View Full Version : WIP - Scratchbuilt Valdor Tank Hunter

Joao David Silva Teixeira
01-30-2015, 09:14 AM
As of recently I've rediscovered the joys of scratchbuilding stuff, both by successful first tests in 3d printed components and a considerable slimness in the wallet department that prevents me from buying awesome resin goodness.
So, following this second renaissance, I've started building a Valdor Tank hunter, not sure as of yet, if it goes for the renegades or loyalist forces.

The first stage is the gathering and compiling of information, like papercraft templates and a LOT of reference pictures. Usually there are unboxing pictures of these models and these usually show the different parts disassembled.
Try to get reference dimensions, work by using dimensions you already know and try to extrapolate the rest by comparing those to dimensions you know. For example, I've measured the hull of the tank based on the sides of the tank, since those dimensions were on the templates. I kinda just went from there and extrapolated the rest myself.

The printer I used for this is a typical FDM home printer, the leapfrog creatr and all parts were printed in PLA.

Joao David Silva Teixeira
01-30-2015, 04:48 PM
So, after the gathering of the materials I needed, I started building the sides. I've printed the templates in adhesive paper and glued them to different thicknesses of plasticard. For the inner section of the sides (the ones that are glued to the hull) I've used 1mm plastic sheet. for the outer parts, I've used 0.5mm plastic sheet.

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After cutting the different parts, I've unglued the adhesive paper and glued the parts to each other and secured them using some clamps and a metal ruler to make sure the parts glued straight

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Meanwhile, the parts for the sponson, the cooling rack and the gun's firing mechanism were modelled and printed. After print, they were covered with Tamiya Putty to be sanded afterwards

The same for the main hull. It was printed and puttyed(?)

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After sanding the main hull, it looks like this

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The next stage is starting to detail the thing. I might build some different traction wheels for it along with some tracks.
Just don't know which ones yet. Any suggestions?

02-01-2015, 10:36 AM
Great idea using the paper craft stuff for measurements. I'm sure I'll have some use for that someday.

Mud Duck
02-01-2015, 12:07 PM
Looking good.
I'm partial to the bottom row of track and the center drive wheel.

Joao David Silva Teixeira
02-04-2015, 07:14 AM
The hull after being glued to the track units and after building the trim for the main hull

After sanding the track guards and adding a few more details, like the sponson gun and hatch

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So, now I began constructing the main gun. The gun's chamber and mantlet were 3d printed and sanded to remove most build lines. Since these will be partially covered, the lines weren't that important. Next, the painstakingly laborious work of adding layers of detail.

02-04-2015, 09:55 AM
looking excellent

Joao David Silva Teixeira
02-06-2015, 04:26 AM
Another day(s) another session of detailing. I've finished the gun for now, it only needs a remote gun sight. I've built the part that covers the gun mantlet, no idea what's called

Joao David Silva Teixeira
02-11-2015, 10:05 AM
The drive wheel masters have arrived, now it's off to casting

Joao David Silva Teixeira
02-12-2015, 05:28 PM
Some more work done, this time on the track tensioner, the power coils and the track guards.

02-12-2015, 05:34 PM
very nice indeed

02-12-2015, 05:39 PM
Ace work mate! I've never used the Tamyia putty... is it like Apoxie Sculpt?

Joao David Silva Teixeira
02-13-2015, 03:20 AM
Ace work mate! I've never used the Tamyia putty... is it like Apoxie Sculpt?

Apoxie Putty has more of a clay-like consistency. Tamiya's putty is liquid-based. It's more of a filler-like consistency, like liquid green stuff

Lord Commissar Maxwell
02-13-2015, 08:42 AM
I think that valdor is looking FANTASTIC!!! Also your methods are quite effective, I hope to learn a lot on how to scratchbuild my own vehicles.

Joao David Silva Teixeira
02-14-2015, 05:49 PM
I think that valdor is looking FANTASTIC!!! Also your methods are quite effective, I hope to learn a lot on how to scratchbuild my own vehicles.

Thanks Maxwell. I learned a lot by seeing other people's work and actually trying and building stuff. It might seem daunting at first but you can easily start simple. The first stuff I ever built were space marine rhinos using cereal box card, spare tracks and a few templates from the internets.