View Full Version : Anti GK list

Cheyne Anable
01-19-2015, 06:30 PM
I need help building a 1850 CSM list to counter this.

Lvl 3 Librarian

6 Man Paladin Squad:5 Halberds 1 Hammer, Apothecary
5 Man Purifier Squad: 4 Duel Swords, 1 Hammer, Razor Back DedcicatedTransport.
Vindicare Assassin

6 Man Terminator Squad: Incinerator, 5 Halberds, 1 Hammer

10 Man Interceptor Squad: 2 Incinerators, 6 Halberds, 2 Hammers

2 Dread Knights: Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon, Personal Teleporter


01-21-2015, 08:29 AM
I don't really approve of building a list to counter someone else army but some options you might want to consider:

-there's not much ranged firepower, and only the heavy psycannons can threaten armour at range
-plasma will work fairly well into all of the units bar the Vindicare and melta will cause instant death on the Paladins
-there is no anti air at all in the list and although a Helldrake won't threaten the two terminator squads it can wipe out the purifiers and interceptors, and worry the dreadknights with their vector strikes
-if you really do want to engage in close combat don't bother with anything in power armour. Only the hammers and the dreadknights are ap2 so terminators are a passable option otherwise cultists for weight of numbers, other than the purifiers the squads are making relatively low numbers of attacks.

Mad Cat
01-21-2015, 09:01 AM
Lets have a look at his list.

Psykers: He has 10 casting dice (could combat squad for 11) and a 50% chance of getting invisibility. He could eliminate a blessing or two if you take them and will be almost immune to witchfires or maledictions unless you spam a load of psykers with daemon allies.

Anti-tank: Grey knights suffer here and his list is not the best even so. He has no psycannon in the paladins or termies where he should have. The vindicare is a threat to your vehicles but one forgefiend can easily instant kill him in one turn. His hammers are a threat becoming S10 with hammer hand but that is in combat once you have disembarked and rapid fired a load of plasma against him. Once your mechanised squads are dismounted he is unlikely to go after empty rhinos over troops with plasmas so you could easily obj-secured grab objectives with them.

Anti-infantry: Plenty of incinerators, many of them fast with the torrent rule too. Luckily the 3+ armour save of CSMs or PMs can negate this. watch out for relying on cultists against these guys.

Anti-Air: He has none other than 12 Psycannon shots. Helldrakes!!

OK on to your list.

HQ: I would opt for a chaos lord with MoN, bike, PF, Brand, 4++ VOTLW and maybe blight grenades. He will free up Plague marines as troops and add speed and hitting power. The brand is excellent against the purifiers or interceptors. T6 should keep him safe from power weapons needing a 4 to wound and reserve your dispels for countering his force weapon activations. You could add a cheap psyker on a bike to try and get a power off or just not bother trying to overcome his dispels.

Elites: Cheap termies with lots of combiplasmas or combimeltas. I would go for plasmas as instant killing paladins is the only improvement over plasma for meltas as he has no tanks. Other than that take a PF or CF per unit and the rest keep them cheap with a mix of different power weapons. You could take a mark but I probably wouldn't to keep them chap.

Troops: 5 man PM squads with 2 plasmas and a combiplasma on the leader and maybe a combimelta on the rhino. They are so good at surviving and the blight grenades give you a chance in combat. Poisoned knives will even tweak a wound on a Dreaknight if you have to. VOTLW could be fun especially if you take a melta/PF squad who is more likely to charge into combat. Even on plasma squads the first turn reroll to hit coupled with the no bonus attack for charging from your blight grenades could tip the balance. Massed rapid fire plasmas on disembarking can shred a termie unit or take most of the wounds off a dreadknight. Cultists as objective sitters are ok in reserve ready to go to ground in cover near a home objective but those fast moving shunting incinerators will make short work of them. Still distractions can be worth it too.

Fast: 5 spawn with MoN for the lord to ride with. Keeping him alive and withstanding fire. Not great in combat but 5 of them with the lord on top of that with VOTLW to give him rerolls should kill a 5-6 man unit easily. Helldrake as he has little AA firepower and the 3+ save GKs will suffer from it. Just take the one as his 2+ save guys can ignore a lot of its effects but a drake allows plasmas and meltas to concentrate on the 2+ save enemies in the knowledge that the flyer will take care of the power armoured chaps.

Heavy: Forgefiend for dropping the vindicare then trying to instant kill paladins with failed armour saves. Oblits are great with MoN either deep striking with the close twin linked guns or plodding around in ruins with lascannon or plasma cannon.