View Full Version : Trying to get Back into 40k after 3 years

01-22-2015, 12:20 PM
So its been three years since I have played and quite a bit has changed. I play Tau and Space Wolves and I am probably going to start up again. I have the newest Tau codex but I have not purchased the Space Wolves codex.

Anyway a few quick questions.

1. Marker lights can remove cover saves, but does that affect Jink saves?
2. What is the meta for game size, i.e. 1750, 1850, 2000 ?
3. I have watched a couple of batreps and there are cards that are used, are these necessary to play?

Thanks for any help with this and hopefully I am not too far behind.

01-22-2015, 12:35 PM
1. Yes, jink saves are cover saves.

3. No, but the cards just make maelstrom missions much easier and quicker. They're a very solid investment.

01-22-2015, 12:39 PM
Thanks for posting a response and I guess I need to pick up some cards.

01-22-2015, 01:35 PM
2. entirely depends on your local area... best just go to your FLGS/Club and ask folks there...

01-22-2015, 01:39 PM
Yeah, the group there is small and if I get back into it I want to bring some other players back in so I was just wondering what the meta is. I think we will jsut aim for 1850. Thanks again for a fast reply.

01-22-2015, 01:42 PM
The meta is the harder one as that varies from place to place, amongst my group we play either 1k or 1.5k normally.

01-22-2015, 01:45 PM
@Wolfshade, do you think people are playing smaller games with 7th edition?

Erik Setzer
01-22-2015, 01:52 PM
At the GW store I play at, we typically do 1500 points, but that's because it's a manageable number for getting a game done in 2-3 hours, and they don't want the tables hogged by people all day (even with three tables, there might be people having a hard time getting in a game on a busy day).

The tactical objective cards are great if you're playing Maelstrom of War missions. If you have a 7th edition army (Orks, Space Wolves, Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Dark Eldar), you're technically supposed to use different objectives for 11-16, but those decks aren't easily available, so you either have to use standard objectives or just look up what 11-16 are if you draw them. There were a couple of recent White Dwarf issues with cards for doing Cities of Death games (and rules in the magazine), but they're sold out online, so it might not be easy to find copies.

You can also get psychic cards for the core disciplines in the game, and the above mentioned armies that have psykers included psychic cards in the pack with their tactical objective cards.

01-22-2015, 02:10 PM
@Wolfshade, do you think people are playing smaller games with 7th edition?

Not really, my gaming gorup always plays at that sort of size, it is manageable in an evening

01-22-2015, 04:48 PM
Ok, thanks a lot. I think we will stick with the 1500-1850 point games. For now I am sticking with Tau because they don't have a Psychic phase and they finally have a new codex. Well its new to me so I will go with them and then get back into my Space Wolves once I learn 7th edition better.

01-23-2015, 09:39 AM
Tau are one of the strongest armies ATM, so it will serve you well.

01-23-2015, 09:42 AM
Wow, so they have moved up with the new codex, I do not plan on buying anything new yet but I think the Riptide looks pretty good form the batreps I have watched.

Dave Mcturk
01-24-2015, 12:59 PM
Wow, so they have moved up with the new codex, I do not plan on buying anything new yet but I think the Riptide looks pretty good form the batreps I have watched.

trip-rip isnt going to win you friends !

but the real abuse in the tau codex is a bit off the wall.

run dual ethereals for the morale bubble [100pts !] and you might get bonus warlord traits ! [im liking the command traits in the brb] - all your units become ld 10 for a far lower cost than upgrading - and you get other ethereal bonuses - just dont get them killed ! :rolleyes:

keep your units tight and small, [not going to give a list - everyone has their own opinions] - almost everything gives 'supporting fire' - just keep enough ap2 / melta weapons in there to deter av14 and terminators.

and im not going to mention smart missiles - we have made them TL only if they can see the target and -2 to cover instead of ignores ! [they were death incarnate to all t3 troop types]

if riptides seem a tad point heavy - three solo missile-sides with drones can knock flyers out of the air for about the same cost !;)

01-26-2015, 05:10 PM
Ok, yeah I saw the ethereal and his abilities, I am going to run one and a crisis commander. I am not sure about the riptides just yet since I am going to play with what I have for now. But it sounds like I am back with my Tau force and just waiting to get a game in .

Dave Mcturk
01-27-2015, 04:15 AM
Ok, yeah I saw the ethereal and his abilities, I am going to run one and a crisis commander. I am not sure about the riptides just yet since I am going to play with what I have for now. But it sounds like I am back with my Tau force and just waiting to get a game in .

the only major problem im finding, now ive got enough fusion guns in the tau-army, is the small size of stealth teams - even with their save bonuses they still get picked on - especially by heavy weapons.

ive taken to popping and eldar allied wraithguard unit in - with a cheap seer on foot and 6 guard in a serpent.

01-27-2015, 04:02 PM
I guess I am just old school and I prefer to keep it all from the Tau Codex. I usually run 9-12 crisis suits and I don't run stealth teams. I find the suits intimidate opponents much more and keep a steady flow of twin linked missile pods harassing the opponent.

01-29-2015, 09:07 AM
Maelstrom and the Tactical Cards (Escalating Missions) are the way things are going in General in 40k

Its also a much more interesting game to play that the standard war missions and also stops armies built to just camp and not move

01-30-2015, 07:01 PM
I don't know what Malestrom is but I have seen the tactical cards on some batreps. I agree that the way the missions and the points that are awarded for completing in game objectives is one reason that I am coming back. Although I play Tau and they can be quite good at sitting in the backfield I enjoy maneuver and mobile warfare. Thanks again to everyone who has helped me get motivated to play again.

Lord Krungharr
01-31-2015, 07:46 AM
Whatever you use, make sure to use Early Warning Override on whatever can take it. For 5 points those units will get Interceptor!

02-02-2015, 02:14 PM
I have no idea what interceptor does because it was not in fifth edition....

02-02-2015, 03:58 PM
I have no idea what interceptor does because it was not in fifth edition....

Interceptor allows you to shoot at units that come in from Reserves before they can Shoot or Run.

02-02-2015, 10:08 PM
Ok that is pretty awesome, sounds like both of my Broadsides will have this with those new High Yield Missile Pods. Should be very useful.

Do quite a lot of players now incorporate flyers are is it about the same popularity as AV14 vehicles, one or two every now and then?

Path Walker
02-03-2015, 04:52 AM
Ok that is pretty awesome, sounds like both of my Broadsides will have this with those new High Yield Missile Pods. Should be very useful.

Do quite a lot of players now incorporate flyers are is it about the same popularity as AV14 vehicles, one or two every now and then?

Depends on the area you play in and how competitive the players are really, a lot of armies will take something that can fly though

Dave Mcturk
02-03-2015, 05:26 AM
Depends on the area you play in and how competitive the players are really, a lot of armies will take something that can fly though

imo the best tau anti-air is probably the riptide !

most air units have been made av10 so they are very expensive - and risky

i think crons can run plenty so they can chance it - but most armies except marines with their flying tanks - arent going to bother
even for marines drop pods are probably a better and cheaper option

csm and orcs might risk one or two

02-11-2015, 10:42 AM
Right now I don't have a Riptide and I plan on using my Crisis suits and Broadsides to deal with flyers with their missile pods. Thanks for the heads up though. I also play Space Wolves. Antoher question is how does the interceptor rule work and does it hurt drop pods? Thanks.