View Full Version : 2 psyker rules i am intrested for clarity reasons

01-19-2015, 02:26 PM
Beam ability's got changed now they no longer lower strength value as they pass each model correct? (page 27)

Nova powers if for example I had a IC like Typhus for instance not part of his zombie horde but about 2" so he shows he's alone if the zombies get locked in combat provided typhus stays out of combat can he use nurgle's rot and still hit the enemy unit locked in combat with the zombies because the rule does state "regardless of line of sight, being locked in combat"?

If so I am starting to believe that people who I am against are denying me of these because the nova one I was denied it hitting a unit in combat because he believed no outside stuff can hit 2 units in combat or it would hit my own too and for beam he believed my doom bolt would not have the strength value to blow up his rhino because it went down a line of space marines and its strength value was reduced to 1 apparently.

01-19-2015, 05:19 PM
[Removed, power is a Nova not a Beam so the quote is really irrelevant]

Though I can see nothing in the rules that would cause it's strength to lower

01-20-2015, 03:56 AM
So Doombolt is stronger in 7th edition then :D

01-21-2015, 10:11 AM
"A Nova power automatically targets and hits all enemy units (including Flyers and Flying Monstrous Creatures) within the psychic power's maximum range, regardless of line of sight, being locked in combat,..."
Pg 27 of mini-rulebook, word for word (emphasis mine).

The dude you were playing was short-changing you, in both cases. There are several situations that units can be hit in combat, such as scattering blasts, this is just another.

01-22-2015, 06:28 AM
D'oh nova, not beam.