View Full Version : Sororitas - Sisters of Battle Day

02-01-2015, 05:41 AM
The sisters of battle community are brainstorming having an annual Battle Sisters day. Sororitas player are planning to buy a Sisters of Battle model, like an Immolator. The idea is to demonstrate there are lots of people would purchase new sisters models. Word needs to reach all Sisters players, but this inception is stuck on what day to go for. Is there a good day, or date to declare as Sisters of Battle Day?

02-01-2015, 06:33 PM
Hmm, I'm not a Sisters player currently, but would like to opt in if they were to get new stuff, so I would be interested in such a thing. Would probably get an Immolator on the day due to it being the sole all-plastic kit.

As for dates, how about 16th of May? It is the date of the Canonisation of St Joan of Arc, which to me seems a suitably fitting day for SoB day. It may be a bit too distant though.

02-01-2015, 10:47 PM
Well as for getting every one to purchase a new model, I have four models that I ordered for the army that still haven't been sent to my local shop and that was three weeks ago. With the sisters rumors that popped up at the beginning of the year I'm not sure if that's a good or bad sign. lol

02-03-2015, 11:30 PM
I like the 16th since it's 2 days after my b'day

03-03-2015, 11:28 AM
Hey guys,

There is such a campaign on-going in case you missed it. Basically this:

For those that don't know, the idea is that gamers will simultaneously purchase a model (or more if you wish) from the Adepta Sororitas range via the webstore in order to show GW that the community continues to enjoy sisters and that a new range is viable. Games Workshop is a business and if there is one way to make a business take notice it is by doing something unexpected with their sales figures.

This will take place on March 4th at:
8am PST (Pacific)
10am CST (Central)
11am EST (Eastern
4pm GMT (UK)
5pm CET (Europe)