View Full Version : 40k: New Miniatures In Development

01-20-2015, 01:32 PM
Via the birds in the trees 1-20-2015

A new bio-mechanical construct (like the Maulerfiend)
Larger than the Helbrute. One arm: Large chain with scythe-end in one hand, other arm is long barreled vulkan cannon, walker (two mechanical legs)

CSM fast jet, similar to the Forgeworld flyers. CSM pilot, quad missiles underslung, ventral vertical stabilizer.

New plastic infantry spotted in two styles,
One armed with chainswords (Striking Scorpions possible)
One armed with halberds (Incubi possible)

Space Marines:
New surface vehicle. Light, fast wheeled vehicle. Opentopped with side by side driver/gunner positions.

SQUIGS, SQUIGS SQUIGS! with bombs and other gubbins...

In various stages of development, time to market unknown.

These rumors are rated: Probable, coming from trusted known sources.

via Birds in the Trees 3-19-2015

Eldar will receive new miniatures releases this year, but probably not a new codex.
Eldar will be part of one of the year's two 40K campaign sets.

Miniatures listed are:

1 Small Vehicle box (chatter says a Jetbike based unit)
2 5-model infantry boxes (2 more Aspects move to plastic)
2 Clampack models (chatter points to 2 updated plastic Phoenix Lords)

These rumors are rated: Probable, coming from trusted known sources.

The Eldar are in interesting case as they still have a tremendous amount of finecast models in the range, mostly dues to the specialized nature of the Aspect Temples/Phoenix Lords that do not lend themselves to generic multi-unit kits. Also note that none of the units listed are new, so unless some of those unit kits are combo-unit kits, this is essentially a "modernization release" to keep picking away at the GW finecast range.

Erik Setzer
01-20-2015, 01:38 PM
Well, Incubi are just the original Striking Scorpions, so it'd make sense if they did a dual-kit to make both units, which would kill two Finecast birds with one stone. (Note: It is not recommended that you chuck any kind of stone at Finecast models, as it will utterly obliterate them.)

Not sure about a Space Marine Puma. They have Land Speeders and Attack Bikes, why would they want ATVs? That's just a different style of model to do the exact same thing.

Squigs would be handy... but I'll believe them when I see them. I'm still trying to get over feeling like GW hates me for playing Orks. New models are nice, but even better, make an errata for the codex that gives me a bloody invulnerable save again, at least in combat... (Sorry, it's still a sore point for me.)

01-20-2015, 01:39 PM
all seems like a reasonable possibility

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-20-2015, 01:45 PM
Seems like they do want to make chaos marines different from SM by giving them more unique things, and that would seem like a continuation of that from the 6th ed release.

A striking scorpion/incubi duel kit would be interesting in that I believe it would be the first ever duel kit that makes a unit for 2 different factions. Stranger things have happened so I wouldn't right it off on that...

I think the vanilla SM actually have too many units now, and it kinda makes some feel redundant - but I guess it makes sense to give the most popular army the most variety.

Plastic Squigs...I'm not an ork fan but I'd like some plastic squigs.

01-20-2015, 01:57 PM
Scorpions? Really?

What happened to those new warlock models that were rumored a while back - coming with an Ulthwe supplement?


I love the current scorpion models.

01-20-2015, 02:22 PM
or maybe some updated Jetbikes like DE have...

01-20-2015, 04:11 PM
What about Grey Knights? Nothing fancy has been coming this way for quite some time now :(

Wasn't it rumored that there were one or two new things coming our way a while back?

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-20-2015, 05:10 PM
What about Grey Knights? Nothing fancy has been coming this way for quite some time now :(

Wasn't it rumored that there were one or two new things coming our way a while back?

Yeah, that codex with no models release was quite dissapointing and id never even collect them personally. Hopefully they get something akin to the recent tyranid release at some point. The rumours did say there were only 2 kits yes.

01-20-2015, 08:57 PM
(Note: It is not recommended that you chuck any kind of stone at Finecast models, as it will utterly obliterate them.)

Or may be we should chuck rocks at Fine crap.. and send the powder remains to Gee Dub, saying we have enough of it..

Not sure about a Space Marine Puma. They have Land Speeders and Attack Bikes, why would they want ATVs? That's just a different style of model to do the exact same thing.[/QUOTE]

As to the Puma.. People have been making trikes and Quads for Marines for years.. In small numbers as part of the "Dreaded" hobby.. There money there.. Of course they can sell us such a light Vehicle!! In fact, to sell more models, well be able to put this new Vehicle in a drop pod, Drop it on the table and drive out of the pod and threee in a Storm Raven! So they can sell us Two to three models..

I am being Sarcastic, and kind of kidding.. well mostly kidding..but it wouldn't surprise me if this wont be the case.

- - - Updated - - -

There a slim possibility that the Rumor Harley Quinn release could do the same and be new bikes for Eldar..

01-21-2015, 09:03 AM
If we could get a unit of Squigs that have a special rule that they count as .5 people for transports, then i'd toss them into one of those walking refrigerators and possibly try to model it with them spewing/bouncing/tumbling out. Also, if their in plastic, maybe a Warboss/Nob or two would be punting them at the enemy. I know I'd be scared if one of those things were flying at me like a grenade...

Arkhan Land
01-21-2015, 09:52 AM
Maybe this mythical Puma is just a new attack bike probably now with grav-gun option

01-22-2015, 11:27 AM
Not sure about a Space Marine Puma. They have Land Speeders and Attack Bikes, why would they want ATVs? That's just a different style of model to do the exact same thing.

That's never stopped them before. Why do Vypers and Hornets both exist? Why do Vanguard Veterans and Sanguinary Guard both exist? Why do Mutilators exist when Chaos Terminators do? And so on.

03-18-2015, 11:42 PM
via Birds in the Trees 3-19-2015

Eldar will receive new miniatures releases this year, but probably not a new codex.
Eldar will be part of one of the year's two 40K campaign sets.

Miniatures listed are:

1 Small Vehicle box (chatter says a Jetbike based unit)
2 5-model infantry boxes (2 more Aspects move to plastic)
2 Clampack models (chatter points to 2 updated plastic Phoenix Lords)

These rumors are rated: Probable, coming from trusted known sources.

The Eldar are in interesting case as they still have a tremendous amount of finecast models in the range, mostly dues to the specialized nature of the Aspect Temples/Phoenix Lords that do not lend themselves to generic multi-unit kits. Also note that none of the units listed are new, so unless some of those unit kits are combo-unit kits, this is essentially a "modernization release" to keep picking away at the GW finecast range.

03-18-2015, 11:52 PM
are any of the aspects actually in plastic?

wouldnt that be a large hole the rumour?

03-19-2015, 12:35 AM
Dire Avengers are plastic

03-19-2015, 12:44 AM
Dire Avengers are plastic


Problem solved then

03-19-2015, 01:18 AM
I'm ok with all of this.

Chain scythe + vulcan cannon makes my imagination happy. Maybe this time it'll be in the shape of a T-Rex, and my collection of dinobots will be complete. (That's not a complaint, btw, if they seriously did a T-Rex, I'd model a Maulerfiend like a Triceratops, bring a Heldrake too, and start making really bad Beast Wars references on the tabletop)

I wonder if the wheeled Space Marine thing will be some sort of Scout vehicle?

Tim Currey
03-19-2015, 03:25 AM
What about Grey Knights? Nothing fancy has been coming this way for quite some time now :(

Wasn't it rumored that there were one or two new things coming our way a while back?

I believe the rumour was just a reboxing of old kits. The strike squad got reboxed into a 10 man box and I believe there where storm raven and land raider "grey knight" boxs

03-19-2015, 03:46 AM
Depending on how good a look was taken at the elder unit with Halberds, it could be Banshees possibly with weapon options or Warlocks with a singing spear.

Scorpions and Banshees could make sense, both the Eldar CC Aspects and the rumoured Phoenix lords could then be Jain-Zar and Karandras.

03-19-2015, 06:56 AM
I wonder if the wheeled Space Marine thing will be some sort of Scout vehicle?

Hmmm that could work actually, a Scout Attack Bike to go with Scout Bike squads like the regular one goes with Marine Bike squads (or in a squad of 3 of them). Would add some punch and variety to a 10th company themed army.

03-19-2015, 07:26 AM
That all makes sense. GW have been able to do plastic characters cheaply so maybe they think they can do single aspect boxes in a cost effective way now? Eldar are always a popular army so it probably isn't much of a risk.

Drew da Destroya
03-19-2015, 10:12 AM
start making really bad Beast Wars references on the tabletop

There are no bad Beast Wars references, because Beast Wars was amazing. Although, really, you should model the Maulerfiend as Rhinox!