View Full Version : Road to Over the Top 2011

Kieranator K82
02-16-2010, 12:15 AM
Hey all, Over the Top, Hamilton NZ's annual GW tournament was on the weekend and I entered it for the second time. It was a fun weekend with 6 games against 6 different opponents of similar skill - or lack thereof - to me. You see, I came 29th. In other, larger countries, that sounds pretty good, right?
No. There were 30 40K players in the tournament. Ergo, I came second to last.
T'was still fun, but I'd like to do better next time around. So I made my first ever new Year's Resolution on the eve of the 14th of February:


So here I am. My current army list is still theoretical but is relatively straight forward.
Outflank Marines. Mechanised Outflank Marines.
I learnt the power of outflanking armies in my first game of the weekend where I was drawn up against an army containing 3 Vendettas and 6 Valkyries.
Inspiration flowing through my veins, I turned to the Codex Astartes. The strike force I currently have in mind is as follows:

1750 points

Kor'sarro Khan

5 Assault Terminators in a dedicated Land Raider with Extra Armour

Tactical Squad with Meltagun and Missile Launcher and a Sarge with Powerfist, mounted in a Rhino with HKM
Tactical Squad with Flamer and Missile Launcher and a Sarge with Meltabombs, mounted in a Rhino with HKM

Fast Attack
5 Vanguard Veterans with 2 Power Weapons and a Sarge with 2 Lightning Claws, mounted in a Razorback with Twin-Linked Lascannons and Extra Armour
4 Bikes including a Meltagun, a Multi-melta Attack Bike and Sarge with Meltabombs

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Moving on, for these Marines I am moving on to another Chapter, this time of my own design: the Tempest Knights (colour scheme attached).
The Knights Tempestus, as they are also known by, are descended from the Imperial Fists and employ deadly ambush tactics to deliver the killing blow to the enemy.
Their Chapter Symbol is a Hurricane with a Skull in place of the Eye of the Storm, alluding to the fact that when the Tempest arrives, there is no safe place to go.

I have one Tactical Squad at the moment and I will provide pictures when possible. Also worth noting is that I'll be using Desert Mesa bases from Iron Halo https://ironhalo.net/store//catalog/index.php?cPath=45_82 to make my Marines look pretty :o

So, yeah, I guess I'll keep you posted.
I'll be back.

02-16-2010, 03:34 AM
<3 successor chapters, do you have a heraldry planned already?

Kieranator K82
02-17-2010, 12:30 AM
Yeah I think I do.

Fluff 'n' Stuff:
Founded in M39, the Knights Tempestus - or Tempest Knights as they are more commonly known - are one of the many Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. A relatively young Chapter, the Knights Tempestus have a short but glorified history of service in the Emperor's name. Employing outflank and ambush strategies, the Knights Tempestus earnt the motto "Shock and Awe" in the Perseus campaign. Bearing an emblem of a hurricane with a skull at the eye, the Knights Tempestus strike without warning from the flanks, leaving none in their wake.
In more recent times, the Chapter has committed itself to hunting Chaos Marines after suffering heavy losses at the hands of the Word Bearers Legion in the closing of M40. In their pursuits, they have even come across traitors they identified as Pre-Heresy Dark Angels, but do not share this information with the rest of the Imperium to protect their brothers from the 1st Legion.
The Chapter Banner depicts a knightly looking chap in the middle of a lightning storm, complete with dramatic use of lighting and shadow.

The Knights Tempestus follow the standard cookie-cutter organization laid out in Guilleman's Codex Astartes. The current Chapter Master is Blaine Darius, a veteran of the aforementioned Perseus campaign and a capable warrior, although he hasn't seen much action in recent times.
Amadeus Sarpedon is the Captain of the 5th Company and leads many of the Chaos Hunts the Knights Tempestus take part in. Sarpedon is a native of Kronus and was inducted into the Knights Tempestus before the commencement of the Dark Crusade. Wieldiing the Cyclonic Blade into battle, Sarpedon is a master of the techniques favoured by his Chapter. He carries the head of a powerful Word Bearers Champion, which strikes fear into the hearts of the enemy.

That's my typing allowance for the day. Ciao.