View Full Version : Getting Into Death Korps of Krieg?

01-31-2015, 02:05 AM
Hello everyone!

I've been getting more into Warhammer 40k in the last half-year, and I've been playing Chaos Marines for a while, but although I enjoy them I have been wanting to branch out.

I was looking into different armies, and one that especially caught my eye was the Forgeworld Death Korps of Krieg! I love their look, paint style, fluff and their rules!

My main issue however is I have never experienced working with resin before and I don't know if they are actually fun to play or if their rules will even been open to use as time goes on.

I really would like to get an army of them, but is this worth it? The money isn't my main concern, I just want to know from others what they think of D.K.O.K., and whether it is a worthy investment?

Will I always be stuck running them as guard? Is resin a big mess to work with (even if I buy pre-assembled models)? For someone who has only played Chaos Marines, am I taking too big of a leap to start playing Krieg?

Any advice is appreciated, I really just want to know what I'm getting into before I dive in the deep end, thank you!

01-31-2015, 05:54 AM
I really would like to get an army of them, but is this worth it? The money isn't my main concern, I just want to know from others what they think of D.K.O.K., and whether it is a worthy investment?
I googled "death korps of krieg which imperial armor book?" and this was the third and 4th link, from the Forgeworld website themselves:


I suggest reading the rules and seeing if you like them. Personally, the miniatures look amazing. And I am all for playing what you like and think is cool. Which is why I'm almost done putting together a chaos dwarf fantasy army...

As to working with resin: Forgeworld uses pretty soft and flexible resin that is very easy to work with. The quality of Forgeworld is much better than finecast. IMHO, slightly easier than plastic to work with, except for being able to use plastic cement with plastic. Just be aware that it IS VERY SOFT and brittle (it's a resin) so be careful putting pressure on limbs and drilling out areas that are close to the edge.

Also, if you are filing or sanding it, wear a particulate filter of some kind as resin dust is super toxic.

Abaddon's missing Arms
02-01-2015, 10:00 AM
DKoK is by far the coolest army I've ever owned. The models are fragile. Things(gun barrels) are going to bend and break but if you take care of the army it's not a big deal. The models really fun to paint and 7th is the time to play forgeworld. So basically go for it. Must haves imho: hades drill with engineers, corpse master, death riders, earthshaker inplacements.

William Lang
02-01-2015, 10:19 AM
I googled "death korps of krieg which imperial armor book?" and this was the third and 4th link, from the Forgeworld website themselves:
http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/d/dkksiegelist.pdfDo these rules even work anymore? Right off the bat I see Astropaths having the Telepathic Relay rule in addition to telling people to refer to the Imperial Guard Codex.

02-01-2015, 12:18 PM
Do these rules even work anymore? Right off the bat I see Astropaths having the Telepathic Relay rule in addition to telling people to refer to the Imperial Guard Codex.
Don't know!

I was looking to see which Imperial Armor book had the rules for DKoK and came across them. I'm pretty sure it's Imperial Armor Book 12: The Fall of Orpheus, but I don't have it so I'm not certain.

IMHO, GW needs to start putting dates in their documents to know which supersedes what.

02-01-2015, 01:03 PM
I googled "death korps of krieg which imperial armor book?" and this was the third and 4th link, from the Forgeworld website themselves:


I suggest reading the rules and seeing if you like them. Personally, the miniatures look amazing. And I am all for playing what you like and think is cool. Which is why I'm almost done putting together a chaos dwarf fantasy army...

As to working with resin: Forgeworld uses pretty soft and flexible resin that is very easy to work with. The quality of Forgeworld is much better than finecast. IMHO, slightly easier than plastic to work with, except for being able to use plastic cement with plastic. Just be aware that it IS VERY SOFT and brittle (it's a resin) so be careful putting pressure on limbs and drilling out areas that are close to the edge.

Also, if you are filing or sanding it, wear a particulate filter of some kind as resin dust is super toxic.

I have peeked at those before, and they seem to be the most up to date rules as far as I can tell...

I do like the rules, I've never played guard before but the Krieg stuff sounds fun at the very least, hard to know without seeing it first hand I guess.

Haha, nice! Congrats with the chaos dwarfs, cool to hear they aren't a totally dead army as long as people like you revive them on occasion!

That's good to hear, the better the quality the better the look and handling I suppose. Thanks for the tip, I will be more careful with these guys than I normally am. What about soaking them in water, I've heard people mention that when talking about resin before?

Yikes! Definitely going to be working on them outdoors them, I don't want that sort of stuff building up in my room! As long as I'm not cutting/sanding/grinding them, are they safe to be around?

Do these rules even work anymore? Right off the bat I see Astropaths having the Telepathic Relay rule in addition to telling people to refer to the Imperial Guard Codex.

That was part of my worry too, not sure how it works if there are outdated rules still in the book. It seems all of the D.K.o.K. stuff is 6th edition.

Don't know!

I was looking to see which Imperial Armor book had the rules for DKoK and came across them. I'm pretty sure it's Imperial Armor Book 12: The Fall of Orpheus, but I don't have it so I'm not certain.

IMHO, GW needs to start putting dates in their documents to know which supersedes what.

I believe you are correct, I need to get my hands on the book to get more details, but I'm fairly certain that is where their rules are at.

That would be a lot more convenient than the guessing game we're all playing nowadays. :p

Thanks for all the comments everyone! More advice/comments are appreciated, but what has been said so far has helped.

02-01-2015, 01:11 PM
Hello everyone!

I've been getting more into Warhammer 40k in the last half-year, and I've been playing Chaos Marines for a while, but although I enjoy them I have been wanting to branch out.

I was looking into different armies, and one that especially caught my eye was the Forgeworld Death Korps of Krieg! I love their look, paint style, fluff and their rules!

My main issue however is I have never experienced working with resin before and I don't know if they are actually fun to play or if their rules will even been open to use as time goes on.

I really would like to get an army of them, but is this worth it? The money isn't my main concern, I just want to know from others what they think of D.K.O.K., and whether it is a worthy investment?

Will I always be stuck running them as guard? Is resin a big mess to work with (even if I buy pre-assembled models)? For someone who has only played Chaos Marines, am I taking too big of a leap to start playing Krieg?

Any advice is appreciated, I really just want to know what I'm getting into before I dive in the deep end, thank you!

The models are great. The rules...not so much. The plus's they get are WS4 (often a drawback, allowing enemies to miss just enough to keep the unit in combat an extra round and avoid shooting), ignoring 25% morale tests from shooting, and always being able to regroup if close to an officer.

The IA5 Siege Regiment list is available on FW's site for free, but the only way it really plays well is spamming T7 3+sv multi-wound artillery units (which unfortunately also has tons of hardcounters). Unfortunately, for an army described in great detail as a horde infantry assault army, they're actually really bad at it and their basic infantry are horrifically overcosted (70pts for a basic unupgraded infantry squad).

There's also the DKoK Assault Brigade out of IA12, which is what I usually run. It's a bit more flexible, but also runs into many of the same issues of having dramatically overpriced infantry and still functions best when loading up on artillery units and tanks and relatively minimizing investments in infantry.

Also, neither list has been updated or FAQ'd or anything in the wake of 7E or the release of the newest IG codex and as such there are discrepancies in units and functionality.

The army can be fun, but if you're playing in any sort of competitive metagame environment I wouldn't bother.

EDIT: there's also a DKoK armored company list in IA7, but I don't think FW is ever going to update that again.

02-01-2015, 01:19 PM
The models are great. The rules...not so much. The plus's they get are WS4 (often a drawback, allowing enemies to miss just enough to keep the unit in combat an extra round and avoid shooting), ignoring 25% morale tests from shooting, and always being able to regroup if close to an officer.

The IA5 Siege Regiment list is available on FW's site for free, but the only way it really plays well is spamming T7 3+sv multi-wound artillery units (which unfortunately also has tons of hardcounters). Unfortunately, for an army described in great detail as a horde infantry assault army, they're actually really bad at it and their basic infantry are horrifically overcosted (70pts for a basic unupgraded infantry squad).

There's also the DKoK Assault Brigade out of IA12, which is what I usually run. It's a bit more flexible, but also runs into many of the same issues of having dramatically overpriced infantry and still functions best when loading up on artillery units and tanks and relatively minimizing investments in infantry.

Also, neither list has been updated or FAQ'd or anything in the wake of 7E or the release of the newest IG codex and as such there are discrepancies in units and functionality.

The army can be fun, but if you're playing in any sort of competitive metagame environment I wouldn't bother.

EDIT: there's also a DKoK armored company list in IA7, but I don't think FW is ever going to update that again.

I definitely love the models, regardless of how they play I would just about buy them for their looks alone. It is good to hear an opinion on the rules, even if it is a negative one. I don't play in an overly-competitive setting (they players are good, but we aren't playing to win out of bloodlust or anything, lol).

I am purchasing some models today, so perhaps I'll run them for fun with their own rules if people aren't against me using nearly outdated rules. Otherwise I'll run them as guard and it all works out fine anyway. If I can't get the rules, I'll at least get a cool looking guard army! Who knows, maybe one day forgeworld will pity D.K.o.K. and update their rules... always hope!

02-01-2015, 02:44 PM
I definitely love the models, regardless of how they play I would just about buy them for their looks alone. It is good to hear an opinion on the rules, even if it is a negative one. I don't play in an overly-competitive setting (they players are good, but we aren't playing to win out of bloodlust or anything, lol).

I am purchasing some models today, so perhaps I'll run them for fun with their own rules if people aren't against me using nearly outdated rules. Otherwise I'll run them as guard and it all works out fine anyway. If I can't get the rules, I'll at least get a cool looking guard army! Who knows, maybe one day forgeworld will pity D.K.o.K. and update their rules... always hope!

I love my DKoK models, but there are a few things to know. Your las rifles will break when you look at them wrong. That is just a fact, they are very brittle. I store mine in a tableware case, so I can keep the models still and upright. I can't use my battle foam or KR case to store them without breaking a rifle.

When assembling them, like anything where the arms and weapons come separate, can be a pain, especially since the resin bits will bend so easily. Take it easy when your clip your DKoK from the gate. I have had numerous instances of feet snapping off when trying to cut off of the gate.

FW resin is not toxic, but it is an irritant, so I recommend a dust mask and cleaning up after you finish working on a project for the day. If you happen to buy from another source... who can say what is in their resin/plastic.

Desmond Kenny
02-01-2015, 03:26 PM
If you're already a Chaos Space Marine player, I'd strongly suggest you get yourself Imperial Armour 13 first and foremost. It's quite possibly the best book I've ever gotten from Games Workshop for fluff, rules and it's just gorgeous.

It's excellent for Chaos Space Marines but, and this is the kicker for you, it has an entire army list for The Lost and the Damned. Basically, it's a Chaos Imperial Guard army list. It sounds like you are interested in Death Korps because of how they look then you could field them as a Chaos list and field them beside your Marines.

It's what I'd LOVE to do if I could afford a new army.... some day!

02-01-2015, 03:27 PM
they are amazing models, you can always just use the Astra Militarum codex to represent them

02-01-2015, 03:41 PM
If you're already a Chaos Space Marine player, I'd strongly suggest you get yourself Imperial Armour 13 first and foremost. It's quite possibly the best book I've ever gotten from Games Workshop for fluff, rules and it's just gorgeous.

It's excellent for Chaos Space Marines but, and this is the kicker for you, it has an entire army list for The Lost and the Damned. Basically, it's a Chaos Imperial Guard army list. It sounds like you are interested in Death Korps because of how they look then you could field them as a Chaos list and field them beside your Marines.

It's what I'd LOVE to do if I could afford a new army.... some day!

*nerdgasms internally*

I hadn't even thought of that, you're a genius!

Well, it seems I now need to get my hands on imperial armor 12 and 13... (woohoo more money spending! :p ).

If people don't mind me being flexible with the army... being able to have the D.K.o.K. act as Korps, Astra Militarum and Traitor Guard (never all at once though obviously), then that would be a very awesome use of models indeed! I especially like the idea of using them as allies to my Chaos Marines.

Thank you for this!

Edit: I believe in you, you can do it!

they are amazing models, you can always just use the Astra Militarum codex to represent them

If push comes to shove I will do just that, some people just don't like facing forgeworld, so I'll just make sure I have two lists prepared when I go for games.

Desmond Kenny
02-01-2015, 03:51 PM
*nerdgasms internally*


If people don't mind me being flexible with the army... being able to have the D.K.o.K. act as Korps, Astra Militarum and Traitor Guard (never all at once though obviously), then that would be a very awesome use of models indeed! I especially like the idea of using them as allies to my Chaos Marines.


Haha - you're welcome! Though, the idea of using them as guard to start with in a battle then turning traitor half way through a game sounds like a fun scenario!

Seriously though, IA13 really is great - Spartan assault tanks, Hell Blades and even rules to buff up your existing Marine vehicles. I don't know enough about Astra Militarum to compare, but yeah, being able to ally with your existing force sounds like a winner.

I love the DKoK models. The SS comparison is undeniable of course and they feel like a good visual fit for an indomitable Chaos force. Way too expensive as an option for me, but if you like them and can afford it, more power to you mate

Kiaos Tan
02-01-2015, 06:31 PM
I have 4000 points of Assault Brigade.
And 1 thing is for sure. The forge world model is fragile as hell as honestly doesn't make any difference from the China recast. So I recommend the cheaper option.

There is 2 books that is up to date at the moment.
The Siege Regiment (free on fw)
Assault Brigade list (IA 12)

Personally,the first book is copy paste job from the previous edition of siege list. Only thing good with them is the earthshaker cannon and medussa.

I prefer the assault brigade for the following reasons.
- 1 named character
- 1 set of unique orders
- special rule that lets you recycle your infantry platoon when destroyed.

Don't expect to win many games if you wan to go to the fluff list. Or maybe I have been facing too many eldars and necrons.. lol

02-02-2015, 02:10 AM
I've recently acquired a bulk lot of DKoK models from a fellow gamer who collected an amazing army but barely assembled it and lost motivation to complete it. I got his infantry, a team of Thudd Guns (3), Heavy Bolters, Autocannons and a 10 unit Roughrider (plus mounted Commissar). Also got a whole lot of standing infantry for a Gorgon/Trench line ... absolutely beautiful models and I can't wait to start on them (after I've done my Praetorian XXIV army).

So the unit I have has 4 squads of PBIs, command platoons and Senior HQ. Yet to finish unbagging the rest and seeing what else is in my haul!

02-02-2015, 06:53 AM
It's what I'd LOVE to do if I could afford a new army.... some day!

I'll just leave this here ...