View Full Version : WFB: New Miniatures in Development

01-22-2015, 11:48 PM
Via the birds in the trees 1-22-2015

Chaos: Very large Dragon kit, spotted in the process of being painted up. Two-headed, very serpentine in pose. Mounted by a Chaos Knight. Taller than Nagash enormous wings dwarf its large base. Said to be truly stunning.

Dwarfs: Large golem built of boulders/stone, covers with runes. Dwarfs atop it manning a platform mounted gunpowder weapon.

Orcs: New Boar-riders kit. New modern dynamic poses, with fully armored & armed Ork cavalry atop, leaning far forward in their saddles.

In various stages of development, time to market unknown.

These rumors are rated: Probable, coming from trusted known sources.

Erik Setzer
01-23-2015, 08:30 AM
Chaos Dragon? Maybe.

Dwarf stone golem thingy? Still doesn't sound like something Dwarfy. More Orcish, really, like a Living Idol of Gork (or Mork). And ET: Thanquol would have been the perfect time for new Dwarf models.

Orc Boar Boyz? They have relatively new models. So new I still haven't picked up any to add to my army. Why replace those already? I don't think O&G are one of the better selling armies of WFB (breaks my heart, because they're awesome), so that's even less reason to chuck out a relatively new plastic box and replace it with another.

More salt to add to my diet. I'm starting to think it's no coincidence that I regained a lot of weight around the same time I started seriously reading all these rumors...

01-23-2015, 11:10 AM
I suggested the Stone Golem thing ages ago, in my head similar to the ones in Dragon age 2 (still my favourite in the series, don't hate me).
Sounds like a fun model.

When I say suggested, I don't mean I knew it was coming. It was just a fun idea.

01-24-2015, 12:06 AM
New boar riders sounds iffy considering there already are two newer kits for boy boys, and especially when combined with the announcement that there will be pics of a bunch of *modified* orcs coming up in White Dwarf. Hmmm. Perhaps some of them are heavily armed/armored boar boys...

01-24-2015, 05:25 AM
Black Orc Boar Boyz, I could perhaps believe?

Erik Setzer
01-24-2015, 08:31 AM
Black Orc Boar Boyz, I could perhaps believe?

That'd be nice. I'd also love to have a way to do Grimgor's Black Orc army again (like in Storm of Chaos). Not counting the old Black Orcs (bit smaller, not that armored), I'm sure I have over 100 Black Orcs, to build an army like that. But then they ditched it. It'd be easy to write a list for Grimgor and just like Black Orcs in Core Units.

01-25-2015, 04:29 AM
I'm sure we've had the dragon and golem things mentioned a while ago, which either makes these rumours more credible or means someone is just recycling old news. If the boars are true, I would guess they are a new unit for End Times 5, since that is rumoured to feature Grimgor and chums. Perhaps black orcs riding boars?