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View Full Version : Warmachine Tactics entry: Wip and alt scheme trollblood

01-22-2015, 11:38 PM
I just moved, but I was able to find a couple Wip and a alt scheme I did up for a friend. Photos are from my phone so they're not the best quality. Comments and criticism is always appreciated.

My gladiator is up first. The armor is mostly finished. It just needs a gloss coat after sealing for that enameled look.

Next is a lancer to test out a scheme for my cygnar. I'm really liking the look, but I'm having trouble finding the right cream color.

Lastly, is an alt scheme test impaler I did for a friend. He didn't care for it so I held onto it. I don't think I'd do a whole army in the greens, but I really like the result.

01-23-2015, 11:05 AM
interesting choice for swampy skin tone for troll. :cool:

01-24-2015, 12:27 PM
Its different for sure. He wanted a forest/swamp look, but ended up going with more of a brown skintone.