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View Full Version : 1750 Middlere PanzerKompanie - Midwar

02-15-2010, 11:19 PM
Ok gang, here is what I'm taking into battle this week. I've been hearing some grousing that with all the myriad of historical units available in FoW, you often see only the elite units new players are drawn towards.

So I've tried to make this list use a lot of the "bread and butter" units deployed on the Eastern Front in a combined arms arrangement.

Pz IV f2
Pz IV f2

Mittlere Panzer Platoon
Pz III j
Pz III j
Pz III j

Mittlere Panzer Platoon
Pz IV e
Pz IV e
Pz IV e

Panzer Scout Platoon
3 Scout Squads

Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Platoon
3 Panzergrenadier Squads
Panzerknacker SMG Cmd

Heavy Panzerspah Patrol
1 Panzerspah Patrol

Heavy Anti-Aircraft Gun Platoon
2 8.8cm FlaK36
Extra crew (rof:3)

Priority Air Support
Bf 109e

~Comments and advise welcome

02-16-2010, 05:56 AM

02-16-2010, 08:42 AM
Its all based on the models I have. I picked up that fancy 88 kit with the resin sandbagged bases, extra crew, and the tow trucks, a while back so I decided to use them as the list's real teeth instead of the overused tiger.

It seemed like more of a challenge. Same thing with the early IIIj, its what I have.

02-16-2010, 08:54 AM

02-16-2010, 03:21 PM
I'm liking the list, actually. Out of curiosity, what kind of lists des the rest of your group run?

02-17-2010, 01:00 PM
Austin has a big FoW field ranging from German paratroopers, to Russian heavy tank companies. There is a nasty Strelkovy company around with a zillion stands, and an irritating US Stuart-swarm list that moves about the table like scrubbing bubbles MG-ing everything to death.

I'm going for a more balanced subtle approach than the exteme lists that are fairly common. I've noticed that the mixed lists can handle more situations better, and dont find themselves in no-win missions as often.

02-17-2010, 03:27 PM
Interesting. That US Stuart-swarm sounds like it's just fun to play against.

Do you guys do more Mid-War or Late-War?