View Full Version : Crimson Slaughter Daemon Prince?

Lord Krungharr
01-27-2015, 10:23 AM
CSM Daemon Princes have the VOLTW rule in their special rules standard. However, the special rules for Crimson Slaughter say the only units that 'can take' Veterans of the Long War in a Crimson Slaughter detachment are the Cult Troops (Berzerkers, etc.). But then in the Relics, it spells out that the Daemonheart (2+ armor) cannot be taken by a Daemon Prince, implying they can take other artefacts, thus able to be included in a CS detachment.

Given these 2 Crimson Slaughter rules, can they take a Daemon Prince or not? By 'can take', it seems to mean purchase, as the Cult Troops do not come standard with VOLTW. But what do others think about that?

Captain Bubonicus
01-27-2015, 11:08 AM
I would say that because it comes standard on the Daemon Prince, you're not "taking" it and therefore not breaking the rules.

01-27-2015, 03:27 PM
Yeah take implies taking as an upgrade for the unit, where Daemon Prince has it as a standard rule.