy its the codpiece of doom mwahahaha.

02-02-2015, 10:51 AM
I love it but Industria Mechanika stuff is always so much money. Beautiful for sure but lots of monies.

Path Walker
02-02-2015, 10:55 AM
Yeah, they make such nice kits but the price tag has always held me back, i'm guessing this will be in the realms of $180

02-03-2015, 11:32 PM
I rather have a 40k riptide

02-04-2015, 03:17 AM
I'd rather have both :)